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Everything posted by SABloke

  1. We seem to have a bit of a subject-verb disagreement here ???? Pot/kettle and all that ????
  2. Call me old-school, but perhaps including photos demonstrating what to look for might have been a useful addition to this article ????
  3. Why would the clerk at an exchange counter care about the currency (unless she was a major shareholder of the company ????) Is it perhaps plausible that the "stack" of Yuan had a value of thousands of SIN Dollars and required more time to process (perhaps she foresaw running out soon) and that changing your $200 was a lot less hassle. Also, why did you bother sticking around to see what other customers were exchanging - you must love exchange booths ???? I have no doubt that you might have seen a grumpy faced Singaporean clerk dealing with a Chinese customer - I just think the reason behind the attitude of the clerk carries a lot of speculation on your part.
  4. Nah, it's not going anywhere. Too much money in it. They're just trying to get the conservative/older vote - as soon as they're in power they'll come up with excuses. It happens all the time: remember when Anutin promised his base that he would not join any coalition that supported Prayuth ????
  5. Can someone explain this to me please - I'm having a bit of a brain-fart moment trying to figure it out. ????
  6. If I bring my family over and show them around (13 people), am I techincally acting as a guide? So am I breaking the law? Maybe Thailand should reassess whether "Tour Guide" should be a protected job, as there seem to be too many grey areas surrounding the issue.
  7. Misogynistic? How? So if a Thai lady makes a comment about tatoos, it's misogynistic? I don't care if people have tattoos or not, but the author of the article clearly has some pent up issues ????
  8. Two teams are playing a football match: Team A has a professional coach, lots of support staff, and train five days a week. All the players know the rules of the game and try their best to win. Team B has no coach or support staff and some players don't t know the rules of the game. Furthermore, the team never trains. During the game, Team A totally dominates. Team B constantly gives away penalties (mostly for players picking up the ball with their hands), and one Team B player tries their best to score as many own goals as possible (This player actually knows the rules and that they're travelling in the wrong direction, but the feeling of seeing the ball strike the back of the net is enjoyable, and the closest goal is the one on their side of the field. They don't give care whether they win or lose.) At the end of the match the score is 57 - 1 (A few of the Team B players were actually good and against all odds managed to score a goal). Some of the supporters (from both teams) in the stadium make statements that Team B are not good at football. The don't judge their entire existence as humans, but based on what they observed in terms of football, they feel that Team B are bad. Suddenly, out of nowhere, a person in the stands claims that Team B are not bad at football and that saying so is racist! ????
  9. No, not really. I just read "hearsay" in what I've read. Most of the article is poorly written. For the sake of clarity, besides the author of the article (and nobody else directly involved... apparently), what convinces you that somebody else is responsible for this crash?
  10. And the report is according to who? A victim of a hit and run? An unlicenced person who had an unfortunate crash? The only witness mentioned is the person who found her. Strangely no mention of debris etc. I just find some of the information (not facts) in the article a bit vague. I could be wrong, of course. And just to be clear, you're basically stating that you believe every (in many cases unsubstantiated) word that the Daily Mail publishes. What a blissful life you must lead.
  11. Exactly. So it's possible that her bill isn't that much. All I've read is that a person had a crash - details like "left for dead" and a claim of another motorbike as well as an evil insurance company that doesn't want to pay have been added, but for all we know the poor girl lost control of a bike that she wasn't licenced to drive.
  12. The prices are the same regardless of language. What usually happens is that people are logged in on one device and then switch to another device where they are a "guest" or (more often the case) the preferences on one device have "include taxes" selected whereas the other device doesn't (which is what I expect happened to Chelseafan) However, I know some hotels do have discounted prices for residents (Thai citizens or foreigners with work permits)
  13. Why would they care? I think it's more a case of some restaurant owners trying to weed out the competition.
  14. "Paetongtarn" is a 3-syllable name; no more long and/or complicated than Jeremy, Samantha, Jonathan etc. ????
  15. True. Much like the English word "partner" could mean all those things. However, Thai media mostly reported the word สามี "sami" which would generally only be used for a married couple.
  16. So the 7 year old couldn't open a van door from the inside (plausible), but this 3 year old opened a pickup truck door from outside and go into the truck and then closed the door behind himself?? Must be a big lad with long arms.
  17. So they compete for $5,000. Ok. How much does it cost to send 9 SWAT members plus "admin staff" to the UAE for a few days?
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