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Posts posted by Baerboxer

  1. Where do they get the idea that this is going to help the reputation of rice. Proof that it's not contaminated would be a much better plan.

    Interesting also that they are currently unsure as to whether they will pursue the law suit, and that this will depend on their legal team.

    There is, of course, no defamation in truth, so is there some concern that they might lose the law suit?!

    Unfortunately I don't think Thai law works quite like that. Truth is not treated as a defense against defamation as it would be in the UK for instance. Making comments that have a negative impact on a person, product, organization is a no no. Other legal systems defenses are irrelevant.

  2. If someone in Oil & Gas industry provides a poor service, or a supplier provides shoddy goods, would you suggest paying more would increase the quality and service?

    Eradicating poverty proves a very difficult challenge - look at the slow progress being made.

    Corruption is based on greed and power as well as exploiting the imporverished. Increasing salaries won't in itself prevent, reduce or discourage corruption. It requires massive social change from top to bottom. The top here will do all they can to prolong the status quo. Corruption enriches them and they are above and beyond the law. Why would they want change?

    Capitalism and communism both suffer from corruption and recent research indicated corruption is growing through out the world. Unfortunately in the consumerist self interested global environment not much value is being placed on honesty, ethics and selfless service.

    • Like 1
  3. Jay Silverheels, the actor who played Tonto on the old TV series, lived in Brooklyn, NY and had a big Indian face painted on the side of his garage. I used to pass by when visiting a old girlfriend. Return with us now to those days of yesteryear when the Lone Ranger rides again!

    It's sad/difficult to realize that there is an entire new generation who don't associate the Wm Tell Overture with a hero.

    An hero................. what like maybe Wm Tell?

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  4. Yep, that's an axe.

    May be an axe to a city boy in Australia, but in the rest of the world it is a hatchet. The photo in post #8 is an axe, the difference being that an axe is made to be used with two hands whereas a hatchet is made to be used with one hand.

    Sometimes also referred to as a tomahawk.

    No - this is a picture of a hatchet. A tomahawk is different. Both very effective weapons as well as useful tools.

  5. "On her Instagram page, Aom cited that she and other actors wanted to apologise. The event was part of the acting and she was very sorry she may have been over acting."

    Come on really... Over acting.... in the Thai TV industry.... Never seen that before!coffee1.gif

    Try watching TV programs from many different countries and you will see a big difference in the style of acting - Britain, US, Aussie, Germany, France, Sweden - all have their nuances. In Asia - China, Korea, Japan all different. India completely different.

    They reflect the culture, tastes and expectations of their audiences. One is not better or worse than the other, just different. Your judgement will be based on your world views and expectations of acting.

    • Like 2
  6. Why are Thai's ignorant for not knowing about Adolf Hilter?

    Their news corporation isn't completely Jewish owned.


    I'm sure there is some substance in what you say.


    Some substance? Really? To a tired old anti-semitic Jewish media control conspiracy theory? I don't think so, mate.

    Somehow it's not too surprising that a topic about Hitler Fried Chicken would stir up some people who would agree with Hitler's opinions about Jews.

    Anti-semitism: the "gift" that keeps on giving ... bah.gif

    Read all the post "mate" rather than choosing a few words and distorting them for your own purpose. I see you like to be politically correct - anyone who comments about Jews or Jewish issues must be anti-semitic or a Nazi supporter unless they are sychophantic in their unreserved praise. Lots of my Jewish friends see that as patronizing, and they are certainly not pc.

    You have no idea what my views are, and obviously haven't gleaned them from the posts.

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  7. Well, it's good to see Pol.Capt. Labour Minister Dr. Chalerm has focused on this important issue with vigour and fever. 7 days, that'll get their attention.

    He must have come back from HK in a very positive and motivated state. The Big Boss showing his fantastic people skills and motivation and ledership capabilities yet again.

    Guess things will get even better once this politically motivated criminal conviction, and all the other criminal charges (which could be politically motivated) are quashed and the supreme leader returns.

    Yes sir, we'll never hear of any more scandals, corruption, trafficking, problems in the South,criticism or oposition once he's back at the helm. RMS Thailand - unsinkable just like the RMS Titanic. Looks like fair weather and plain sailing ahead whistling.gifwhistling.gifwhistling.gifthumbsup.gif

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  8. This government is so ham fisted it beggars belief. They ask the people to report corruption yet as soon as an individual does so and tries to reveal the truth they are jumped on.

    To make it worse the instigator is Kittikat.... Thailand's very own 'Lying King'.

