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Posts posted by DocN

  1. RIP

    2 more victims in the Hub of idiocy!

    I like this hub of idiocy.

    Not the reason I moved to Asia but one of the reasons I am still here is that it is not as heavily regulated as the west.

    ...and I guess, your intelligence does not allow you to imagine, that next time, the "freedom" of Thailand might put you , your family or your friends in mortal danger?

    Wow, man!

    Seriously: wow!

  2. I wonder , who is behind these "facebook- users", who join an anti- government campaign.

    If these are really students or the likes, who are calling for more democracy and transparency...good.

    But I guess, it might be something/someone else behind it...someone who will not make it any better than the recent government, someone who might make things worse.

    Regardless of the messenger, what do you think of the message?

    Does that answer your question?

    But in this case, I find it hard to separate the two!

    so, it registers a "good", then



    undisclosed university classroom

    I'd rather wait how this plays out.

    Some things in LOS are not what they seem to be in the end.

  3. It is nice to see that there are more and more people out there that are no longer willing to be spoonfed the daily Government crap.

    And it is very interesting to watch the reaction of this cartoon Government to that.

    A time of showing true faces, on both sides...

    The maipenrai era is near to it's end.

    Dream on!

    This mai pen rai- era will be replaced by another mai pen rai- era...and another...and another.

  4. I wonder , who is behind these "facebook- users", who join an anti- government campaign.

    If these are really students or the likes, who are calling for more democracy and transparency...good.

    But I guess, it might be something/someone else behind it...someone who will not make it any better than the recent government, someone who might make things worse. Some folks on here should be careful what they wish for.

    just my 2 satang

    Regardless of the messenger, what do you think of the message?

    Does that answer your question?

    But in this case, I find it hard to separate the two!

  5. I wonder , who is behind these "facebook- users", who join an anti- government campaign.

    If these are really students or the likes, who are calling for more democracy and transparency...good.

    But I guess, it might be something/someone else behind it...someone who will not make it any better than the recent government, someone who might make things worse. Some folks on here should be careful what they wish for.

    just my 2 satang

    • Like 1
  6. If Thai society sees women as lowly, then this suggests that Thai women ( who make up a large part of Thai society) view themselves as lowly, yes? Isn't that a contradiction unto itself?

    The only other view would be that Thai society sees women as lowly, and subsequently Thai women accept and condone this view in their silence?

    Either way then, the view that this article suggests now becomes nothing more than a moot point, does it not?

    In deed they do and often accept that role.

    My ex- GF was 27, so a bit on the "younger" side.

    I was almost NVER allowed to do laundry, washing the dishes or any kind of housework, because "you are a man"!

  7. 1952 and China

    'nuff said!

    And before you dig out more: we get the point!

    Only one problem: this is THAIvisa and we discuss things, happening in THAILAND most and foremost.

    You want to anyhow imply, that in Thailand everything (or even : most things) are handled to an international or rather western security standard?

    It's gonna be a hard day for you, when you wake up!

  8. It is a shame these girls do not know how to pour beer, without getting half a glass of froth.

    Beer should be slid gently down the inside of the glass!!

    Actually, they do know...because a real beer is always "crowned".

    I am german, I should know! thumbsup.gif

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