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Brick Top

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Everything posted by Brick Top

  1. I did exactly what your intending and as soon as I received the new Visa extension I stopped transferring the 65,000 every month. The following year I just showed them the required proof of the 800,000 in my bank and like you I had also had it in my bank for all the time I had been transferring the 65,000. There were no problems for me and this was at Phuket immigration. The thing is that now I am in January going to start the 65,000 transfers into Thailand , to enable me to get the Visa extension in February 2025. I really myself am almost certain that they won't tax us on the 65,000 income method and I am going to send the 800,000 back out to the UK in May 2024 . The reason for ne is I now prefer to have the 800,000 earning 4.5% interest in the UK
  2. Good answer , I agree
  3. The exact same thing happened to me in Phuket just after I used an ATM. I told her more or less the same as you did , I hung around a bit , then I saw her meet up with her foreign boyfriend , so definitely a scam to get free money in my case.
  4. Why all the fuss , last time I was back in the UK a copper lent me his helmet so I could take a selfie
  5. I put my tree and lights up last night and even put on a festive movie to get me in the mood
  6. Whatever there selling I hope it's in Stable Condition
  7. Sounds like an washing line underwear thief has now progressed into foot fetish pervert
  8. Just go with the land office appraisal value which will almost definitely be much lower than the sale price , normally at least 50% lower , otherwise your going to end up paying a lot more in transfer tax if your contributing to that in the contract such as 50/50.
  9. In Britain we use to have " pistols at dawn" Here it seems to be " handbags at midnight "
  10. I have thought hard about your idea. This is what I would do , tell her to go to a bank and get a bank loan or mortgage on her house. Then you pay the installments on the bank loan. This way she gets her lump sum money and you get the protection of if anything goes wrong you just stop paying the installments. Then all you have lost is the monthly payments you had made which would only be the simalar to renting a place . There is no point in you trying to buy the house because although you can register the house in your name you cant register the land its built on in your name. So even if you leased the land from her for a maximum of 30 years. Imagine the problems if you split up , your house sat on her land to messy.
  11. I was at a bar last night in Patong and I saw a driverless Tuk Tuk go past chased by 3 Thai men , apparently the driver had stopped for a piss and left the handbrake off
  12. When she arrived in Thailand 3 years later she was denied entry because her passport had expired 9 months earlier so she had to cycle back to China
  13. I have just done exactly the same bought a second hand car in Bangkok and registered it myself in Phuket. Please read my comment above
  14. That Information is incorrect. In August 2023 , I flew to Bangkok from Phuket and bought a 2022 Toyota Yaris from a private Thai man. He gave me a signed copy of his ID and signed a power of attorney and signed transfer of ownership form. Also the Blue registration book , the car was registered in Bangkok . I then immediately drove that car back to Phuket , then went to the local transport office and registered the car in my name. Three days later I collected the Blue book and a brand new set of Phuket registration plates and a new road tax label now showing the new Phuket registration number . I had to return the old Bangkok plates to the Phuket transport office that same day.
  15. You would then have only 6 years of NI contributions , you require 35 full years to receive the full UK state pension
  16. Same as the UK , freeloaders win hands down
  17. In the UK , I was self employed from 1982 to retiring here in 2004. I had paid over £400,000 in income tax. I am entitled to receive my UK pension when I am 66 next year, when I checked I was entitled to £76 a week. I was told I had missing weeks in my National Insurance records. So I back paid from my own money £13,800 , now i am still not entitled to full pension as some years prior to 2006 I only had 49, 50 and 51 weeks instead of 52. Those shortfalls cant be paid as can only go back to 2006. This means I will still only have 32 full years instead of the 35 full years to get the full state pension. Whilst those who have either never worked or been in the role must of there life will get the full state pension. Then on top of this UK pensions are frozen from the date you reach retirement age if you reside in Thailand. This is the UK Government for you , totol shambles
  18. Also , they have always requested this from me for my last 16 extensions. I am on the 65,000 per month way , they told me its because they want proof of how I access my pension funds.
  19. A copy of the ATM that you use to withdraw funds from your bank is and always has been required if your on the 65,000 per month income way. I have always been asked to provide this at Phuket immigration on my previous 16 extensions
  20. Try "swingers.co.th"
  21. Brilliant , I been laughing for 2 days , he must have had or maybe butt teeth
  22. The ideal way is to get someone to knock you up a sandwich board and then paint on it , " Wanted Bar To Rent" and walk around Patong . Be prepared to get mobbed within a few minutes
  23. I agree its normally at least 4 onto 1
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