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Posts posted by DocN

  1. So...can someone please enlighten me, what TF they wanted at the US- Embassy?

    Media attention? With 35++ countries already having issued travel advisory (not warnings, as they are wrongly labeled over and over again), I guess they have enough attention already. My mom calls me, if I am okay in all the "riots" in Bangkok, so...how much more attention do you need?

    If the speech that Korn held, was not even remotely about the USA or their involvement in Thailand or anything of that kind...why did it have to be held in front of the US Embassy? Just to inform the Ambassador of the schedule for the coming days?

    I guess, this happens if you stir up protests, only footing on a name of a man you don't like.

    If you just throw around buzzwords like "democracy" or "corruption" willy nilly, with no further idea attached to them.

    Don't get me wrong: I am all for civil disobedience, protests and demonstrations- they are actually part of a democratic process.

    But if the same people, who are corrupt to core, who rape "democracy" on a daily basis, want to make me believe, that they are suddenly champions of freedom...it just doesn't work!

    Unfortunately, it is very fashionable to throw a tantrum, when the name "Thaksin" is mentioned and this is just what people like Korn, Abisith or (worst of all) Suthep feed upon.

    Again: why march to the US Embassy?

    Explanations, please!

    • Like 1
  2. Over 11 million people voted for the Dems in the last election. Are all of them the Siam Paragon timid, selfish, uncultured, consumerist and without any decent vision of the future of the country?

    It just goes to show how stupid and uninformed certain people are when they try to break things down as saying it's only the rich and middle class who are against Thaksin and the PTP.

    Bangkok bourgeoisie, described as timid, selfish, uncultured, consumerist and without any decent vision of the future of the country by Cornell University Professor Benedict Anderson.

    Uneducate people indeed.

    See them down paragon everyday.

    Some more voted for PTP- all stupid rice farmers and drunks from Isan, who were bought and sold?!

    Have you ever been to Issan?

    Its quite big, with large a demographic spread of populace,intelligence and economic status. Or is your experience of Thailand restricted to a bar stool in Bangkok/Pattaya/Phuket?

    There is a temptation to reply to your comment with something like all stupid farang and non working drunks from bangkok/pattaya/phuket who can't be bought and sold who didn't vote in their homelands should not comment on other countries electoral processes ...but I won't. I'm much more of a gentleman than that.

    Are you all blind or are you not understanding delliberately?

    TVGerry aske, if all the 11 Million DEM voters are....

    And I rebutted, that much more voted PTP and....There is a "!?" at the end of my "statement"!

    Sarcasm is not your biggest strenght, right?!

  3. Over 11 million people voted for the Dems in the last election. Are all of them the Siam Paragon timid, selfish, uncultured, consumerist and without any decent vision of the future of the country?

    It just goes to show how stupid and uninformed certain people are when they try to break things down as saying it's only the rich and middle class who are against Thaksin and the PTP.

    Bangkok bourgeoisie, described as timid, selfish, uncultured, consumerist and without any decent vision of the future of the country by Cornell University Professor Benedict Anderson.

    Uneducate people indeed.

    See them down paragon everyday.

    Some more voted for PTP- all stupid rice farmers and drunks from Isan, who were bought and sold?!

    Correct me if I'm wrong, I live in Thailand (not too bright you know). But I thought MPs were elected and they elected Yingluck? So, you are saying that a majority of Thailand's members of parliament are stupid drunk rice farmers?

    Oh man...I was answering to a generalization, by using a generalization.

    Get it now?

  4. Over 11 million people voted for the Dems in the last election. Are all of them the Siam Paragon timid, selfish, uncultured, consumerist and without any decent vision of the future of the country?

    It just goes to show how stupid and uninformed certain people are when they try to break things down as saying it's only the rich and middle class who are against Thaksin and the PTP.

    Bangkok bourgeoisie, described as timid, selfish, uncultured, consumerist and without any decent vision of the future of the country by Cornell University Professor Benedict Anderson.

    Uneducate people indeed.

    See them down paragon everyday.

    Some more voted for PTP- all stupid rice farmers and drunks from Isan, who were bought and sold?!

  5. Are you quoting from Benedict Anderson, Professor Emeritus of International Studies, Government & Asian Studies at Cornell University latest book "The Fate of Rural Hell: Asceticism and Desire in Buddhist Thailand (2012)" ?

    BTW I'm interested in how you manage to conclude on 'bourgeoisie' and 'uneducated' by just seeing people ? Or is it a matter of mutual recognision while shopping at Paragorn?

    Bangkok bourgeoisie, described as timid, selfish, uncultured, consumerist and without any decent vision of the future of the country by Cornell University Professor Benedict Anderson.

    Uneducate people indeed.

    See them down paragon everyday.

    Well the quote is from the article at the top.

    "Uneducate" was one of the yellow slogans in the past.

    Can't any of these people get some ferang to check their slogans on tee shirts banners etc?

