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Everything posted by Peterphuket

  1. In another message from today about the truck driver, how many points he will lose? 1 or 2 maybe because it was not his fault the brakes of his truck refuse to work?
  2. The problem is Thai Raak Thai, so I think they will choose him instead.
  3. Of course, it depends on the price, or you prefer electronic display for example. Then there must some electronics inside.
  4. Why? As electronics hobbyist I have only change one time replace the thermostat, I can draw it out for you, a motor, a heating element a blower a mechanical timer and a thermostat....that's all.
  5. No, they are clever that time not to accept the Euro.
  6. in Europe you can buy 1 gram gold buillons, maybe the future?
  7. I expect the new generation air fryers will have built in microwave.
  8. That's true, but the most important different is the air fryer is much smaller up to temperature in a few seconds, you will safe a lot of electricity. I have also a air fryer and very happy with it, no electronics, simple mechanical timer and the temperature is adjustable from zero to 200 c.
  9. Yes, for sure, I'm also willing to help this beautiful ladies, but unfortunately....not allowed. Damned!
  10. Good question, but do they know that about their own people? I mean, it looks like we all foreigners are criminals, and must be checked from door to door, seems a bit racist or am I wrong?
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