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Posts posted by Baerboxer

  1. 10 minutes ago, 5633572526 said:

    If the figures this government were giving out were accurate there would be no need for a curfew and everything should be open. The fact they they continue with this drunken orgy of control tells you they are not giving true numbers or are using this to keep political protests under wraps.

     I suspect that now that they are running out of excuses to continue this level of control there will be a mysterious rise in covid cases to justify the covid coup.


    What's your PhD in - Sophistry and illogical conclusions?

  2. 9 hours ago, bodga said:

    Claptrap, and this  govt  will use this  rubbish mercilessly to promote themsleves, social distancing is the last thing any Thais do, I shall await future  research as to why some countries have had  little impact with cv19 inc  surrounding countries. Whether  climate affects  the results or  not, outdoor  lifestyle etc.


    Claptrap - indeed your post is! Whilst it's true to say much much more research needs to be done to determine the different effects in different countries, the Thai people have and are behaving far better than citizens in other countries. The UK has and is still shambolic.


    I visited a shopping mall yesterday. First time since the easing. Very impressed at the precautions on entry, on entering individual shops within the mall and the general sensible behavior of the vast majority of the people in the mall.



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  3. On 5/26/2020 at 2:34 PM, Thaiwrath said:

    June 30th headline:


    Country under state of emergency until July 31st !


    Pathetic, power mad leaders.


    Yes, all this Covid nonsense, probably all a hoax.


    All the governments around the world battling huge infection and death numbers, all a big hoax.


    Thailand, handling it far better than most, at a government, business and population level, need to listen to the knowledgeable geniuses on TVF. 


    Have you emailed, Donald, Boris, Macron, etc etc etc to tell them they're power mad pathetic losers too?

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  4. On 5/26/2020 at 2:34 PM, Thaiwrath said:

    June 30th headline:


    Country under state of emergency until July 31st !


    Pathetic, power mad leaders.


    Yes, all this Covid nonsense, probably all a hoax.


    All the governments around the world battling huge infection and death numbers, all a big hoax.


    Thailand, handling it far better than most, at a government, business and population level, need to listen to the knowledgeable geniuses on TVF. 


    Have you emailed, Donald, Boris, Macron, etc etc etc to tell them they're power mad pathetic losers too?

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  5. On 5/17/2020 at 7:43 PM, BritManToo said:

    I'd say go home to your girlfriend.

    This isn't your child, and isn't really your business. He's an adult with his own partner and own home.

    As an old guy you get to pick and choose the problems you deal with in your twilight years.


    It would be nice to think your post was written as some odd humor or when under the influence.


    Sadly, I think it rather does reflect your view on life.

  6. 15 minutes ago, stevenl said:

    Those 4 labour MP's were not involved in drawing up these rules, admitted violating the rules, did not try to obfuscate the issue, can be removed by their constituents if they so want, are not the topic of this thread.

    As you can see many differences.


    Those 4 Labour MP's, one a shadow Minister, broke the rules because it suited them too. How many other laws and rules do they consider themselves to be above? The admitted it - of course no apology or remorse because they believe themselves above all the plebs.


    As elected public servants they must have a higher transparent code of behavior and adherence to the rules.


    They should be judged by the electorate. Not in 5 years, but as soon as possible. Decency demands they resign. But as we see time and time again, decency and the Labour party in the same sentence is an oxymoron.

  7. 3 minutes ago, tribalfusion001 said:



    Junior minister Douglas Ross resigns saying Dominic Cummings' view on lockdown guidance 'not shared by majority'


    And it rumbles on...



    It's becoming clear that a great many in the Conservative Party, Conservative MP's and government, don't like Cummings to say the least!


    Shame Ross has resigned. He should've just waited. If Cummings is shown to have lied. then he will have to go.

  8. 2 minutes ago, Phil McCaverty said:

    Agreed. What time will Cummings be kicked out of Number 10?


    The two things are not connected by time. We have to await the report from Durham Police after they've completed their inquiries. Given the acting Commissioner and Chief Constable are on it, that shouldn't be too long. If he shown to have been lying, unquestionably, then he should be dismissed immediately. He's an employee.


    The 4 Labour MP's must be hounded in the same way by the press until they resign. They are free to stand for election again, thereby giving their electorate the chance to re-elect or not.

  9. Just now, stevenl said:

    Really sad you try to twist the topic about labour.


    You mean sad that 4 Labour MPs transgressions and their leader's apathy can't be swept under the carpet.


    Once you allow a justice system to be subservient to political will and agendas you threaten democracy. An independent justice system, fair and impartial to all, evenly applied, without regard for political agendas and correctness, is a cornerstone of democracy.


    I think it's sad how arrogant entitles MPs, lawmakers, can show such contempt for their electorate and the law. And worse still, their Leader's apathy to it, considering he's a former DPP. Albeit with a dubious record.



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  10. 6 minutes ago, puipuitom said:

    THE question is: did Cummings something other British citizens were NOT allowed to or not ? If No =what the fuzz. If YES, face the consequences. Reminding in the UK, the Elite still have more freedom as the normal British citizen, do not be surprised...

    You british voted overwhelmingly ( thanks to the"winner takes it all-system) for Boris Dominic Johnson-Cummings, so.. this is where you voted for. 


    The difference between the Dutch p.m. and the British leaders.



    If Cummings did as he initially claimed, made one trip and then self quarantined for 14 days after arriving in Durham, due to concerns about the continued welfare of his possibly autistic child, then there is a strong argument he had reasonable cause, as per the guidelines.


    However, if he made more than one trip, went out and about during the quarantine period, and deliberately lied to conceal that, then he must be fired or resign.


    However, we also have 4 Labour MP. one a shadow Minister, who admit to breaking the law. No apology, no remorse, no comment from their party leader. A clearer example of entitled elites sticking their middle finger up to the electorate they supposedly serve you couldn't wish for.


    What happens in the Netherlands is irrelevant. Each country handles this differently. But I don't think you'd see such blatant political bias and hypocrisy there. IME Dutch people would apply to all equally, not selectively based on a political agenda. And that is something that needs to be learned. Because the current Labour leader puts politics before justice and right,

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  11. 40 minutes ago, Phil McCaverty said:

    More likely to be that Durham police had just announced that they had received a number of other reports concerning Cummings in recent days and were investigating them.


    Interesting unraveling going on. Durham Police Force used to be, IMO, one of the better forces in the UK and had an excellent Chief Constable. There handling of this affair has been good so far. Now we have to wait and see what transpires from their further inquiries.


    If a complaint is received by the police, they are required to investigate it. 


    Now, the 4 Labour MP's who broke the law are not under any investigation because they freely admit it. Safe in the knowledge that their leader isn't remotely interested.

  12. 1 hour ago, BillStrangeOgre said:

    Personally, i'd do whatever it takes to protect my child. A neighbour of mine in the UK has a daughter, a single parent with 3 toddlers, who couldn't charge her electric vehicle the cable was broken. My neighbour had a spare and drove a round trip of 90 miles to give it to her daughter through the kitchen window. 

    My guess is there are millions of people in the UK in the past couple of months who had to make similar choices


    A perfectly reasonable reason, covered in the rules.

  13. 4 minutes ago, Logosone said:

    Well you asked for the "real situation" before, you asked if he had been at Barnard Castle, and if he had that he should go.


    Now Cummings has admitted he was at Barnard Castle, do you still feel he has to go?


    Yes. Either he previously lied about that, or the PM did. 


    Deliberately lying is a whole different ball game.

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