    There are some really badly written ones out there now.

    Yiiiipieeh...I know how to use Google- translate! I am the educated elite.....

    • Like 1
  6. Voice of America. Thai Protesters Press on With Rallies Amid Fears of Violence

    Some protest leaders are doing more than criticizing the government. Protest leader and former opposition member of parliament, Suthep Thaugsuban has proposed replacing the current elected government with a non-elected council.

    The recent demonstrations have raised fears that Thailand's tumultuous politics have returned, as well as the possibility for more bloodshed.

    Chris Baker, an author and analyst on Thai politics, said the protests may be losing direction. But he said that could raise the chances for violence as extremists try to reinvigorate their movement with clashes.


    PS you might want to tell that German reporter there is nothing dangerous going on.

    Anti-government protesters target media, attack German reporter (Reporters without Borders)


    Thaiiliketoo...let me explain it very, very slowly for you: the threat that something may happen in ..a week or a month or a year...does not make any country issue a travel warning, because if that were the case, half the nations on earth would be warned about constantly.

    Let me give you some examples from the German Foreign Ministry- warnings are issued for Jemen, Somalia, Haiti, Iran, Afghanistan, Kongo, Palaestina and Japan (specifically for the Fukushima Area).

    The travel advisory for Thailand speaks of demonstrations in Bangkok and asks people to avoid the demonstrations. There also is a specific advisory for the far South.

    Again: a WARNING is legally binding for Tour Operators. They have to f.e. accept ANY cancellation by ANY client who doesn't want to travel to Thailand and give the money back! With an advisory, this is simply NOT the case!


    • Like 1
  7. It is a principle question: he is a journalist and apart from being opinionated he has done nothing wrong, as far as we know.

    So why is it even remotely okay, to single him out and act against him.

    It even doesn't matter if he had his face smashed to porridge or just a scratch on the chin: this is not right!


    I do not even dare to imagine, what an uproar we would be having here, if the shoe was on the other foot!

    I don't even care, if he was a journalist or just an Average Joe at the rally.

    As long as you don't do anything...

    • Like 1
  8. So if they rebook in 3 weeks time this is a gain? So this could be 300k over 6 weeks. Aha. So barely a crisis.

    There is a good forum to read about the current crisis called ThaiVisa. Check it out,

    Countries issuing Thailand travel warnings now rise to 28

    Anti-government rallies in Thailand gain momentum

    Anti-government protests spread to Thai provinces

    Protesters lay siege to more Thai ministries; some officials express support

    UN leader Ban Ki-moon concerned by Thailand protests

    The anti government protestors dumped the economy by closing the airport and now they are trying it again.

    Think of the governments that have elections and now think of the governments that don't have elections. Which side are you on? Ya I know Stalin and Mao did a wonderful job.

    You are really clueless and gullible.

    There are no travel warnings! (Don't go there! It is dangerous! Stay away!)

    These are travel advisory! (Be careful where you go, keep eyes and ears open!)

    The first (warning) has legal implications f.e. for Tour operators.

    The later is nothing but a hint!

    Untruth alert!!

    TAT board chairperson Miss Pensuda Prai-aram said that the latest warning by five countries raised total countries which have issued travel warnings to 28 from earlier 23.

    BANGKOK: -- The Tourism Authority of Thailand said that five more countries have issued warning to their citizens on travels to Thailand.

    Now I ask you, would Thai Visa knowingly post information that was false? So it must be you who is wrong. DN

    And I'll thank ya to keep your opinions about me being clueless and gullible to yourself. Sure that's not a proper way to address fellow posters on Thai Visa.

    Yes, they would because many people (even in the travel industry) do not know the difference between a warning and an advisory!

    Warnings will 100% not be issued at this stage! Why? Nothing dangerous is going on at the moment!

    And that is that!

    Untruth alert!

  9. Quite easy to sum up, Nick, if you are a red supporter, to venture into camp of the side and do anything other than blend in is being stupid.

    There's no evidence that he did anything to provoke protesters or Democrat MP into naming him from the stage. The only people who've claimed he was insulting protesters etc are those with clearly partisan interests. If there was an argument it seems to have stemmed from protest guards trying to prevent him taking pictures. Even if Nick was in the business of providing clearly partisan coverage to support a cause - which I don't believe he is - I still don't see why that should preclude him covering the protest. Would you support the red shirts if they decided coverage by one particular journalist (Thai or foreign, it's really irrelevant) was biased and decided to single him out from the stage in order to have him chased out? Don't want to answer for you, but I'm guessing you probably wouldn't be defending that.

    Anyway, here's another article on this, with an interview with Nick:

    “I know many of the leaders,” says Nostitz, “I know Abhisit too,” but as yet there has been no response to the incident, he adds. The only condemnation has come from FCCT, Thailand’s Voice TV, Pratachai. Thailand’s Journalist’s Association whose green arm band – that should protect journalists against violence – he was wearing at the time of the attack have also yet to condemn the attack Nostitz said.

