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Brick Top

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Everything posted by Brick Top

  1. That is not at all possible in Phuket , there you the seller must provide a signed copy of there current visa , if they have left the country and the visa has expired then absolutely they will not transfer to the new owner. I have had this happen to me twice , once a few years, i bought a Fortuner from a British national who had a holiday home here but lived in Hong Kong. He sold me his car and i did in fact have all the correct signed papers , Department of transport two forms being the POA and the transfer form both signed , copy of the sellers passport and visa . The problem i had his 30 day visa on arrival had expired by the time i got around to transferring it into my name and there was no chance of them doing the transfer. I tried everything but came up against a brick wall , they insisted he must come back to Thailand with a current visa. Then last year i bought a house from people from Norway who had left the country 2 years previously , the house came with there Toyota Avensis , i sent all the forms to them in Norway and they sent everything back with signed passport , but because there last visa to Thailand had expired again the DOT would not do the transfer insisting the owner of the car return to Thailand with a current visa stamp .
  2. I have lived in Patong since 2001 but my Villa is very high up in mountain above Patong. It's a very quiet location , cant here nothing at night , but when these fireworks continually go off for 6 hours every night they echo right up through the mountain.
  3. Anybody else experancing noisy fireworks that start around 8 pm and continually go on every night until about 2.30 am . This has been going on now for about the past 2 to 3 months somewere in the middle of the south end of Patong beach. There is obviously someone selling fireworks down there to tourists , I live up high in the hills above Patong and the noise is driving me mad. This use to go on the same about 5 years ago before the government stopped it as it was illegal , now its happening all over again.
  4. You obviously have no idea about automotuve paint systems and how temperature and humidity can affect the shade. Hence why there are so many vehicles driving around with slightly differant colour doors , wings and other body panels from the rest of the car in Thailand. Maybe you haven't noticed but I see them every day.
  5. Well I have to say I totally agree with her demands , she should without question receive a brand new car. Being in the used car business for 50 years and being brought as the son of a large car repair garage , I was involved in repairing damaged cars as young as 9 years old. That car will never be the same and especially in Thailand its second hand value will plummet about 40% after being involved in an accident. All that damage will be recorded on the database of the manufacturers computers along with a full list of parts that were used to repair it. Anyone can check that database by going to the dealership and giving the VIN number. Its impossible to get the paint back to the original manufacturers standard and here in Thailand there is no doubt that the colour will not match 100%. So to a trained eye , it would be obvious it's been in an accident and repaired. No Thai will want to buy that car because that are paranoid about cars that have been involved in any kind of accident. That poor lady has done absolutely nothing to be put through this ordeal , her car will be off the road for months until this is all sorted out and she will still be having to make payments. She certainly deserves a brand new car in my opinion.
  6. This tragic accident occurred more than 10 years ago , a Thai passport lasts 5 years if I am correct. How is it possible this guy can fly around the world unless he has renewed his Thai passport. How is it therefore possible to renew a passport with outstanding warrants against you.
  7. Its actually the law here in Thailand which was passed about 3 years ago. If the rider has no license they can confiscate the bike especially if its rented. This law was passed to ensure motorcycle rentel shops dont rent bikes out to people who dont have a license
  8. https://thethaiger.com/news/phuket/Expert-demonstrates-power-rip-current-Phukets-deadliest-beach
  9. Absolutely correct , read my post of what happened to me in Fort Lauderdale Florida , I almost died when I got caught in a rip and had no idea what was happening. When I was rescued , I was educated about what to do if I should ever be caught in a rip tide again. As you mentioned I was told not to panic and try and get on my back and swim parallel to the beach until the tide brings me back in. I owe that guy my life who saved me from drowning that day in the year 2000 , I was in totally exhausted after trying to swim back in against the rip tide for 15 minutes which is impossible and just about to go under.
  10. I wasn't refairing to the red flags being out I was refairing to the dangers of rip tides , the sea does not have to be rough or indeed any red flags out when a rip can form. Rip tides can occur at anytime , when i nearly drowned in the USA they certainly wasn't any red flags out , also the sea looked normal. I had no idea before about rip tides and how they form in the sea. If people were educated about rip tides and how to swim out of them it would save a lot of lives that's what I was saying. Far to many people are dying in Phuket because of these rip tides , about 12 years ago an expert on rip tides came to Phuket from Australia to educate the life guards on them. I remember it well , and once on Karon beach it was on a calm day and he dispersed a lot of red dye in the sea to show how a rip was forming and what to do if caught in one . https://thethaiger.com/news/phuket/Expert-demonstrates-power-rip-current-Phukets-deadliest-beach
  11. Twenty two years ago I got caught in a rip tide in Florida , I was a very strong swimmer at the time but stood no chance as I was pulled right out to sea. I was on the verge of drowning through panic and exhaustion. Then suddenly from know where appeared a young American man who rescued me ( I often think it was an act of god) . The guy told me to get on my back and within a few minutes I was back in the beach coughing up water and absolutely terrified. The guy explained to me if it ever happened again to get on my back and swim parallel until I get out of the RIP and the surf will then bring me back in. This incident changed my life as I am now terrified of the sea. The amount of people who have drowned in Phuket by getting caught in rip tides is unacceptable . The government should educate tourists when they arrive of the dangers of rip tides and how they work and how to swim out of them by swimming parallel.
  12. In other words he caught Covid from a Pussy
  13. I believe the reason that Red plate vehicles should not be driven at night is because the Red plates are not reflective like the White ones.
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