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Posts posted by ivan96822

  1. There are tons of challenges when motivating students to learn a new language...Too many of them are apathetic and want to ensconce themselves in their own native tongue.

    Lastly, and most importantly, from many Thai people's point of view, which isn't wrong on the other hand: We foreigners are also in THAI territory, so why should the average Thai adjust to the foreigner's 'pesky language'??? Why should they bother learning another language if they have other socio-economic problems to deal with already... That's from the other side point of view...

    But government of this country and the greedy farang among us fail to realize that...

    IMO if us foreigners can level up at least to the basic to lightly advanced conversations in Thai language that would IMO be a better step, than "FORCING PEOPLE TO LEARN A LANGUAGE",....

    BUT discipline IMO comes first, before we can think about teaching anything in terms of language or academic skills....

    I hope I made a point,... thank u all, have a nice day...

    You are good at "The art of missing the point", ordinarily a common Thai trait.

    ASEAN means English is language of business, international trade, international workforce.

    No Thai is being asked to learn English to make a non Thai happy. The information highway aka internet is education/information/knowledge abundant but not in Thai, and not limited to English either.

    How would Thailand benefit as part of ASEAN if every farang became conversational in Thai? I am fairly proficient speaking and also read/write, but it does not help Thailand compete/participate in ASEAN.

    Interesting points by both writers here. While the first response to my original post is practical, the rebuttal post is reality.

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  2. Can anybody recommend a place to get clothes cleaned, dried, and folded, all for a reasonable price, in the Sukhumvit-Soi 4 area?

    Last year, I paid about 300 baht for a grumpy lady to take two days to get my clothes back to me. They smelled great and were folded, but that seems a bit too much for my preferences.

    Please let me know. Thanks.

  3. Lasik was one of the best decisions I made in my life. Sure, you suffer for a day or two, but continuing with stupid glasses and contact lenses that suck the life out of your retinas, it is really an easy decision.

  4. At the end of the last year I taught in Trang I left my teaching job and moved to Bangkok, the school knew this. They still asked me to come in and sign in for three days at the end of the summer holiday. I'd left Trang 6 weeks before. I asked them, trying hard to hide the sarcasm in my voice, if they really expected me to travel the 850+ km just to write my name. The answer was yes.

    Needless to say, the day before I rang in sick, said I couldn't make it, far too poorly to make train journey.

    Audacity with a capital A.

  5. No need for malaria meds. There are only a few places in Thailand where it is endemic and they are deep jungle and you'd have to spend the night out there to get it.

    Are you sure you aren't already vaccinated for hep A? as nowadays it is part of the routine schedule in most countries. If you're on the wrong side of 45-50 then you may have missed it but most younger folks will have had it. If you haven't had it then certainly should.

    Hep B is very strongly recommended. It is true that 100% consistent condom use will greatly reduce the risks of getting ti (and should be practiced for other reasons as well...HIV, multi-drug resistant STIs etc). Still, not 100% effective and if you are intimate with a carrier (of which there are many in Thailand, most of them unaware of the fact), you could get it. Many people do not realize it but hep B is far easier to catch than HIV. Young children even get it just from playing together (scraped knees and the like...unlike HIV, the Hep B virus can live for a while outsider the body).

    You should certainly start the series before coming here (as you have) and I would advise having the second shot also before you come if possible, but the 6th month one can be done here if that fits your timetable.

    I don't feel like dropping another $90 USD for shot Number 2 of Hep B. What is the cost in Thai baht at a Bangkok facility? Also, what is the procedure?

    I was baffled when I was actually in and out (with no appointment made) in twenty minutes here in the States...Would be nice to hear of similar expedience in the Kingdom.


  6. Okay, so here's some new developments.

    I go to get my Hep A and B shots today. Pay $90 USD for each one. Fine. Whatever.

    Then, they tell me that I need to take another Hep A shot in a month, another Hep B in a month, and a final Hep B in six months...Okay fine. I paid $180 USD, so I might as well get my money's worth.

    Then, they tell me, no, the three additional shots will be an additional $90 USD each. So, five shots totalling $450 USD.

    My response is this: I would in no way pay an additional $270 USD. That said, can anyone comment on whether this is a foolish decision or not? When getting Hep A and B shots, members, do you get all five shots and pay exorbitant amounts?

    Let me know. I'd be curious to hear your responses.

  7. Okay, I get the point that one needs to look out for one's health.

    Went to BKK last year and got medications for malaria and other health-related issues. Was browsing and some said that they recommend a Hepatitis A and a Hepatitis B shot/medication.

    Hep A, fine, contaminated food, water, I can understand that.

    Hep B, hmmm....not exactly looking forward to being diagnosed with some "extra-curricular," "horizontal-refreshment" blemish due to too much time spent with the wrong "girlfriends."

    That said, pray tell, gents, from an honest perspective, which meds would you be FOR/AGAINST/OR NEUTRAL?

    When I went to BKK last year, the meds for malaria, etc. cost approximately $130/US....I don't think I want to spend money on medication that I don't need.

    Anybody got the latest cost of Hep A and, ahem, Hep B (if required) in $US or Thai baht?

    Thanks for reading and looking forward to insightful--although snide, I am sure--commentary.

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