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Posts posted by SABloke

  1. 19 minutes ago, ubonjoe said:

    You are wrong there on the paperwork point. For him it might not mean less documents but for the company it is much more. Plus a minimum salary of 50k baht and etc. Have a look at this page on the immigration website that only show part of the paper work. https://www.immigration.go.th/content/service_1

    When I went to get my Non-O extension based on marriage using my work permit and salary the immigration officer asked for all the same documents from the company as is required by the Non-B extension and then I had to supply all the additional documents for myself. The company had to supply the exact same documents: this is not an official requirement but it is how they are doing it in Bangkok as of the last time I was there in  August.


    EDIT TO ADD: The requirement of the company documents was sprung on me at the last minute. I pointed out that it was not a requirement, but the Immigration Officer said she wanted it. I then told her that I would rather just get an extension based on working. She told me that I couldn't because I had a Non-O visa - I stood up, went to get a ticket for N counter and left an hour later with an extension based on work.


    The point is that what is official required and what is required in reality are two different things. :smile:

  2. 17 minutes ago, jumbo said:

    Really do I need to verify my thai income at my embassy?? That sounds pretty ridiculous??

    No, you don't.


    Bangkok Requirements:


    -3 month Por NGor DOr 1 for the last 3 months, Por NGor DOr 91 - from the last year if you have it. These must be stamped by the local tax office ( a copy from your company will not be accepted.)


    -Tabien Baan of the owner of the property you stay at.


    -Map to property


    -Photo of you and your wife at property


    -Photo of you at work


    -Letter of Employment from your company stating your salary.


    -Employment Contract.


    -Wok Permit


    -Company registration documents (Not an official requirement but part of the last point of the list they give you which says something along the line of "any additional documents that may be required) translation: the Officers will make up the regulations as they see fit.


    Of course you could just go to extend based on Working instead which is far less documents. Basically just your employment letter and the Work Permit. (You do lose the "benefit" of not having your extension tied to your work permit, but considering you are married, if you ever wanted to stop working you could just ge a multiple entry Non-O between jobs).


    EDIT TO ADD: You also need a copy of your rental contract (if you have one) - if you live at the same place as your wife's Tabien Baan you just need a letter from her stating that you live there.

  3. "...has said some areas of the country will have to be sacrificed to prevent other areas from flooding."


    Translation: There is not a chance in hell that we can have any flooding in Bangkok this week.


    "...without knowing when the waters would recede."


    I would guess that the waters will be allowed to recede starting from the 30th onward

  4. 2 hours ago, davehowden said:

    Along with at least another 31 dignitaries from foreign countries.


    Why is only the USA so newsworthy.



    Maybe the "US Secretary of Defense" is considered more important than say say the "Foreign Minister and Minister of Development Assignments" from Sri Lanka, or the vice president of Vietnam. To be honest, not many other influential world leaders, if any, are coming. Oh no, I see the ex president of Switzerland will attend :saai:

  5. 3 minutes ago, oxo1947 said:


    Your all Ganging up on me aren't  ya.........:omfg:




    Yes SABloke I have to admit, Nelson Mandela was an inspiration to black people everywhere, after being released from prison he didn't re-offend once.








    "Your all" what is my 'all', I'm confused...I don't remember owning an 'all'. Anyway, Mandela inspired many people, regardless of skin tone. He wasn't perfect, but if you were a betting man you wouldn't bet against the reality of the "perceived" importance of this cremation on an international stage.

  6. 1 hour ago, oxo1947 said:

    I take it you do not read to much foreign press Barry..... Yes its big overseas, someone from all royal families around the world will attend.

    Those government's who's subjects are lucky enough not to have to pay for royals families. Will send a high ranking member of state.

    President Donald Trump will send a delegation to attend the Royal Cremation Ceremony of His Majesty the late King Bhumibol Adulyadej on October 26, the White House said on Saturday.

    James Mattis 




    Of course the royal families will attend (it's a very exclusive club) and most countries will send delegations because a head of state has died, but when Nelson Mandela died (and we don't have 112 in SA) the heads of state (not representatives)  of many countries, including the president of the USA, showed up in person...just saying :wink: 


    Edited to add fact (My original post was based on a glance of the respective guest lists): 91 Heads of State or Leaders of Government attended Mandela's memorial service...18 will attend Rama IX's)

  7. 13 minutes ago, Bonefish said:

    That's a very good idea and a first step towards making them illegal!


    Drones are unnecessary toys and should not be available to the public, same as assault weapons . The bigger ones can carry payloads of 20 kg or more, and are potentially extremely dangerous delivery systems for explosives, chemical and biological weapons and other nasty stuff.


    Camera-equipped drones are also commonly used to snoop on other people's privacy and business dealings. They can go stationary and take photos and videos right through people's windows, even in condo and office buildings. And they can easily be used to take down aircraft, either on take-off or on landing approach.


    Why they were ever allowed to be made available to the public is totally incomprehensible to me.

    And cars can carry a payload of tonnes...better ban cars. Hell, I can carry about 40kg...better ban I's as well. :coffee1:

  8. 2 hours ago, sjaak327 said:

    Well, in defense of the Junta, as they now supposedly postponed elections until 2019, there should be ample time for parties to meet the new requirements. Of course the ban on politics serves another purpose, and will be dragged out as long as possible.


    Such is the reality of the term we cannot use...

    There should  be, but what about this part: "Must set up branches in regions fielding candidates and have at least 500+ members in those regions" What is a 'region'? Bangkok is one region, but there are 50 Khets in Bangkok and each Khet selects a representative in local elections, so does a party need 2,500 members in Bangkok? If you take all the sub-districts in all the provinces yuo're suddenly looking at 350+ Branches across the country with 500 members each. Maybe not that easy to set up? :unsure:

  9. 5 hours ago, eliotness said:

    I wonder who is the real power in Thailand.  The PM tells Trump, in front of the World's press 2018,  but the next day the DPM (& Minister of "Defence") says "No it might be 2019". Is  General (retd) O-Cha just a front man for a man who would, for various reasons, be unacceptable on the World's stage ???

    The answer is "yes". Welcome to conclusions drawn in 2014 :coffee1:

  10. Lab tests also confirmed that Pawitra had never undergone orthodontic procedures while the victim said the perpetrator had been wearing braces.


    However, the Court of Appeals upheld the lower court’s verdict yesterday on the grounds that the new facts submitted did not outweigh the evidence of wrongdoing.


    The strongest evidence for wrongdoing was the description from the victim. The fact that she was in another province, looks nothing like the original suspect, and has been proven scientifically to never had braces on her teeth (a very obvious feature) is not enough evidence??? <deleted> 

  11. 59 minutes ago, steven100 said:

    Great news  !   hope it is postponed again ....  all the nayers will have plenty of time to relocate.

    Khun Prayuth has done an excellent job in the US and speaking to the Trump administration.




    I've seen porn actresses do what you do, but usually they're gagging and their eyes are filled with tears, so I'm amazed that you're able to type at all. :shock1:

  12. I think he's getting overconfident and his delusions of grandeur are going to his head. He used to dangle the carrot not too close but not too far - now talking of 2019 (which might only be 15 months away but 'feels' like two years) could start to stir the pot a bit too much. When was the last time a Junta was in power for 5 years?



  13. 51 minutes ago, RichardColeman said:

    It's about the fact that a world leader is willing to overlook a military junta for money.  


    A world leader (leader of the largest economy on the planet) that gave up his salary because he is a billionaire, overlooked a military junta for $6,000,000...right :saai: They overlooked the Junta alright, but I doubt it was the 'coal deal' that they overlooked it for.

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