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Posts posted by ivan96822

  1. I useta like The Bus Stop on soi nana as they have good food and a good pint of beer but since they have rearranged the place it ain't as nice as before...and now Bully's and places like that that are cool, dark and quiet are more appealing and you can see Bukowski in one of the back booths with a burger and a beer and scribbling his notes...just like some bar in LA in mid afternoon...

    a gathering of writers, poets and critics like at the snug at the Scotia Bar in Glasgow...and then the beerbelly and t-shirt brigade would say: 'they ain't even got no wimmin there?' and then the artists will smirk: 'ignorant beerbelly POS...get back to soi nana...we got more important things to discuss'...but they should allow us to smoke tobacco...

    Sounds like you need to visit The Tavern on suk soi 4 just by Jools.

    Bus Stop used to be good but I dont like the new place.

    Another place worth a visit for decent prices, cold pints and hassle free is The Big Mango.

    rgs, never actually been in either of these but will remedy that shortly.

    Great idea. You'll find yourself surrounded my falangs with tattoos on their arms, earrings in their ears, and ogling over god knows what on the soi. In the meantime, you can get comfortable with an older bar girl who will tell you wonderful things. she'll be sure to be winking at her friends and looking to bleed you dry.

    On that note...c'mon in! Ripe for pickens.

  2. Goodness gracious...some very bad suggestions here. I guess los have cleaned out some imtellectual abilities. In the meantime, I will be at terminal 21 , watching bad commercials, saluting his highness, not booking a sofa, and generally looking forward to grabbing a chang from 7.11 and picking up a bootlegged dvd from an indian dude whose bargain price ill have to barter down...

    ok ivan, too shy to say The Lion King? its ok mate, nothing to be ashamed about...

    The Lion King? Please.

    I forgot to mention another one of my favorites: BULLY directed by Larry Clark.

  3. Goodness gracious...some very bad suggestions here. I guess los have cleaned out some imtellectual abilities. In the meantime, I will be at terminal 21 , watching bad commercials, saluting his highness, not booking a sofa, and generally looking forward to grabbing a chang from 7.11 and picking up a bootlegged dvd from an indian dude whose bargain price ill have to barter down...

  4. We falang are complex....I ignore 95% of white males because I am more interested in talking to females. I have zero interest in what any man, ages 19 - 85, are doing. My motivation for socializing is women. Period.

    However, I did meet a few decent human beings recently. I met a Scot from Glasgow, an English teacher from London, and an American from Miami. That said, I spent about seven minutes with each and when I saw them again in the Sukhumvit area, I raised my eyebrow and continued on.

  5. If they are six feet tall, anorexic, and wear painfully skinny dresses and high heels....they seem to be trying too hard.

    Add to the fact, that when they call, "Hullo sir!" and their noses are as big as mine...

    You would have to be stupid to not tell the difference between a good, wholesome woman some one looking to rob you blind in more ways than one.

  6. If I wanted a taxi,

    If I wanted counterfeit goods, a massage,

    Or a good deal on a suit from an Indian taylor,

    Or drugs from a Nigerian dope peddler on Sukhumvit in the middle of the night and in the rain,

    Or a piece of reduced-price gum from the cashier at 7-11 as I am buying my Chang...

    I would ask for it...

    • Like 1
  7. Hello, all,

    I need some help from those in the know. I know that this topic has been expounded on in numerous forums, but I need some quick results from individuals who are willing to share a helping hand.

    I missed my flight from Bangkok to USA today, July 11. I have rescheduled a flight via China Airlines that leaves July 15. HOWEVER, my 30 day visa exemption stamp expires July 14.

    What are my options regarding this situation? Do I need to go to the immigration office to get a 7 day extension? Am I facing an arrest? Should I "take the hit on the nose" and pay for a one-day overstay? Do immigration authorities offer a 24 hour grace period?

    Please respond quickly. I thank you in advance for any and all responses.

  8. Yeah, I do recall that from Bulls Head, was quite small and same people night in, night out, which is cool. Ah forgot about Londoner, they do have women in there IIRC.

    I don't mind it being packed with women all the time although that's a bonus. I guess for the packed with women option you need to be heading to Thonglor these days.

    Not sure too many women like coming into lower Sukhumvit though with all it's joys

    What's the deal with places like that CheckIn? Seems like a pub or is it a thinly disguised hostesses type place as well?

    What are some of the better bars with women in Thonglor? Names, please, as well as street names?


  9. I am looking for information about the forum members' opinions on the best nightspots in Bangkok. I am wondering if anyone can provide a suggested itinerary of hot-spots to visit for a thirty-something farang?

    I have already hit many places, including RCA, Club Insomnia, Club Climax, Bamboo Bar, Khao San Road, and numerous local watering holes in the Sukhumvit area. I have had mixed results with these establishments. Can anyone help out and suggest more places to go? Where is the best place to be on a Sunday night, Monday night, Tuesday, etc.? Best spot to be for Friday and Saturday evenings?

    My interests are simple: drinks, women, and fun. Obviously, too, I would prefer to be around women who are not ladies of the night. They are out there, I know it.

    Thanks in advance. I appreciate any insight from experienced Bangkok expats/frequent travelers.

  10. Taxis seem most practical. Though they may be getting their swerve on in their own time, at least you don't need to go down for a silly DUI. While bribing cops sounds adventurous and cool, like another poster said, it may or may not happen.

    Be safe, gents, take the cab this weekend, and leave your car keys at home. Get piss drunk and don't get stopped by cops.

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