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Posts posted by Baerboxer

  1. Something definetly wrong. I usually send by internet banking and they always say allow 5 working days for the receiving account to be credited. The average is 2 working days so far.

    2 weeks indicates a clear problem. Looks like incorrect account details or failing to complete the reason for transfer. If the former it usually takes 14 working days for the money to be returned to the sending bank unless you request a trace. You did this via phone banking so you don't know what was actually on the transfer the bank inputed. Talk to your UK bank.

  2. Been a long long time since I regularly frequented night clubs, either as an employee or for entertainment. However, what I do remember is that night clubs that want to survive cater to the needs of the market i.e. what the target clientel actually want. That varies considerably between different countries and regions within countries. I've seen many new night clubs open and close because they ignored that basic principle. A few manage to become the "in" place, some for a short time others more sustainable.

    Berlin has always enjoyed a unique nightlife, as does London or LA. Would they work in Bangkok - doubt it. Would Soi Cowboy work in London - probably raided by the police on opening day. Some things just don't transfer.

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  3. Is Phuklet in war ? sounds really serious ... Or is it to have a better control on what tourists are doing ?

    It's a great way to build a big budget up - cost of equipment, maintenance budgets, extra staffing budgets.

    Do you think the money will be wisely, transparently and judicially spent on establishing an excellent CCTV based law enforcement operation? One that will ensure tourists are protected and safe?

    Maybe a look at some of the more fundamental aspects of police work would be a good start.

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  4. After 21 years, or if/when paroles he will be returned to society. If he studies and obtains degrees in political sciences he might enter politcs. Stranger things have happened.

    I'm sure he'll be writing the obligatory book(s) at some point too.

    If you are going to committ this type of evil crime then chose your country carefully.

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  5. “I just ran,” he told bystanders. “They chased me and hit me and I kept running and they kept hitting me.”

    Unless they pulled a gun or knife on you, who the hell runs away a leaves their wife n kids in a dangerous situation ??

    Gutless beyond belief...

    That's a little harsh. It appears they were after the husband not the wife and kids and whilst they were chasing and beating him the family were actually out of harms way. Not every is Van Damme and can single handed take on 4 assailants.

    No, the family were beaten too according to the report, maybe you missed that bit ?

    He just ran without knowing what was happening !!

    I'm not suggesting he take on all the guys but I would at least expect him to make sure his family were ok..

    The report also says 6 Thai men were involved in the assault. It doesn't say the age of the children or the parents. It doesn't give all the details of how events escalated and the assualt started either.

    Go on then, if you were out with your wife and kids and 6 men attacked you what would you advise?

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  6. I thought I'd read a story about someone else doing this recently? Anyway it's beyond belief how much belief put into all this voodoo and fortune telling crap here.

    I know of someone who knocked back a successful business yesterday because a fortune teller told then that the spirit that controlled the land wasn't happy.


    Yep. One of my wife's Thai friends came over from the UK with her British husband. Whilst here she went and had their fortune's told, and got ours done at the same time (she knows are birthdays etc). She then told my wife all the negative aspects. My wife insisted we make merit, she's been several times to the temple with donations and arranged the "house ceremony" earlier than planned. All because of one visit by a friend!

    I noticed that some of the Thai wives in the UK had distinctive tattoos on their knecks - apparently all some kind of black magic to make a rich farang fall in love and marry them. Seriously, they all believed this must work because they all had married farangs.

    But, same sort of religious supperstition exists in plenty of other countries too.

  7. Road rage and violence in not unique to Thailand. You've as much if not more chance of being attacked in the US or UK due to road rage. I've seen much worse incidents in Europe than I ever have in Thailand.

    Barry should know better than to make gestures that could be misinterpreted. The other driver had not broken any laws and Barry is not the worlds arbitary authority on driving.

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  8. Disgraceful foreigners bringing the evil gambling habit to Thailand. Well done BiB. Fine'em, deport'em and blacklist'em.

    Now, let's get down to tackling the other evil farangs who bring drugs, boozing to extreme, whoring and scamming habits.

    Actually, why would professional poker players come to Thailand, set up a friendly although illegal game and bring in professional croupiers from Cambodia? All a bit odd. Why not all just go to a casino in Cambodia and have a good time?

  9. Well 340 baht is a massive amount of money when you consider the Bangkok taxi driver killed the farang with a Samurai for just 50 baht so to be fair its understandable the guy killed him for a whopping $12.00 rolleyes.gif

    Something is wrong at the roots of this country.

    A samurai is a Japanese warriors from days of yonder. The swords they used are generally known as katanas. The taxi driver who killed the falang over 50 Baht used a short machete.

    Have a very close look at the video that was posted of this tragic murder. It certainly isn't a katana and nor is it a short machete. The blade is thinner. I've seen a lot of Thai short swords (not at all like the tradtional Thai long sword) like this for sale at the local market and also mobile street vendors who sell all sorts of blades.

    The point is large knives and swords are easily available and affordable here. So many people have them and are prepared to use them. Most countires now impose very strict legislation on the size and type of knives than can be carried in public. Rightly or wrongly depends on your point of view.

