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Everything posted by Peterphuket

  1. As far as I remember Azarty, you'll find at Aliexpress like this https://www.aliexpress.com/item/4000088721685.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.0.0.83c9513902ik2Q&algo_pvid=6eb6692f-fc0e-4e2f-823f-68a005fe8a25&algo_exp_id=6eb6692f-fc0e-4e2f-823f-68a005fe8a25-28&pdp_ext_f={"sku_id"%3A"10000000237266345"}
  2. May I mention and also look to a dashcam with GPS, you always can find back where you have been.
  3. Yeh, for me also sinds a long time i have to visit HK and back to LOS
  4. I did a try for the first time but at the second page I got this: When I look back everything looks ok, I use Opera as browser.
  5. You live in LOS? It is quite normal for many Thai, before you attack me....not all.
  6. Then you will first have to change the mentality from the Thai driver. That's the problem, change the way of thinking: "Mai pen rai"
  7. Months ago there where already many infected people with Covid, at that factory. That time it surprised me they don't close the factory and I mention maybe it was Dole, an American company who don't care about his workers, And see now.....
  8. 2 people in the car died. When I look to the car the cabine don't look heavy smashed, no safety belts? I wonder....
  9. "From my experience" Did you die in the hospital?
  10. I believe there is a shortage in some products, for example Yakult is not available anymore. They told me the factory is closed because covid infections.
  11. Then you'll have to go to the Aldi, I'm sure they have a lot of beer.
  12. I own one before at the 4th floor at the backside.Was satisfied with this, big space, more then 54 sqm. And 100% ownership. If you like to know more, contact me.
  13. If you like, you can get one from me, I have 2 pieces as I say I don't get working it but when you have one from me, maybe you can get working it and can explain me.
  14. I guess, you'll have experience with this, rest assured, you are not the only one.
  15. Nobody can look into a crystal ball regarding the future but I mention more than once before: the first time I come to Thailand 1 baht Gold was 5000 thb, that was in August 1994, today 2021 August the price is 27,450 thb, see: http://goldtraders.or.th....do the math. But I remember somewhere in the 80' last century I bought also gold, can't wait long enough, the gold price go low, lower, lowest, and I lose money. But I'm convinced between now and over 10 years, you don't lose in investment in gold, do also realize the interest on money is zero, but the depreciation of money is even more.
  16. Recently I was happy to sold my 2 condo's and yes they transfer it to my account, but as soon as possible I withdraw the money until less than 1 million.
  17. Unfortunately, I don't stay in BKK but recently in March I was there on Yaowarat road and visit more than 10 banks to exchange my Euro's, they just don't. I can't imagine it's any different now, even Superrich have many branches closed.
  18. I agree with what you say, the problem is I have to much Euro's cash here but very difficult to exchange, I'm really worried about this.
  19. I took my money from the bank until below 1 million and bought gold, easy as that.
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