    “They all know me,” he says, referring to various politicians, “I just don’t understand the silence. On a human level this is very disappointing. These smear campaigns are damaging. What’s done has been done, but something also needs to be done to rectify it, if only for the safety of me and my family…the protest leadership has to do something.”


    I cant believe the arrogance of this guy, he honestly believes the Abihist or any other Dem MP should take pause during a censure debate in parliament to smooth Nicks ruffled ego is ludicrous. Get over it Nick its not that big a deal and your not that important.

    "There's no evidence that he did anything to provoke protesters or Democrat MP into naming him from the stage."

    Well yes there is evidence that Nick drew attention to himself and inflamed the situation, Emptyset, and the evidence come from an eye witness, Nick himself...........

    "Mr. Nostitz said he was arguing with the protest guards when he was spotted by former Democrat MP Chumpon Junsai, who pointed his finger to Mr. Nostitz, accused him of being a "Redshirt reporter", and urged the crowd to evict him from the protest site."

    Obviously he was creating enough of a commotion to draw the attention of protests organisers and they had every right to eject an unruly observer and individuals have the right not to have their image used for profit by a partisan photographer.

    So he was argueing!

    Do you know about what, in particular, he was argueing with them?

    I don't know, but there are almost endless possibilities: he stepped on his foot and didn't apologize, they had a heated discussion about football, he heckled the speaker, he was pushing the guard, the guard was pushing him....

  10. Where do they find the time to converge and waste their time on all those frivolous

    meetings? isn't rice harvest time now? and yes, I know that every red shirt at least

    get 2,000 to come to Bkk, ( I got it on good authority) but still....


    Where do all the sudden democracy- lovers find the time?

    Aren't these normal working days?

    Seriously, you don't need to be a red- supporter, to find comments like these despicable!

    What's despicable about the comment? Is he lying about the $2,000 baht? Is it that he finds the demonstrations and rallies frivolous? Is he lying about it being rice harvest time? Maybe the implication that rice farmers are redshirts?

    ps. I find the whole thing a little bit like keystone cops now - it does get a bit comical at times

    What is despicable is the undertone.

    "Shouldn't the rice farmers stay home? Don't they have work?"

    What about all the office workers and student and everybody else, out on the streets of Bangkok?

    No work there? Just going on vacation with a whistle and a flag?

    Because they are rice- farmers, they have no right to voice their opinion at a demonstrations...no matter how "stupid" it is?

    Why am I doing this?

    You know exactly, why it is despicable: here- upright democracy lovers, who sacrifice their free time to exercise their right to voice an oppinion against a corrupt regime! over there: stupid Isan- folk, paid and lazy and brainwashed!

    Go figure!

    • Like 1
  11. So if they rebook in 3 weeks time this is a gain? So this could be 300k over 6 weeks. Aha. So barely a crisis.

    There is a good forum to read about the current crisis called ThaiVisa. Check it out,

    Countries issuing Thailand travel warnings now rise to 28

    Anti-government rallies in Thailand gain momentum

    Anti-government protests spread to Thai provinces

    Protesters lay siege to more Thai ministries; some officials express support

    UN leader Ban Ki-moon concerned by Thailand protests

    The anti government protestors dumped the economy by closing the airport and now they are trying it again.

    Think of the governments that have elections and now think of the governments that don't have elections. Which side are you on? Ya I know Stalin and Mao did a wonderful job.

    You are really clueless and gullible.

    There are no travel warnings! (Don't go there! It is dangerous! Stay away!)

    These are travel advisory! (Be careful where you go, keep eyes and ears open!)

    The first (warning) has legal implications f.e. for Tour operators.

    The later is nothing but a hint!

  12. Amazing,

    so many here love to cry out loudly with, the RED THUGS, building invaders, law breakers, beating any one with a different view,

    speakers signaling out (reporter) for a beating,

    So let the back peddling begin,,, OR do you now condone this behavior?

    Red protesters burned buildings down, executed some of the people they mobbed, launched grenades and used automatic weapons.

    The same is it?

    Did you just get off the plane or are you just clueless about recent history?

    No'p got off the plane a little while ago,

    I was in BKK during the 2010 riots and know enough history to see military using automatic weapon's, and tanks (but hey) how's your clueless history?

    do you remember they claimed that they used (blank) rounds, and well sorry mate but blanks don't have a projectile so errr guess they used LIVE rounds yeah!!!

    Who gave that order? answer me that if you can???

    There's a big difference between: shouting 'burn bangkok down' and peacefully occupying some bureaucrats' buildings. The Reds had armed MIB embedded with their ranks. The Yellows don't have anything remotely similar.

    It's not even apples and oranges. It's more like sharks and raindrops.

    You are well aware, though, that the burning did not happen until way, WAY into the "protests"...and that with this one we are at ...what...1,5 weeks now...?!

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