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Posts posted by DocN

  1. It is not a question of" IF one loves Thailand or Bangkok or Not!". Some of

    the contributors to this forum are obnoxious and vulgar. In a professional forum as this,

    it is not necessary to use vulgarity and obscenity . Anyway, it shows the

    upbringing and background of those contributors so one cannot do much about it.

    We all have choices. If we hate a certain place, we should not suffer. Find better

    options. Those who are in Thailand ", in spite of " all the sufferings

    and inconvenience, must have some reason to bear all that and still hang around

    in the Kingdom. Surely there are better places...

    Mind coming down from your holier- than-thou-ivory- tower?

    I said it before: I didn't come to Thailand and left my identity, my upbringing and my ability for critical thinking at the immigration.

    These "surveys" never give any details about how they gathered their numbers.

    Just to say "Bangkok is great for tourists" doesn't hold any water.

    Based on what is it great for tourists?

    I live here for 6 years now and I find Bangkok interesting...but a great place? No way!

    Reasons have been mentioned by other posters.

    I have seen other cities like Paris, Prague, Barcelona, Hamburg...and as long as you don't give me the actual facts, these polls base their results on, these are way ahead of Bangkok.

    "If you don't like it- go home" is childish beyond believe!

  2. Reading a lot of crap here!

    Milk is bad for humans?

    Yeah right, if you drink liters of it...daily!

    Same with Coke or other sweet drinks.

    They are not "dangerous" per se!

    I cringe though, when I see my girlfriends family, let the kids drink nothing else but "nam som" (no differentiation between orange juice and Fanta, of course!) and other sweetened stuff EXCLUSIVELY!

    That OF COURSE makes children obese, gives them bad teeth, sends them on the way to diabethis...

    Everything is "dangerous", if you overdo it.

    But a glass of Coke a day doesn't kill anybody...as does no glass of milk.

  3. and yet when places in Thailand DO breed them to try and give them a sustainable future, look after them when nobody else will and give sanctuary to those dangerous or retired elephants they get slated for keeping them in captivity. Make up your minds people!

    You know, that you can actually keep elephnats protected in the wild, don't you?!

    Of course, that takes a little more effort like...let's say...RE-forestation instead of DE-forestation and sh1t like that.

    You don't need to keep an animal confined in order to protect it!

    Wow NO Sh** doc N! In a perfect world thats a great idea! and yes I would love to see that who wouldnt?! But tell me what shall we doin the mean time? and with all the ones who cant now live in this enviroment? Shall we just eradicate them and start again?? Wouldnt it be great if we could magically pull forests out of our behinds?! Live in the real world mate! Man made his bed by destroying these habitats and domesticating these animals. Most Asian elephants have never seen a forest as they were bred for another purpose back then. This is the sad truth, so we make the best of what we have until we can sort our sorry selves out and if this means that an elephant can live somewhere as free as possible with all the food water and freedoms it can possible have then surely this is better than nothing. You have automatically condemed captivity witthout understanding it! I am not talking about keeping in a pen, cage or locked up in a small eniviroment on its own. This also doesnt have to be the way of a captive animal just because it lives amongst people. There are some fantastic places in thailand who look after the genuine interest of elephants welfare. Not for money or tourism, and yes there are also those who arent great and those I do NOT support! So please dont tell me how to suck eggs I am well aware of what goes on but my answer isnt just to say oh lets stop and 're forestation'. Great idea numnuts, where you going to get the money to do that?

    So returning to the topic point I fully support that the thai gov should help thier national symbol and then maybe we can get a step closer to returning the Asian elephant to its rightful status.

    First of all we shall calm down!

    Second of all we shall not always settle with second best.

    Third of all we should demand from Thailand, that it protects these animal. But that is an illusion, isn't it?

    We know that, because Thailand just gave the finger to the protection of sharks and stingrays, because in protaction thete is no money.

