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Everything posted by Peterphuket

  1. That's nothing new, I call that kicking down an open door, after all it has been around for years that people start drinking Lao Kao already in the morning, or like at a wedding, where I was yesterday at 10 o'clock drinking Hong Tong, and that's really not from today or yesterday but for many years.
  2. Oh, and I forget to mention the wine. Surely it was announced that this would go down significantly in price, well we see, after months still the same high price. We are being screwed where we stand.
  3. Surely this is going on everywhere, not only in restaurants but also in chain shops, either quantities go down or prices go up. An example at the Makro, anchovis 3 years ago 450 bath for a 680-gram jar, a year ago for the same jar 750 bath, and now 900 bath, so that's a doubling in price....those Thai owners are rubbing their hands together nicely It's just one example but it's a trend.
  4. Nice presentation and in part I agree with you, it is too much for me to set out my objections in a foreign language, but there are plenty. I dare say that the majority of the EU population does not support the EU, for example education has become a disaster in the country I am originally from, and it used to be very good. The population is wrung out in collecting taxes. Healthcare is below par, many medicines are simply not available, despite having compulsory insurance. It is a disaster, partly because of this same EU. The micro level on the euro was an argument by the EU to push that filthy euro through, etc., etc., etc.
  5. The EEC, which was a good development for trade in Europe, but the EU is an unwieldy ungovernable and far too costly machine which will only bring more misery to the eu, just look at the euro als voorbeeld, completely failed.
  6. Again I agree with you, can you still imagine there are people who think differently, even with this item you see them emerging as trolls again.
  7. Just put down like that by the same fillies who consider themselves superior to the population. Not even elected yet, something like "if you are nice to me, I will make you head of the eu". A disgusting club.
  8. We have had these evil occurrences for years in the West, but it is now unfortunately starting to permeate Thailand as well. It is sad to observe but the world is changing rapidly in a negative sense.
  9. They all do the same thing, cyclists, moped riders, motorbikes, cars, all the same habit, barring exceptions.
  10. To be honest, I wonder why I still read posts like this, it's in and sad and you can name many causes but nothing has changed in the 25-plus years I have been staying here. As sad as it is, it has no news value, is it then a certain form of sensation that this is posted every time? Actually, meaningless.
  11. Yes, yes, that good old China that constantly ups the ante, see now again in the entire China Sea which they claim about 85% as being theirs. Starting to hate that china more and more.
  12. Have asked the question before but is it true if you buy a condominium worth more than 4 million thb, you have to pay 35% tax? If the answer is yes, then I cannot imagine anyone buying anything in LOS anymore.
  13. It remains the 'mai pen rai' way of thinking. You can't get that out.
  14. They can copy everything from the 'west' but the problem remains how to use it, you have to be clever for that too.
  15. You'll see, the same blond lady as yesterday as translater, it must be a russin.
  16. This incident reminds me of my brother who years ago found it necessary to write his daughter's name in his passport, of course he could throw it away, it was not accepted by customs. Own-handed changes are not allowed, on the other hand, I always have to think of a staple stapled into the passport by an official with, say, an arrival card, teoretically you would not be allowed to take that out either.
  17. If you're just thinking about that now, I've had those in my car for over 15 years.
  18. I agree with you but it is a set up for the whole population.
  19. Have mentioned this before but do you know how much water these data centres and possibly those small modular nuclear generators use.
  20. What most of the people here don't realise is that this is a set-up to CBDC, away with your privacy, everything verifiable. Poor people may kick off with this without being aware of it.
  21. Complete different, you can get vaccinated against malaria, but then you are not protected against dengue.
  22. It starts with this project to get the population used to it, but the ultimate goal is much worse, in my opinion, What worries me anyway is that CBDC, yesterday I read that within a year countries like Thailand, Brazil, Russia, China, Hong Kong, and the UAE will start a project called mBridge. 94% of the world's central banks are considering a CDBC says the BIS. Would such a request from Krungthai bank have anything to do with that, with their message "Krungthai Bank urges iPhone users to enable lockdown mode"
  23. What worries me anyway is that CBDC, yesterday I read that within a year countries like Thailand, Brazil, Russia, China, Hong Kong, and the UAE will start a project called mBridge. 94% of the world's central banks are considering a CDBC says the BIS. Would such a request from Krungthai bank have anything to do with that.
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