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Posts posted by Baerboxer

  1. 1 hour ago, AgMech Cowboy said:

    The title of this article is wrong. It should be 'Opposition, Hopes Abound Pandemic Will Split Thailand's Ruling Coalition.'


    And it looks like more than a few of you do too.


    Indeed usual PTP speculative drivel. Hoping to stir something up from a largely apathetic electorate.


    Anti government protests would not mean protests in favor of a Shin Klepotcracy; or granting full immunity to Thaksin and Yingluck. That's just PTP dreaming of getting the trough control back again.


    Any future protests are more likely to be in favor of the fresh new political parties,

    • Like 1
  2. 13 hours ago, Mr Meeseeks said:

    If you Google his name it comes up with several results of people accusing him of various things.


    I did and didn't see that. 


    He appears to be a Liverpudlian Estate Agent - possibly Saint Declan! ???? ????


    Fair play to him for helping this old guy who was unwise to come at his age in the first place.


    But just how did the family contact him to help? 


    If you were concerned about your aged relative, would you contact an estate agent?


    Although to be fair, doubt the Embassy would be any help of give a monkey's. 

    • Like 2
  3. 20 hours ago, Fex Bluse said:

    My understanding is that generally you need to be employed in Thailand to secure a Thai bank credit card. Are you working? 


    19 hours ago, Pib said:

    Two types of credit cards you can get from Thai banks, unsecured and secured. 


    Unsecured is generally for those who are Thai citizens or farangs with work permits "and" sufficient earnings (i.e., from a job)---must meet both requirements.  This means the typical farang retired to Thailand will not qualify even if you receive a monthly govt pension of a gazillion baht.  Thai citizens or farangs legally  working in Thailand are considered to be safe enough credit risks....can not or much less likely just to leave Thailand with paying their credit card bill.


    Secured which any farang can get whether retired or working as you must place a locked deposit with the Thai bank issuing the credit card that acts as security/collateral for your credit card bills.  Typically, with a Bt100K locked deposit you will get you a Bt50K credit line.  There is no risk to the bank.  You can't get that Bt100K back until you pay off your credit card balance, the card is cancelled,  and then there is usually another 30-45 day waiting period to ensure no late arriving charges.   


    Not my experience.


    I am retired, have never worked in Thailand, never had a WP.


    I have a credit card via Krungsri bank which I have had since they acquired HSBC's retail business.


    I do not have any money locked away at all.


    I find the credit card side of their business extremely helpful. I can call them when I need to extend my credit limit and it's done instantaneously. I pay the full amount of my bill each month.


    Different banks and different bank branches apply their own rules. 

  4. 1 minute ago, Logosone said:

    Retired teacher Robin Lees, from Barnard Castle, said this weekend he saw Mr Cummings and his family walking by the River Tees near the town.

    He told the Mirror and Observer: “I was a bit gobsmacked to see him, because I know what he looks like.

    “It just beggars belief to think you could actually drive when the advice was stay home, save lives. It couldn’t have been clearer.”




    And several ladies accused Alex Salmond of sexual abuse. Cases that didn't stand up in court. Ladies suddenly appeared out of nowhere to accuse Justice Kavannagh in the US.


    Not being funny, but one person, saying the saw him is not proof. 

    • Like 1
  5. 5 hours ago, Thailand said:

    I tend to think the general consensus will be one rule for them, one rule for us.


    Won't do Boris any favours, other politicians in different countries who were caught out had the decency to resign. 




    Tend to agree. 


    But if Cummings has to go, then Stephen Kinnock MP and Tahir Ali MP must also. 


    There's little doubt that Sturgeon forced the former Scottish CMO to resign after initially supporting her and saying resignation wasn't required. Sturgeon feared a backlash. 


    Boris is standing by his mate, but that will be untenable if public opinion swells, especially if Cummings did go out and about whilst supposedly on lockdown.

  6. 5 hours ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    If I remember from the beginning, Cummings open said he wanted herd immunity.”


    Correct, an unelected psychopath orders the UK’s callous and failed herd immunity experiment.


    The left had an epic wobbly over this, so the govt then had to go through all this smoke and mirrors lockdown”


    Incorrect, it was epidemiologists at University College London who exposed the inevitable death count of the herd immunity experiment.


    You’ll have to get over the idea that the ‘opposition parties’ ‘oppose’ Government, it’s a principle of Britain’s Parliamentary democracy.





    Could you provide citation(s) to the clinical assessment that found Cummings to be a psychopath please.


    If not, then please withdraw your fake comments as it's against forum rules to deliberately post false information. 


    Thank you.

    • Like 2
    • Confused 1
  7. 1 hour ago, Phil McCaverty said:

    It was nothing of the sort. His son would have got more support had they stayed at their primary residence in London. According to Cummings, the family had zero direct contact with others during their 14 day isolation in Durham and that includes their son. A pathetic excuse. It was just nicer place to be isolated and afforded day trips to tourist attractions such as Barnard Castle.




    Do you have any proof he visited Barnard Castle whilst supposedly in lockdown?


    If so, it's a game changer and he must go.


    If not, the source should be unmasked for deliberate fake news.

