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Posts posted by SABloke

  1. Book the plane ticket with the same name as the passport. As far as I'm aware you won't be able to leave a foreign (not Canada) country with a green card so she would leave Thailand with her Thai passport and then enter the US with her green card. However, to be safe, I would have some documentation that confirms her name change i.e. a piece of paper that states her old surname has been changed to the new one.

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  2. Inclomplete study in my opinion. Due to the excessive taxes on beer and a hugh wholesale price many restaurants make very little money on alcohol in Thailand. In the UK 300% is a normal markup, but in Thailand it can be as low as 30%.

    Now I wonder what would happen if they compared wholesale prices of beer. I can buy beer cheaper in the UK at the supermarket than I can in Thailand.

  3. 10 hours ago, Cheops said:

    So if I'm driving 120 in the right lane and I get passed by a motorcycle or car on the left lane, I'm in the wrong? 


    Somehow I don't think so :passifier:

    Well, you'd be speeding (which is wrong) as the speed limit on highways is 90km/h and the very few "freeways" where one can drive 120km/h do not allow motorbikes on (so you'd be on a highway) 

  4. Just now, ezzra said:

    So why not erase any and all history of slaves owning nations on earth

    since the down of times why don't we? clean slate right? and if we

     go there, we should also erase other shameful events in history, and they

    were many of those too many to for this page....

    I agree, but these anti-history people would probably object to Ghandi, Dr. King and Nelson Mandela being erased etc. They'd want to preserve "good" history. (How very Prayuth-ish of them)

  5. 1. WP                                                                               - Copy signed by me.

    2. Salary statement                                                      - Signed/stamped by Company

    3. PND91 from previous year  + recipe                     - ?????? (Must go to Tax office and get official stamp on your copy)

    4. Tax paid company paid of my salary.                   - ?????? (This is the PND 1)

    5. PND01 Last 3 month                                               - Revenue department print/sign and stamp  
    6. Company registration paper                                  - ?????? Whoever has official signing privileges (Director/Chairperson)
    7. Company Shareholders list (Max 6 month old) - ?????? Whoever has official signing privileges (Director/Chairperson)


    You will also need all the family photos as well as a photo of you at work and standing in front of your place of work.


    I tried this way last month and after going back twice with more documents suddenly required, I decided that it was a waste of time for minimal benefit. So I left the Non-O extension counter, got a ticket for the work extension counter and was done in under an hour. Just do the normal extension based on work (rather than an extension based on Thai family with work income as proof) - it's a lot easier with fewer documents required. The staff IMO are also friendlier.

  6. At the seminar, titled “What are the other options if not the rice-pledging scheme?”


    Jeez, I don't know? What about: mechanization, less reliance on "middle men", better education, diversification of crops and the one that never pleases people: realizing that owning 2 rai of rice paddy does not make you a full time farmer and in your "down time" you should be doing some other job for income.

  7. The most telling sentence is this one:


    “The key thing is fast flood drainage. But can I have several canals dug to drain floodwater fast into the sea in the South? Well, I can’t because all projects face objections [from the public and NGOs],” he said."


    Normal leaders  use the term "we" when talking about what a government/country is doing. Pathetic little usurper. :saai:

  8. 37 minutes ago, Jim7777 said:

    I am actually a long stayer on a non-o and I report every 90 days and the required form is actually a TM-47.  One of the things I have to show them is my last TM-6 card and they want a copy of it.  Then again I've read that a lot of different immigration offices do ask for different things some of them aren't on the same page.  

    The fact that any Tom, Dick or Harry can do the 90 day report (TM47) on your behalf with zero documentation to PROVE your current place of residence (disclaimer: statement applicable to Chaeng Wattaana), shows how little applicable value it has. My point was that if long term people are completing processes that have close to zero value then the TM.6 is worth about as much as a promise from Big P. :saai:

  9. Just now, Jim7777 said:

    True but if you write whatever you damn well please on the form you better hope that you don't get caught.  Sometimes the police do check houses and apartments where foreigners are known to be living.  I see the cops on my street once in awhile checking.  

    The TM.6 only asks for your first place of residence (it could be the airport hotel) - since every hotel should be registering you into the immigration database anyway, wasting time processing the form seems useless to me. Long term residents have 90 days, TM28s, TM30s etc being processed and only the latter 2 might be checked and so then why should these people need to fill in the TM.6

  10. 13 hours ago, Saladin said:

    Compare this Chinese claim to the offshore territories that have been appropriated by the US, most of them thousands of miles from continental America.

    Puerto RicoGuamNorthern Mariana IslandsU.S. Virgin IslandsAmerican Samoa, and Hawaii ,and lays claim to

    Palmyra AtollBaker IslandHowland IslandJarvis IslandJohnston AtollKingman ReefMidway IslandsBajo Nuevo BankNavassa IslandSerranilla Bank and Wake Island.


    I think the difference is that China claims these Islands as the outer border of its sovereign territory and so all the water from mainland China to these "islands" should be under Chinese control - I've never seen the US claiming that the ocean between the North American continent and American Samoa belongs to the US. :coffee1:

  11. 13 hours ago, steven100 said:

    Well really,  is it so damn hard to fly a chopper their and hook the car on and retrieve it all in one move  ?    don't seem like rocket science to me.

    I'm not a helicopter expert, but I have an ounce of common sense. I would imagine if it was so easy, they would've done it by now. :saai:I've seen videos of helicopters in turbulent conditions and they are unstable at best/in a ball of fire at worst - I can imagine that as soon as the car lost contact with the river bed it would suddenly become a floating dead weight which would be pulled rapidly in one direction and the chopper would follow course and crash (or have to release the car and then all the Thai and ignorant more than Thai foreigners would be  in arms over the incompetence of the rescue team) :coffee1:

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  12. 14 hours ago, Bluespunk said:

    Sexual harassment has nothing to do with women drinking and everything to do with the predatory behaviour of those low lifes who harass women. 

    Absolute horseshit in this article, and what about this gem of a qoute: "...a 2012-2016 joint report finding that among 1,136 women subjected to domestic and sexual violence, about 29.3 per cent or 333 cases reportedly stemmed from alcohol consumption." 


    Might a take guess that the 29.3% of violent cases stemmed from alcohol consumption by the attackers rather than the victims? :post-4641-1156693976:

  13. Statistics don't mean much to people. When they her 27 000 deaths per year it seems low. When I point out to my family that means basically 1/2000 chance of being killed i.e. 1 kid at the local school will die every year  - their ears perk a little.


    With babies it's even worse: Studies show that even at a mere 30kp/h babies cannot be held and they fly out of the person's lap they're sitting on. They are very prone to injuring/breaking their necks. This means that even a "slow" inner city fender bender can be very dangerous. I've been trying to track down actual accident statistics, but even if we're generous and we say that there are only 3 non-fatal accidents for every death on Thai roads, that's still a 1/500 in being in a potentially life threatening accident for your baby (and those stats are enough to keep my daughter out of cars that don't have a car seat for even a short journey.


    On an aside, I was surprised (but not shocked) when my wife's friend (Thai living in the UK) came to visit her family for Songkran. Hubby didn't come with and so she just zipped around town with her children held in the back - in the UK she doesn't do this, because it's against the law, but I figure that she feels embarrassed in front of her family (stupid). On the flip side I have never used a car seat because it was the law - I use it because science proves that it improves my daughter's chances in the unlikely but possible event that we are in a crash. 

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