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Posts posted by Baerboxer

  1. 2 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:

    On March 26, when Parliament was recessed, he traveled to his home, as did every other MP. Some MPs went even further - Alastair Carmichael (LD) to Shetland, Douglas Ross (Con) to Moray. There was nothing untoward in any of those or any of the 650 other MPs who travelled to their homes on the same day. 


    Kinnock? I consider what he did to be worthy of some form of sanction. I have no idea of Tahir Ali or what he did. 


    Brian Windsor - another one, except he was already suffering from COVID when he selfishly spread his germs across my country. He should be hauled over the coals for that - and back again. But, as we well know, the establishment has carte blanche to do as they please.  







    The political class now consider themselves to rule, not serve, those who elected them. They demonstrate this time and time again at all levels of government and within the civil service. 


    None will face sanctions. Few if any will apologies and show remorse. Many have and will just stick two fingers up to the public.


    Cummings may be a thoroughly unpleasant person, or nice. I don't know him. But he's certainly upset a wide section of the media, and a large number of politicians including in the Conservative Party. He his paying the price for that.


    The BBC have said one presenter on Newsnight broke BBC standards regarding Cummings in what was a blatant and highly politically motivated broadcast. But nothing will happen. They've admitted it, so matter closed. 


    Nicola Sturgeon must be held accountable of the Nike conference and her handling of that too. But probably will just say some weasely words to brush it aside. She must also be accountable for her handling of the pandemic in Scotland.


    Starmer must be held accountable as his MP's and shadow minister were to coin a phrase "taking the <deleted>" and he's said nothing about it.


    Johnson must be held accountable for the government's response once a full inquiry into it has been produced. Lessons must be learned.



  2. 3 hours ago, tebee said:

    There was a quote by someone in Tony Blair's time along the lines of "if the Guardian and the Daily Mail agree on a headline, you need at accept that as reality" - well recently that's been happening again !


    Cummings has become a liability.




    Yeah right, Probably Campbell or Brown.


    But in reality two liars saying something the same doesn't make it true automatically.

    • Like 1
  3. 16 minutes ago, 7by7 said:

     Personally I have used quotes from the Mail and the Telegraph so that people like you can't say I'm quoting PC, anti Tory, left wing rags.


    Now that you can't use that excuse to dismiss the reports, you have instead chosen to use the term 'poorly informed gutter rag' to describe the Mail.


    What is your opinion of the Telegraph?


    It's interesting how unpopular Cummings has made himself with all of the press and media. And with many members of the Conservative Party too.


    But that's not an excuse to victimize him or to treat him differently to others in the political arena who broke lockdown rules without any particular reason other than they wanted to.

    • Like 1
    • Confused 1
  4. 23 hours ago, Enoon said:

    "Wissanu told the envoy that there are several reasons for extending the state emergency by a month"


    But not the big one:


    It is the natural state for Thai governance as far as the regime is concerned.


    They seek every opportunity to apply and maintain it.




    So before Covid 19, when was last state of emergency in Thailand? And what were the dates?


    Don't let reality confuse you!



  5. 5 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

    Most functional governments need an opposition to serve as a watchdog. Though the army hates it, they serve a useful function, and it is a sheer pleasure to watch them call out an army who feels they are above the laws of the land. Go Sompong go! You are doing the people of the nation a great service, each and every time you call out Prayuth. If anything, he needs far more opposition. Eventually he and his hapless army will fall. It cannot happen too soon. 


    It's really quite funny in a bizarre way. PTP were trying to get a 2.2 trillion loan which they'd administer off the books, no checks and balances and no parliamentary scrutiny. When people questioned their intrepid leader Yingluck said "just trust us" 555! Dip your bread in boys!!


    Only it never came off, just like the proposed scam to get Thaksin back with all his crimes, past and present and granted immunity.


    Those who took full advantage of the situation have seemingly fixed their immunity and now getting a very large trough to control.


    How that jealousy must eat away at them!


    And you think this is in the people's interest 5555555555555555555!

    • Sad 2
  6. 3 hours ago, sawadee1947 said:

    The British got what they were voting for 

    A clown, a loser, a liar, not capable to manage a severe crisis, apparently not the brightest candle on the cake. 

    Good Luck Little Britain. ????


    Yes, because the French President, Russian President/PM, Chinese President for Life, the Italian PM, the Brazilian President have all done sooooooo much better.

  7. 9 hours ago, smedly said:

    I hope the voters see this for what it is and wipe them out at the polls 


    it is obvious he has been offered something he cannot refuse - like loads of money and a big chunk of the trough 


    shameless people would sell their sole to fill their pockets 


    That's how it works. Sell to the highest bidder. 


    Especially if your pi33ed off with your current lot. Let that be known and wait for the offer to come in.



  8. 11 hours ago, Chelseafan said:

    Under Contract 2.3, 80 per cent of the payment will be made in the US currency and the remaining 20 per cent will be made in baht. pocketed.


    Seriously though, did Thailand tender the contracts out or was China the only bidder?



    He who holds the purse strings makes the rules!


    Don't think China has the nice public procurement fairness rules the US, UK and EU do.

  9. 3 hours ago, Das Boot said:

    I am and have been since the beginning, a proponent of the lockdown to control the spread of this disease.  That said, I fail to see why continued full lockdown is any benefit?  People are hungry, many out of work & by their own announcement 31 (33 now) days without new infection in Chonburi province.  Yes the populace as behaving under the lockdown (for the most part) & I'm sure the govt are loving that aspect, but at an enormous cost to the economy, to individuals and to the country as a whole.  There soon won't be a country left to exert any power over.  The longer it goes, the more difficult it will be to bounce back from it.  Maybe its time to start a phased recovery?  Or would that be too complicated?


    Thailand never had a full 24 hour lockdown. It took sensible actions, including closing it's borders. Actions which have, by comparison with the vaunted Western governments, seem to be much more effective.


    Now it has and is pursuing a policy of cautious relaxation of the prohibited activities, whilst still maintaining sensible rules. This is a phased recovery!


    The whole world economy is knackered. Some countries, including the big boys, are gonna be much worse off than Thailand when it comes to bouncing back.


    Only many TVF posters are either unable to admit it or so far from reality they can't.

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