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Brick Top

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Everything posted by Brick Top

  1. I had a similar experience with mine , was going to try and get it repaired then I decided to just buy a new one. When the new one arrived I just happened to try the old one using the new power lead and it worked perfectly again. So try a different power lead on it first , make sure though it's the correct ampage.
  2. Exactly , I have lived here 21 years and have ridden my motorbikes every day without any problems. I just ride very carefully and expect that other users on the roads are going to do the most stupid things imaginable and so prepare for it .
  3. To be honest it's a better idea than the UK government has , there they like to attract boatloads of illegal immigrants who haven't got a pot to <deleted> in
  4. Did he light any cigarettes with it, if so it was probably a lighter
  5. Thanks for supplying this information , this is really scary as I do exactly the same as you. I transfer 65k a month to my Bangkok Bank and click on the "long term stay in Thailand" so far all my transfers have shown since I started doing the 65k a month as International Transfers. Now after reading your story , I am very concerned it could happen to me. I still have the 800k in the bank for about 5 years but wanted to change over to the 65k a month , now I feel it's to risky.
  6. I must say your post as amused me and also made me feel a lot better as I thought it was only me who was treated in exactly the same way as you described.
  7. Try telling that to all the investors who lost money when Lehman Brothers collapsed
  8. Well personally I would prefair to listen to Warren Buffet's views on Crypto currencies than yours
  9. You have completely misunderstood how it all works. I will try and explain and I have lived here 21 years and am on now my 13 extension of stay based on retirement. There is no such thing as a retirement Visa, what you must first do is apply for a "Non O 90 day Visa" , this can be done as long as you have a minimum of 15 days left on your 30 day Visa on entry. Once you have your "Non O Visa" it will be for 90 days. Then you have to wait a minimum of 60 days , so then during the last 30 days of the validity of the "Non O Visa" you apply for an 12 month extension of stay to your "Non O Visa" based on retirement. It can only be extended during the last 30 days of its validity , this is were your getting it wrong and it's not a retirement Visa , it's an extension of stay based on retirement.
  10. An update to my earlier reply , I have now been Approved , received an email this evening . If its any help to others I applied on 7 December and it was Pending up until this evening 17 December , so it took 10 days .
  11. I am still in the Pending stage since 7 December , now 10 days , if I dont get any response by the 21 December I shall have to do it in person
  12. I use to get the message that I had overstayed on the previous 90 day report app , then when I then went to the local immigration the guy would say , " everybody keeps getting that overstay message , I dont know why they don't sort it out up in Bangkok" he told me not to worry about and best to report in person . Thing is before they upgraded or should I say degraded the 90 day online system in April this year , I had previously been successful on 22 previous occasions until the April change. Then it just kept telling me to report to immagration as I was on overstay which I have never overstayed.
  13. Did they inform you it was successful by email or did you have to manually keep checking yourself ?
  14. I eventually registered onto to the new 90 day report online system after trying for about a week. I submitted my report on 7 December , my report is due on 21 December. I got an immediate response that it was successful which confused me as I almost thought that it had been accepted. Then on close inspection I saw that it was in the Pending stage. I have been checking it daily but it is still showing as Pending and it's now been 7 days. Has anyone else managed to get further than the Pending stage ?
  15. I tried to register yesterday afternoon , the capacia just kept returning no matter how many times I inserted the correct letters and numbers. So I thought I would leave it and try and register later in a few hours. When I tried again later it appears thd system is broke already as shown in the photo. Anyone else had this problem ?.
  16. By the way I would like to add that my GBP was also transferred into a FCD account which I had at time and later changed into THB.
  17. It used to be almost impossible to send funds back to the UK without going to the bank here in Thailand and producing lots of paperwork , old FET certificates , contracts ect. Around 2 years ago Dmoney appeared here in Thailand and made it easy to send funds back to the UK using there mobile phone app. Although limited to around 650,000 thb per day. Very recently though the SCB , Kasikorn and Krungsri banks have now started allowing you to transfer funds to the UK via there mobile phone apps. As another person quoted on here forget about Wise they do not have the licenses to allow you to transfer funds out of Thailand but as you are probably aware you can use Wise to transfer funds into Thailand.
  18. Hello , yes its possible , last December I used an FET from 2012 to buy a Foreign freehold Condominium. First find the Condo you want to buy and when you have made the contract and have the correct address of the Condo , floor, unit number , Condo building name. Go to your bank with the FET and they should design a letter for you which is what the land office now requires. The land office wont just accept the FET anymore anyway even if it's a very recent one , they now require this letter from the bank that shows all the details of the original transfer and the condo unit number and address. They have introduced this requirement to stop people using the same FET multiple times.
  19. Today I checked at Honda in Phuket , the price as shown in the photo was 93,500 includes the registration fee ect . Not much good if you live in Pattaya but thought I would add it as a reference .
  20. Absolutely incorrect , in all my cases the companies were closed some time after the sales went through and the figures I quoted were not including any land office transfer fees as you incorrectly assumed. I actually looked back and one company owned 8 properties , all the 8 properties I sold to a Thai buyer who agreed to pay all the land office fees in the contract. About 14 months after the sale the company was closed and the total cost to close that perticular company amounted to just over 740,000 baht that was back in 2013. I find you seem hell bent on trying to prove people wrong looking at your comments on previous posts.
  21. I got my experience through living here 21 years and buying over 50 properties for refurbishing and selling . Several of the property's were condominiums held with existing Thai companies that my buyers did not require . Those Thai company's therefore had to be closed down properly not by me but by my accountant. The most expensive one cost 480,000 to close , others cost around 300,000 , it totally depends on how long the company has owned the property , the original cost of the property and the sale price. I trust this answers your question on were I got my experience from .
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