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Everything posted by SABloke

  1. Exactly. So it's possible that her bill isn't that much. All I've read is that a person had a crash - details like "left for dead" and a claim of another motorbike as well as an evil insurance company that doesn't want to pay have been added, but for all we know the poor girl lost control of a bike that she wasn't licenced to drive.
  2. The prices are the same regardless of language. What usually happens is that people are logged in on one device and then switch to another device where they are a "guest" or (more often the case) the preferences on one device have "include taxes" selected whereas the other device doesn't (which is what I expect happened to Chelseafan) However, I know some hotels do have discounted prices for residents (Thai citizens or foreigners with work permits)
  3. Why would they care? I think it's more a case of some restaurant owners trying to weed out the competition.
  4. "Paetongtarn" is a 3-syllable name; no more long and/or complicated than Jeremy, Samantha, Jonathan etc. ????
  5. True. Much like the English word "partner" could mean all those things. However, Thai media mostly reported the word สามี "sami" which would generally only be used for a married couple.
  6. So the 7 year old couldn't open a van door from the inside (plausible), but this 3 year old opened a pickup truck door from outside and go into the truck and then closed the door behind himself?? Must be a big lad with long arms.
  7. So they compete for $5,000. Ok. How much does it cost to send 9 SWAT members plus "admin staff" to the UAE for a few days?
  8. I generally find that the type of people who would find this type of headline "disgusting" or "racist" are the race obsessed people who hear the word Africa or African and immediately think "black people". It says more about them than the headline writers in my opinion. Africa is a huge continent with over a billion Africans living in it (light skinned ones, dark skinned ones and everything in-between). African isn't a race.
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