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Posts posted by SABloke

  1. Just now, trogers said:

    The act of driving on the wrong side of the road and speeding in the fast lane shows intent.


    Most seen driving on the wrong side of the road keep close to the road shoulder.

    The sad thing is, that as I read, "Most seen driving on the wrong side of the road keep close to the road shoulder.", I nodded my head in agreement thinking, "Damn straight - it's mad to think he was driving in the fast lane"  and then realized <deleted> - It's mad that it's so accepted and 'normal' here,  that driving the wrong way on the hard shoulder does not even catch my attention. :shock1:

  2. "Tours that are charged 800-1000 baht in Thailand are offered for 105 Yuan or as little as 550 baht."


    I read a few things into this:


    1st: If the Chinese tour operators are managing to make a profit on 550 Baht, then the Thai operators are taking the piss.:post-4641-1156693976:


    2nd: If my 1st observation is accurate, I would suggest that the Thai operators charge less than 550 Baht (econmic competition and all :coffee1:

  3. "Last week Wimon's wife claimed that her husband had had a big argument with relatives before he went out alone in the pick-up.


    She said that he would not have had time to have a drink. "


    She also said that he quit drinking years ago. At the time I found it odd that the wife added that he wouldn't have time to have a drink - odd to say about someone that doesn't drink (as she claimed).


    It's like me adding that I didn't have time for a cigarette before I got on the plane after stating that I don't smoke. (I don't)


  4. Just now, hdkane said:

    THAT's what you're taking away from this story? Seriously, you are missing the mark here...also, retard is a perfectly fine word...words become offensive when people mistakenly think that by banning their use, the issue is somehow mitigated...retard is a crude word, but i'd like to have it around, because it serves a purpose, even if that purpose is to insult someone...it's stupid to ban words, because the meaning of words can change daily...anyone can find any word offensive if they try enough...i worked at a place that found the word niggard offensive...

    People that find the word 'niggardly' offensive due to a phonetically similar word are probably offended by the word 'country' :whistling:

  5. I've just come across the valet parking service at the airport. It seems like a good deal: 350 for first day and 250 for each after. So you're basically only paying 100 Baht for the valet service direct from departures >_> Has anyone used this service before?

  6. “In passing each organic law in three readings, the NLA had 60 days, he said.

    I’ll be generous and forget that they started already, but pretend they start today…


    “But after endorsing the bill in the third reading,”

    Ok, so now we’re at 180 days i.e 7th March 2018


    “…the president had five days before forwarding it to the prime minister

    So all done by 12th March 2018. 1 month to prep. and then elections in April.

    I can’t understand where the lost time comes from…oh wait…found it:


    “And then the PM also has to have some time to process it before seeking royal endorsement..”


  7. Just now, hkt83100 said:

    Maybe go to the airport and meet the family there? That give them a chance to experience the introduction to Phuket traffic from the passenger seat...

    That's a good idea and I also thought about that, but unfortunately I am arriving with my family only a bit over and hour before them and won't be able to get to the hotel and then get back to the airport on time.

  8. Hi all,


    My sister is coming to see me in Phuket with her family. They will hire a car and drive to Karon themselves. Which of these routes would be the 
    "safest" for a weary, first time driver in Phuket. Google suggests the middle route, but my memory about that route (7 years ago) is that it was quite a scary pass. Would the southern option be "safer"?


    Thanks in advance. 

    Phuket Route.png

  9. 3 hours ago, adammike said:

    38% of the electorate voted to leave,a minority of the British people voted to leave so they won on the first past the post system, hardly the will of the people.hold a referendum today you will get one result tomorrow another.Its not over yet.

    And even smaller minority voted to remain. If that minority would have won, would it also not be the will of the people and would you still call for another referendum?

  10. 2 hours ago, docshock13 said:

    What the ??? There is a huge median. Its not like the  grey pickup jumped it. Looks like the driver clearly thought he was driving just fine. 

    What a shiftshow the roads are here. Could happen to anyone. Scary. 

    I generally find the "wrong-wayers" to drive on the curb side so it does seem he thought he was going the right direction (whether this was due to drugs or alcohol would have to be determined). 


    That being said, I once found myself going the wrong way against traffic: it is a well know fact that some lanes in Bangkok change direction depending on peak times and these lanes are often on the opposite side of the median. Now, these changes are indicated by signs at certain, but not all, locations where new traffic joins the road and it seems like the police assume that one will realize what's going on by observing other traffic - that's fine and dandy (is it?) unless there isn't other traffic in that lane and one joins the road after a sign indicating the change of direction. :unsure: So I turned left onto Ngamwongwan road from from Pak Kret's side at Khae Rai intersection. I was heading towards Kaset and it seemed that my lane (the middle lane I thought) was slow due to people joining from the expressway so I decided to go into the right lane (which was pretty clear in my rear view mirror) and just as I entered the right lane there was a pickup hurtling towards me. Shit! Had I change lanes a few seconds later I probably wouldn't be here today. Since I joined after the "official sign/inidcation" it would seem smart to put a sign after the Khae Rai intersection to warn people that might not be able to smell that the lane has suddenly changed direction. 



  11. It's funny how some things are a part of life and we just accept them, but then I read a post this morning about a 100 Bath toll price and I suddenly thought, "I see this all the time and ignore it but seriously, why why why is this word so difficult for people...why???"


    Anyway, here are the current exchange rates for the Thai Bath:


    US Dorral :       0.030

    British Podun: 0.023

    Uero:                 0.025 

    Malay Rinttig   0.13

  12. "Deputy police chief Pol General Srivara Rangsibrahmanakul said the investigation was 80-per-cent complete..."


    They sure love their arbitrary percentages - how the hell can an investigation be 80% complete? One needs to know an end point in order to make a calculation based on percentage. (Unless he's saying that they're going to stop investigating by Saturday, which would make sense then)

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