    • Like 1
  8. 1 hour ago, 3NUMBAS said:

    neil kinnocks son did the very same and becuase he is a labour MP he didnt resign or get the boot .BBC = biased broadcasting company


    the opposition partys have been hammered and theyre sore losers without voters left to get any MPs


    So did another Labour MP - Tahir Ali. He attended a funeral with about 100. Told police he went as "an observer" 555!


    Just the usual socialist hypocrisy and lying. And Starmer remains quiet of course.

    • Like 1
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  9. 9 hours ago, Swiss1960 said:

    Huge difference between a cash injection as a loan (which Germany opposes) and a cash injection for ownership and control 


    You can polish a terd all you want, and call it any name you want, but it's still a terd.


    State aid - dressed up so they can pretend it's not state aid.


    Germany and France have always bent the EU rules to suit themselves.

  10. 1 hour ago, Walker88 said:

    Until 1997 and the handover, the Communist Party---a self-appointed, answerable-to-no-one govt---ruled HK for a total of ZERO seconds.


    Similarly, China under the CP has ruled Taiwan for a total of ZERO seconds.


    Perhaps Taiwan, with a democratically elected government, has a better argument why Taiwan should rule the rest of China, including Hong Kong and Macau. They have at least as much claim as the CP. Certainly the CP has no legitimate claim whatsoever on Taiwan.


    That's actually a very valid argument. One could say that if the PRC, Republic of Taiwan and HK were to be come one single country, with one elected government, the whole population should be allowed to vote on the constitution and style of government they want.


    Only the Communist Party would never ever agree as they aren't remotely interested in democracy, free speech or human rights.

    • Like 2
  11. 27 minutes ago, yellowboat said:

    It is up to the Thai people not one more farang.  They want to elect a three legged cat then so be it.  A shin would be a huge improvement at this time.  Shin's never messed with business or tourism.  The army has tinkered with both from day one.  My and other working expats are betting on Vietnam.   Its rapidly getting back to normal.  


    You are joking! Shins creamed off from everything they could. Left things alone - for a price. 



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  12. 2 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

    You mean the Shin's are still in complete control and run every day to day operation of Pheu Thai, I think if anything they are a name only that brings fear to certain people, that's like saying Obama and Bill Clinton still run the Democratic party.  Although I do agree that all politics needs to be cleaned up, I hate politics in general.  This issue of the current government being criticized for imposing tough economic measures that has caused high unemployment, and stagnated the economy is long over due.  There has not been one debate in the senate or house here regarding any of the austere measures that have been placed out there.  In another side note floating more money to the government pawn shop is just more killing off of the lesser than peoples.


    No, Pheu Thai are not remotely like the Democratic Party; or any other political party in the Western democracies. They are a wholly owned family controlled political vehicle for the extended Shiniwattra family, in-laws and close allies.


    So you think the criticism of the Thai government is long overdue? Do you also think the US, UK, and EU member states' governments have done such fantastic jobs? Would you prefer their figures and current situations?

    • Sad 1
  13. 5 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:

    I am not responsible for enforcing the rules - I am merely pointing out that (1) you were incorrect when you said Kinnock's behaviour wasn't covered by the media, and (2) that it makes sense that a man who has been instrumental in designing the UK response to COVID would be headline news when he repeatedly flouted the rules he helped design. 


    I said the media haven't been calling for Kinnock to resign, nor have they been hounding him. And he's an elected MP.


    AFAIK, Cummings went on one trip to County Durham. How many times was this repeated or what other trips did he make?

  14. Just now, RuamRudy said:

    I was just wondering why Evadgib was bringing him into the picture. 


    Patel's son?


    Or Abbot's. 


    If the latter, Abbot was embarrassed when asked to justify his private schooling when she speaks out against private education. Her son then got himself arrested, I believe also charged for assaulting officers and there was some issue that if Labour had won, his mum would've likely been Home Secretary and might have swept it all under the carpet. He pleaded guilty as was due to be sentenced early April. He has been charged in court before with serious offense. All very strange has he is a Cambridge graduate and was working as a diplomat. Interesting reading.

    • Like 1
  15. 1 minute ago, RuamRudy said:

    Ignored? He is a lowly opposition MP and yet he as all over the media few weeks back. Cummings is a far bigger scalp and is the architect of the government's catastrophic COVID failure. Kinnock isn't responsible for the UK having the worst COVID death rate in Europe. 


    Yes, and of course he's a socialist, and son of socialist grandees. And laws and rules don't apply to them, do they?


    So you think that Cummings is totally to blame for the UK's death rate? 


    Regardless of the UK government's performance, and that's something they will be accountable to the electorate for, it's not an excuse to apply hypocrisy, and dual standards, based on political opinion. Kinnock is an MP, son of senior politicians and clearly being groomed for higher things. There is no excuse for the media deliberately ignoring Kinnock's law breaking. 

    • Like 1
  16. 2 minutes ago, Mavideol said:

    the fact of the matter or the matter of fact is they knew they had broken the rules and took the initiative to resig


    The fact of the matter is Scotland's former chief medical office said she wouldn't resign, and only did so after having a subsequent discussion with Scotland's First Minister. So, no she certainly didn't take any initiative.


    The Professor may be more worried about the impending fall out from his adultery, for him and his married lover. Certainly doubt he's worried about morals and right from wrong.

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