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Posts posted by Baerboxer

  1. On 6/5/2020 at 8:21 PM, Sujo said:

    Some jealous posters on here. I wasnt aware you had to be poor to support black lives matter.


    Depends on what you mean by black lives matter.


    Support anti racism, all forms of racism, anti hate speech, anti racially motivated different applications of the law, for sure.


    Deplore police brutality for sure. Against all.


    Not rioting for political agendas that have nothing to do with protesting police brutality; rioting as an excuse for theft and vandalism.


    And most certainly against any racism by any group who believe they are self entitled and above the law because of their race.

    • Like 1
  2. 23 hours ago, khunken said:

    So we have here off topic posts about 'black racism' in South Africa (infinitesimal compared to Apartheid), absolutely stupid analogy about basketball and not one of the deflection-attempting racists willing to admit that the US does have a problem.


    I applaud Ohanian as he has recognised that Reddit's board is yet another white-man's exclusive club. With a nasty racist (among other -ists) as the current president it is incumbent on decent people to take a stand & now is as good a time as any.


    Yes, sure. Just like the country you support with your avatar. Bastion of equality and free speech!


    Positive discrimination is a man invented way to discriminate. 


    Just like class systems and bigotry.

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  3. 3 hours ago, bodga said:

    It  kills  more Blacks  than Whites  too even the virus  is racist now



    But Africa, which has more blacks than whites, hasn't been as affected as the US. Or Europe.


    More sophistry from the Guardian.


    Poor people haven't been wiped out in droves around the globe either.


    Much more meaningful and reliable research is needed, by professional, before real conclusions and learning points can be established. Not hack journalists twisting things to make political points.

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  4. 1 minute ago, tribalfusion001 said:

    That has been all over the media too and the cops are being charged, but his colleagues all resigned from the riot squad. No excuse pushing a 75 year old over and casuing head injuries.


    I agree. There was no reason to shove someone that age like that. What's worse the police just looked at him, none really bothered to help. But a couple of servicemen went over to him. 



    • Like 1
  5. 6 hours ago, bert bloggs said:

    If they matter so much ,why do far more of them constantly kill each other?


    That's because of the poverty, low education, and denying of opportunity imposed on them by the despicable white race. 


    Well according to some it is!


    And many in other countries are jumping on the bandwagon. 

    • Like 1
  6. 2 hours ago, ehs818 said:

    Wow, even though there are just a few posts here, they are already racist and blaming George Floyds past as the provocation of the cop killing him in front of everyone. Everyone has things in their past that they may not be proud of, but Floyd moved on and was not guilty of anything that deserved the death penalty. I'm saddened that racism exists here in Pattaya in the same way it is institutional in the US.


    From what I read, I'm not sure that the police had even questioned him or the shop keeper who reported a forged note properly before arresting Mr. Floyd. To then kneel on his neck for over 8 minutes, whilst he was defenseless and pleading was totally inexcusable. The killer, based on the video evidence, must surely be convicted and receive a long jail sentence.


    However, has another poster commented. The past relationship, if any, between killer and victim needs to come out. Maybe this is relevant, maybe not. But it shouldn't be ignored.


    The point is that whilst Mr. Floyd's murder is disgusting he was no angle and certainly not a good role model for African-Americans. A crime filled life when younger to fuel illegal drugs. Not exactly poster boy material. 


    If you want to understand why criminal race hate retaliation isn't appropriate, ever, read MLK Jnr, Mandela or Muhammad Ali on the subject.

    • Like 1
  7. 2 hours ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    So let me get this right.


    Federal prosecutors file charges against three members of a domestic rightwing extremist group, Barr responds by pointing at foreigners and Antifa.


    No. That's your usual sophistry shining through.


    Barr's comments are probably factual. Only he doesn't like others doing to the US what the US has done to others for decades.

    • Like 2
  8. 37 minutes ago, robblok said:

    If that is true then those calling him a career criminal are wrong. I mean someone who does not get arrested for 11 years is not really a career criminal. (sure people will come with examples of big maffia bosses that have no record but for normal people its hard to not have a record if your committing crime on a regular basis)


    That's true. 


    The victim and killer both worked as bouncers at the same nightclub. Not sure if they worked together, or knew one another, but that ought to be investigated.


    In the UK police officers cannot work as bouncers. 



  9. 6 hours ago, MaxYakov said:

    There apparently is an attempt to sacrifice some of these officers that didn't really deserve to be, AFAIC. Maybe there are "systemic" issues other than the racism claimed by what amounts to a lynch mob? I hope the all get fair trials.


    Sorry, but from this and other similar cases, the American justice system has become a circus, in which the Ringmaster's are politicians.



  10. On 6/3/2020 at 8:52 PM, keith101 said:

    With 6,484,151 confirmed cases and 383,109 deaths from covid-19 how can they possibly say its not high threat they are obviously only thinking about their economy and nothing else .


    They probably have the same knowledge as London Mayor Khan who assured London Transport workers they'd be perfectly safe!


    It's called political expedience! Bet the MEP's and bureaucrats will be extra specially protected though!

    • Like 1
  11. 7 hours ago, sirineou said:

    I get all this, and  I am sure a lot could had been done better. But you can expect to throw the cops in the mud and then get upset when they get dirty. The police needs to reform it's self but so does the community.

    It takes two to tango.  

    A 29 year old policemen, a good family man , was shot on the head and fighting for his life during the protests in Las Vegas. Where  is the outage over that? Where is his justice?  Did the media even report it? 



    I also read that a police captain had been shot and killed.


    Same lack of outrage - and he's black.


    Does suggest some other motivations.

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