    I've seen Thai ladies reach for a large kitchen knife when arguing with their husbands, and usually arguments that blew up over nothing. Most Thais I know would look for a handy weapon if they got into an argument or their temper went. Same as Chinese. I've seen a few fights between Chinese in HK and they always grab something to use as a weapon. Different mentalities.

  10. the Yingluck government is confident it can manage any possible political disturbances that might arise from its decision to push an amnesty bill through Parliament.

    The fact that it is morally wrong is neither here nor there bah.gif

    PTPs top agenda item from day one has been to whitewash Thaksin of his conviction and get rid of the more serious outstanding charges. They initially underestimated the strength of the opposition or the complexity of bending round exisiting legislation. Now, after 2 years of careful planning they have undermined the opposition to a point where they feel confident to go ahead. YL becomig DM, and the "neutral" comments coming out from senior military officials are finial pieces in their jigsaw. YLs ignoring of the Ombudsman's question on the illegal passport, pushing ahead with the water management project after paying lip service to the courts directives for EIAs etc, continuing with the rice scam, and getting their hands on 2.2 trillion that can be spent without parliaments approval are signs of confidence. They aren't worried about all the problems of a few weeks ago anymore for some reason.

    Interesting to see if a whitewashed fugitive can return and become (formally) head of a government without being elected in any capacity. Or maybe just continue to pull the strings and make all the decisions without any formal title.

    PTP will only feel threatend by the military. If they believe the military are neutral, or worse still, under there control, then Thailand's in for a very rough ride.

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  11. Why on earth do they need to import farang prostitutes? Do Russians actually travel from Russia to Thailand for a Russian prostitute, would it be easier and cheaper to just go to a brothel in Russia?

    It appears that the Russians don't know how to keep it discreet and should take a few tips from the Thais. The BIB didn't notice all the Thai prostitutes operating in Walking Street. Maybe this is just part of the operation to crack down on all Russian businesses that are taking jobs away from thais.

    you have to understand that many foreigners are not interested in "local" services ..... many prefers Caucasian women but enjoy Thailand as holiday destination..


    No - he has no idea other than expressing his opinion. Unless he's been busy carrying out surveys of course,

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  12. So much negativity. It's very commendable that a senior politician takes time out from his intense and important schedule to help clear up a misunderstanding like this. The fact that it appears to have little to do with him other than the young lady being a friend of his grandson or nephew shows a degree of selflessness one would expect from a long term public servant in politics and the police. These reckless Youtube postings can often cause all sorts of stories and confusion. Good job we have a senior politcian and experienced police officer to get to the truth, supported by the official negative drug test.

    Let's hope the young lady's career and life aren't blighted and this all gets quickly forgotten.


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  13. Wow - PM and DM of a country, head of a democratically elected government; and she still has time to travel, do the job of the FM and look after family business. Even willing to share her tacit knowledge to help the developing countries of Africa.

    Mulitasking or what? Got to be in line for some more UN awards and honorary doctorates.

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  14. The guy who unmasks looks Pakistani rather than Middle Eastern. The Arabic accent also doesn't sound like its from the Middle East and the English also has some pronounciation which sounds Pakistani.

    But, Pakistani's do join the Taliban, Al Qaeda, and other extremist terrorist factions. However, these guys look a little well dressed, well fed well groomed to be hardened AQ - more like middle class. (Look at their hands and clean clothes).

    Why has Thailand's National Security Council become involved? Surely, the threatening of a fugitive criminal whose on the run overseas is not a matter of national security. Why doe the General use the expression "overthrow Mr. Thaksin". Is this yet another admission of who owns and controls the government.

    Could this be another attempt to garner sympathy and show how brave the fugitive really is? Maybe an excuse to bring him home for protection. Or is it another story to divert attention from all the crap that's been hitting the fan.

    Or is it something concocted by anti-PTP factions? Why would they bother to do this? Sabotaging the peace talk process - PTP are hardly covering themselves with glory as it is?

    LOS is like one big soap opera. Will the truth ever out ?

    I don't think this is real AQ, Taliban or any terrorist group. Why wait so long, why talk about puppet government etc. But, who really made it - who knows, could even be the person(s) who leaked the tape a few weeks ago.

  15. Rightfully so. "IT" did not deserve to die. "IT" deserved to be punched so hard, her left silicone breast would end up on the right breast. No need to die over it.

    Overreaction at its worst.

    Do me a favor guys, if I ever start posting comments that make me sound like a heartless, homophobic, braindead redneck................................then shoot me !

    Where do you live?

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  16. I was walking down Sukmumvit between Nana and Asoke about 10 years ago. A guy was sitting at a bar with a girl on each side of him. He leaned out and put his hand up to stop me, asking if I was British. He then told a tale of how he and his wife had been drinking, and his wife had gone back to the hotel inadvertantly taking his wallet in her handbag. He'd had a few more drinks and "bought" his delightful companions one or two as well. He asked if I would pay the bar bill and he would meet me following day to reimburse me. The two ladies were giggling and touching him throughout.

    This was a middle aged very fat guy with a strong North East English accent. Apparently he was betting the girls he could scam money out of fellow Brits, get a free night on the piss and enjoy their services.

    Although against my natually kind nature I declined to help him out of his predicament - but used much fewer words to communicate this.

    The world is full of con artists like this who cash in on peoples' good will. They are simply parasites.

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