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Posts posted by ivan96822

  1. Quit being a bunch of wussies and grab yourself a big bottle of Chang at 7 a.m.

    Cant buy alcohol before 11am.

    Professionals always have beer in stock.

    Die hard drinkers always have their fridge stocked with beer and their cabinets stocked with the hard stuff. Who comes home to an empty house? Losers.

  2. Many people talk about getting hired from abroad at an international school in order to get the big bucks.

    What could one expect to earn if hired locally in Bangkok from an international school? I'm talking someone with teaching experience in the west, a teaching certificate from the west, and a Master's degree in Education or some other equivalent? When would be the best time of the year to come over to apply for teaching positions at REAL international schools in Bangkok?

    It varies from school to school, but local hires miss out on things like relocation allowance, flights home, and in some cases, the housing allowance. From my knowledge, most schools have a set salary scale (I've seen these for a good number of the better international schools in Bangkok), so local vs overseas hire salaries may not differ much, if at all. But the loss of the benefits adds up to quite a substantial amount.

    If you are looking to apply for a position, now is the time to do it. This is very much the recruiting season for a start in the new academic year.

    Can I ask though, if you are not currently in Thailand, why do you want to come here and then look for a job? Do it from where you are now, even if not in your home country, and you will then get the better overseas hire package.

    I live in Hawaii, so even if I were to to go a recruiting site, I would have to travel overseas, hence, pay airfare. I have seen that most recruitments take place in large cities in the U.S. (Los Angeles, San Diego, Seattle, Chicago) or in places such as Canada or Britain. Traveling there would cost money, obviously.

  3. Many people talk about getting hired from abroad at an international school in order to get the big bucks.

    What could one expect to earn if hired locally in Bangkok from an international school? I'm talking someone with teaching experience in the west, a teaching certificate from the west, and a Master's degree in Education or some other equivalent? When would be the best time of the year to come over to apply for teaching positions at REAL international schools in Bangkok?

  4. Quit being a bunch of wussies and grab yourself a big bottle of Chang at 7 a.m.

    Cant buy alcohol before 11am.

    Ummmmm...ever hear of Family Mart? They sell alcohol 24 hours a day.

    Ummmmmm notice the italics? If family mart are selling 24/7 they are breaking the law.

    God bless Family Mart for breaking the law. I will continue to make criminal alcohol transactions through their shady services.

  5. 30,000 Thai baht, as others have mentioned, is a huge amount, in my personal opinion.

    I was with a gal in the Sukhumvit area...She ordered a slice of watermelon and looked at me to pay the paltry 20 baht tab. I refused.

    We continued on our way after she paid herself...

  6. You will need to give us a little more information to get a reasonable answer. Do you have a Bachelor's Degree? If so, what field? What country are you coming from? How old are you? Do you have a TEFL or any teaching qualification? Do you have any teaching experience?

    It's also a good idea to know where you would like to locate in Thailand and if you are against being in certain areas.

    Now is not the best time to be looking for work, but at the end of February and all through March and April, schools will be looking for new teachers.

    If you come from one of the countries listed as native English speaking and you have a Bachelor's degree and are reasonably young and presentable, you will encounter few problems. As your qualifications lessen, you might be restricted to some of the more rural areas where they need teachers but don't pay as well and are less stringent in their recruitment.

    What ages would you say constitute "reasonably young"? Do late thirties, early forties, mid forties fall into this category?

  7. I confirm my status as a beer snob. I have found all of the locally produced beer in Thailand to be almost undrinkable. The best locally produced pigswill is Leo, which I would classify as just about drinkable if you've spent the last four days crawling across the Sahara dying of thirst. Personally, I search out English real ale where I can find it and Guinness if I can't. You can also get some tolerably good German wheat beer in Pattaya.

    A further problem and it's a problem with all beer in Thailand is that of bar owners economizing on electricity and serving the beer too warm.

    In Thailand there is too much passing trade. If they serve warm beer, crap beer or warm crap beer it doesn't matter a lot because every couple of weeks there will be a turnover in customers. I agree with the comment about tea. I would rather drink tea anytime than lousy warm local Thai beer. But then I'm also a tea snob so I have to stay at home to enjoy it or take my own tea bags!

    That's interesting to note, but when you go someplace, you are at their mercy. Is it stupid that they stop selling beer between two and five p.m.? Yes. Is there a way around it? Yes. Go to Family Mart.

    I accept the quality of beers served in LOS, and though I did not enjoy the warm beers initially, I learned to accept it as another facet of T.I.T.

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