    They might ask and even provide a phone line - but they don't expect anyone to be brave enough to actually do it!

    How many members of PTP and its government have benefited directly, or relatives benefited, or business's they have an interest in have benefited? Is there any evidence of outflows of money to place like HK or Dubai?

    This lady is very brave in trying to do her job honestly and professionaly. Now she faces the wrath and hypocracy of PTP.

    Let's hope she is widely supported and protected.

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  9. Why are Thai's ignorant for not knowing about Adolf Hilter?

    Their news corporation isn't completely Jewish owned. As a westerner a lot of what you know about the world was learned from TV and a company called Associated Press. They have a complete monopoly on ALL international news. AP are owned by Reuters a news group that has been in the Rothschild family for 200yrs. Rothschild are the biggest donors Israel. Hence imbalance on that story. The amount of holocaust stuff rammed down our necks on a weekly basis by western media just goes to show you whos in charge of UK/US media. Stalin and Mao killed many many times more in the same period but the general population hardly hear about it.

    In the states the anti defamation league is a very powerful force of lawyers who I can guarantee will be reading this.

    So please don't complain/criticize Thai's for not wanting to get involved in our "his-story" becuase its questionable at best.

    I'm sure there is some substance in what you say. However, the Nazi's committed vile attrocities against the Jews, and also many others. They also plunged the world into a devastating war. The Allies fighting against the Nazis included many races, nationalities and religions. Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, and other similar types have committed vile crimes but mainly against their own people (including other nationalities who were part of their country at the time). They did not plunge the world into war.

    Jews are right to remember this sad episode in human historty, and help ensure its not repeated against any other group. They use information media such as newspapers, TV and Hollywood films because they are influential in these industires.

    Even with all this, it's clear that many countries like Thailand, aren't interested in learning from history.

    Next year is the 100th anniversary of the First World War. I'm sure there will be lots of media coverage about this terrible war with its slaughter and carnage. I wonder it there would be the same outcry and debates if someone opened "Kaiser Bill KFC" rather then "Hitler"?

    • Like 1
  10. Hahaha...yeah, right. You can't sue people in a nation with no basic concept of law, morals, intellectual property, etc. Like trying to fine a tiger or elephant for shitting in the jungle.

    And why does any of this surprise anyone? Thailand sided with the Nazis (and Japan, more to the point) in the Second World War...case closed.

    Ehhhh no, they didn't side with them. More of after a few hours of fighting the Thais realized they can't defeat the Japanese and allowed them to 'borrow their land' as a base into the british held Malaysia/Myanmar at the time. Thais gave up and said well yes of course haha here is a peaceful agreement for you to borrow our lands while we still maintain our military okay!?

    then secretly go and start a resistance movement against the japanese. A sneaky move against them that they allied with the US to do this.

    Japanese weren't a favorable group of people back in the 1940s. There are quite a few offensive terms used to call them and to this day the generations of WW2 still dislike Japanese people.

    That must be why the Japanese receive so much favourable treatment and are major investment partners, because their disliked so much??? thumbsup.gif

    As part of agreeing to "allow" the Japs free movement in Thailand, didn't the Japs hand over the 4 provinces in the South to Thailand from Malaysia which they'd just overrun? Of course Thailand would have been focred to accept this generous gift so as not to cause offence.

    Once the tide of war turned, Thailand was quick to identfy with the US and announce about its resistance activities. The US prevented the other Allies from investigating war crimes in Thailand and Japan to the level done in Germany. Ever wondered why?

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  11. You think that Thais think an issue like this makes them look backward and stupid. 90% don't have a clue what Hitler did.

    They are largely oblivious to what the outside world thinks, and their outrage that anyone dare to criticise shows this perfectly. Criticism is only reserved for Thais.

    A Hitler restaurant is greeted with "so what?"

    ...............and your point is?

    That Thailand doesn't care about the rest of the world, if it exists, but try mentioning jasmine rice, tuk tuks etc. elsewhere and they get upset

    Enough of this inane crud. Thailand doesn't care about the rest of the world? A country with 6-7% of its GDP depending on tourism and almost 70% dependent on international trade? Right!!! Anyone who gives credence to your spurious blather will also believe that plants don't need water.

    <deleted> - look at how Thais behave to foreigners, foreign culture and especially crticism by foreigners. Thailand cares about making money - period. If you believe any different then maybe you need to come out of your glass bowl.

    You are entitled to your opinion and to express it, even though most Thias won't give a <deleted>. But, why do you feel the need to insult those who have a different view? Usually the act of the uneducated, ill informed and/or insecure.