    Second we remember the ballyhoo about the alleged white elephant a few weeks ago. An elephant that HAD to be captured, that MUST NOT be allowed top cross into Myanmar, because of stuff that I can not even begin to criticize here, because...well...I am not allowed to.

    Maybe...just maybe...let the all get killed. And maybe...just maybe...people will notice what they have lost!

    Places in Thailand do not try to give them a sustainable future!

    It is a hoax!

    Look at the state of most national parks or Zoo's.

    Just look ate money that goes into protection of wildlife and environment.

    Thailand is all smoke and mirrors. They don;t give a hoot about elephants, tigers or any kind of wildlife if "giving a hoot" mean SPENDING money and not getting money!

    All of them!

    No exception!

  4. and yet when places in Thailand DO breed them to try and give them a sustainable future, look after them when nobody else will and give sanctuary to those dangerous or retired elephants they get slated for keeping them in captivity. Make up your minds people!

    You know, that you can actually keep elephnats protected in the wild, don't you?!

    Of course, that takes a little more effort like...let's say...RE-forestation instead of DE-forestation and sh1t like that.

    You don't need to keep an animal confined in order to protect it!

    • Like 2
  5. I have been traveling to Khao Lak many times and consider myself something of an expert.

    It is very difficult to predict the weather...even more in Khao Lak.

    Last 3 years I have been there in the middle of July:

    2012: 7 days...all crystal blue sky and sunshine, medium waves

    2011: 5 days...3 sunshine, 1 cloudy but okay and one raining cats and dogs for 24 hours

    2010: 10 days...6 sunshine, 2 cloudy and windy, 2 raining buckets

    Let me put it like this: if they are aware, that rain is a likely possibility and if they are prepared for that, the low prices and the quiet atmosphere make it a good choice. If they want a weather guarantee: don't go there!

    • Like 1
  6. Is this a storm in a teacup aimed at attracting a little publicity for a mediocre, reality tv show? 400,000 people, and 50 - 100 deaths in one year? Overall, that is a good average. How many would have died in Sweden from the same demographic? Maybe fewer, but not much I would suspect.

    Sweden has a yearly death rate of about 10,210 deaths per 100,000 people. So if 400,000 Swedes spent an entire year here then I guess we should expect 40,840 deaths. But to be fair, lest say they only spend an average of 10-days here then we should expect 1,119 Swedish deaths in Thailand each year (40,840 / 36.5 where 36.5 x 10= 365 days in a year ). But this too is not really fair....

    Lets knock off 80% from the 1,119 figure and pretend that 80% of deaths in Sweden are people who are ill and wouldn't travel while also pretending there are no Swedish retirees living and visiting in Thailand.

    So 20% of 1,119 is 224 deaths or more than double the number who died in the worst year in Thailand.

    I pretty much am assuming my math is off or I didn't properly understand the data because it is hard to believe that Swedes are more than twice as safe visiting a less developed country than at home ... then again, this wouldn't make for good TV in Sweden.



    Note that 36% of deaths in Sweden are actually due to Coronary & Heart Disease and stroke which often come without warning. No other causes go into double digit percentages. Suicides make up 1.8% of deaths and are the 14th leading cause of death in Sweden. About 5.4% of deaths are from accidents/injuries such as car, falls, violence, fire, drugs, alcohol ...

    Your math is a disaster and the logic even worse !!whistling.gif

    What logic?

  7. So if the tusks had been 20 cm shorter at the time of the attack, the victim would have survived??rolleyes.gif

    Again it has been proven, that those beautiful and intelligent animals, should not be kept in captivity for our entertainment !

    did you read the whole article ,, if you did ,you will find it has nothing to do with that they do that to " free the spirit of the victim "

    So comforting to know that the people in charge of these multi-ton animals with huge tusks believe in this mumbo-jumbo.

    Yet another person who cannot accept or at least try to respect and understand another's culture. Ignorance reigns supreme ! rolleyes.gif

    You are aware that a human died, aren't you?

    Talking about ignorance that reigns supreme!

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