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Everything posted by Peterphuket

  1. Even that, mijnheer vandeventer, if I order 10 times something with an average transport costs of 45 thb, it is only 450 thb in total, in the Netherlands you'll get only 1 product at home, for 450 thb.
  2. I'm sorry to say but after more than 20 years living in LOS, I comparing this people with animals, it looks like they all living in there own world. And I'm convinced it won't change soon.
  3. It's easy, no competition., especially in LOS with so much other things. But boat owners can bear that loss, and the tourists? Are they still there?
  4. Yes that Thai Billionairs, will do everything in their power to keep those two German superpowers out. At the time when the Makro came here apparently they weren't that powerful yet, however this days they taken over that dutch company.
  5. No for your chickens, beef etc. you'll better go to the Makro. In my opinion still the cheapest about this.
  6. Maybe they can find some lost people from the French Foreign Legion, here.
  7. That's what I say for long time, they all do merit for themself hoping to come back better in a next life. But when you mention this to them, they get angry
  8. Yes, we know, but this are Thai, they learn nothing when they get driving lessons.
  9. Oh, you are thinking the UK Government are the only one? Please wake up, many countries do the same, they love their taxpayers but they hate their own people.
  10. I got this also twice, the Thai government is taking good care of its stuff again.
  11. And what do you think you can achieve with that? We already know the number....or not?
  12. They go very fast and already passing the grocery store, one shop more far was the butcher.
  13. In my opinion it is comparing apples to oranges. That's the different.
  14. That's very old news. Just to name something that was already known 20 years ago.
  15. I have some other strange with my phone, it happens now 4 or 5 times, the last 2 times today, I stay in Thailand, my telephone lays on the desk and 2 relatives from me from Europe call me with the question "did you call me?" The 2 times before it happens that time I stay in Europe, and the same happens, very strange. I have a Thai prepaid card from AIS, and after the first time it happens I changed the phone because the phone get some problems with the camera.
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