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  12. It's a national embarrassment, and KFC are giving it free publicity by doing this.

    Who said it was a national embarrassment? Anything about this in the domestic press?

    That in itself is a national embarrassment too. Word of this gets into the Western press and it will make the country look stupid and backward again. Hence, wait for it.........a national embarrassment.

    There's no excuse for this level of stupidity.

    Make the country look stupid and backward again - but it is! Most Thais I know have no idea who Hitler was, what he did or what his poitical party stood for. The don't particuarly want to know either. Most wouldn't know the difference between Hitler or Charlie Chaplin.

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  13. if he promises to do good things for the country might as well bring him back with a slap on the wrist. its been done for so many others who did worse, mentioning those individuals here wouldn't add value to the suggestion, suffice it to say he could improve government provided that oversight is transparent and independent and relentless.

    You would really believe a convicted criminal fugitive, who has additional outstanding charges against him, and currently runs "his" government, for "his" benefit despite saying he's not interested in politics would you? You would accept his promises would you? Good luck!

    (Google Neville Chamberlain - he had similar thoughts).

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  14. A new tactic - "let's all keep quiet, refuse to even mention it, and it will all blow over". Makes a change from the strong denials, or confuse them with contradictions approaches previously adopted. No need to worry about any laws, ethics and morals when you're democratically elected.

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  15. Unfortunately there are nutters everywhere,the whole world is more violent nowadays.I know of farangs who carry weapons too,and no doubt would use them in a so called protecting themselves mode.

    So many hotbeds of violence in uk too, take Glasgow for instance,supposed to have more nutters than anywhere in the uk

    Can you provide the link that you've researched on "nutters" in the UK?

    Ever been to Glasgow, or been recently? Have a look at places like London, Manchester, Warrington, Gloucester, and Belfast and see the amount of recorded violent crime and disorder the police have to deal with there. The UK is full of nutters - but they are dispersed all over the 4 countries.

    And, that is the same in Europe, the US and other parts of Asia. The point here that it can kick off and escalate in Thailand very quickly. And if you are Farang you have no rights, the police don't care and Thais tend to jump in.

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  16. dam_n !!!!! That was a sword attack, not a knife stabbing.....

    I know what I would do if attacked with a knife, but will have to

    think what to do about a sword.

    Run as fast as you can.

    Yep - whether it's a knife, dagger or sword. Run as fast as you can and hope they can't throw them! Seriously, anyone who takes on someone armed is going to get hurt.

  17. dam_n !!!!! That was a sword attack, not a knife stabbing.....

    I know what I would do if attacked with a knife, but will have to

    think what to do about a sword.

    Run as fast as you can.

    Yep - whether its a knife or sword run as fast as you can and hope they don't know how to throw them!

  18. "If you want to bash other countries that you don't like, star a new thread. While your at it do some research of facts. Look at Belgium's record in the Congo, how the US treated Native Americans, the Turks treatment of Armenians, Russia's record against Poles, Cossacks and even deliberate starving of its own people; France's record in North Africa and French Indo-China, etc etc"................ha ha ha ha ha

    Do as I say, not as I do !

    And joeaverage, I am beginning to think that some of your comments are very "average"

    And you think your post adds any value? Keep on dreaming.

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  19. Yes indeed this so called probe in nothing but an attack on the messenger.

    For a start she did not say there was corruption she said :

    She informed the Senate committee that the rice-pledging scheme is susceptible to corruption at several stages as up to 10 state agencies, mostly related to the agriculture and commerce ministries, are involved.

    Supa told the Senate committee that each phase of the rice-pledging scheme process is susceptible

    That's right she said it is "SUSCEPTBILE TO CORRUPTION".

    Which is true and a far cry from claiming corruption.

    The fact that the GOVT has come out so strongly against her can only be taken as an admission of guilt.

    If there was no corruption all an honest GOVT would have to say is :

    Yes it is susceptible, that is why we have put in place such stringent measures to prevent corruption.

    I seem to remember in the other article that she said that she had asked repeatedly for information from the Comm and Ag Deps and they had refused to give it which was why she could not compile an accurate accounting.

    Honest Govt - clap2.gifcheesy.gif

    For PTP this isn't a loss - it's in their pockets. They must damm Moody's for causing all this attention. Anyone like this brave lady are in danger of feeling PTP's wrath. Interesting that the international press don't pick up on all these corruption issues or offshore cabinet meetings with the real PM? Shows their perception of Thailand's importance.

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