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Everything posted by Peterphuket

  1. Better next time buy a car with automatic gearbox. Then at least one problem has been solved. Brakes....that's another story.
  2. That would be a good idea, maybe they get competition and lower the taxes on wine for that reason. Yes, yes, I know your answer.
  3. Recently, this company take care of the extension of my retirement. www.legalserviceshuahin.com Highly recommendable. Located at the parking place of the Makro.
  4. Before the covid episode, he got a lot of funds from international organizations, and believe me, I know him personally he has a lot to do with the well-being of the animals. There is a fully equipped hospital, including with a vet. and an ambulance. It's definitely not him for the money.
  5. Only one woman? Anyway 200 lbs, let me guess, appr. 75kg?
  6. Sorry, I was talking about your (and mine) home country.
  7. Have you ever been there? I must admit all the years (more than 10) he always tries his best but now there is a big shortage of money. I see a truck with volunteers driving by here every day with food to feed those 25 elephants, among other things. It is a very large park with many animals.
  8. They are the last two Prime Ministers who brought the country to the philistines, don't tell me anything about that I'm old enough to know what happens there and one of the reasons to escape that country. I wouldn't even want to be found dead, over there.
  9. It is the basis and the beginning to allow even more islam, with all its own laws and rules, that are going to suffocate the free west more and more.
  10. Well, Edwin, I don't understand all this animals are moving to your park, after all you yourself complained about a lack of income because of covid. You have to feed 25 elephants already. By the way, I think I'll just put a big fence around my house with all those tigers there.
  11. And what do you think about your own country? Now with many food stores for the poor, there is a map it shows all of them.
  12. My experience is that despite using an agent you still have to show up along to the i.o. because they have to make a picture from you. Recently had to undergo this procedure.
  13. If they are going to overtake they know very well how to flashing, "GO Away, Go Away...I'm Coming, go, go, go" The Morons.
  14. Since the mobile phone came it has only gotten worse. Even that its use is prohibited while driving.
  15. That question is simple to answer, but i have to be polite. But the motorcyclist who are thinking they are TT-drivers with a lot of noise and speed, if they later drive a car, they keep the same habits. I live here on a main road, so many times daily I hear that people come by, and now they are thinking they are Verstappen. The sister of my gf, is also fatally injured by such a rider, here on the same road. If nothing is done about it, nothing will ever change. Unfortunately I have been saying that for many years that I live here. And yes, I'm also a cyclist.
  16. As far as I know, 5 and 10 liter pack are not available anymore. However I talk about Mont Clair, other brands I don't know.
  17. That's the Thai way they do business, in Hua-hin happens the same with the police, however sinds covid I do'nt have seen them yet.
  18. Get rid of the Thailand pas first, then leave the nightclubs and bars open until 4 am, last but not least make the price for wine again affordable. Maybe after that you can think about visa extension.
  19. Phuket is the most expansive place of LOS, for many years.
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