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Posts posted by Baerboxer

  1. 2 minutes ago, Jane Dough said:

    What is utterly incredible is that 51% DO still trust the UK government. 


    Its response to the crisis has been a total and utter shambles. At every turn an effort has been made to mislead the public. All the while they hide behind the 'heroes on the front line of OUR NHS" and people like Sir Major Tom. The health services - for all the good people working in them - are woefully underfunded and have repeatedly been let down by the politicians. 


    Rabid right wingers - many of whom are in that deluded 51% - continue to play their part in bashing the so called loony left, condemning legitimate news agencies who are asking the difficult questions in an attempt to bring the government to account. 


    Boris Johnson, leads the way and reminds me of a cake - the Eton Mess.




    What surprises me is that anyone trusts any politician, or political party.

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  2. 2 hours ago, Kevbo said:

    They could easily control illegal immigration, they don't want to, and like all political parties in UK they don't care how indigenous people feel about it ......


    Stephen Kinnock, Labour shadow minister, said, after the election disaster suffered by Labour, that the reason wasn't Brexit. It was because Labour had become so focused on "diversity", promising this that and the other to minority groups, focusing totally on those groups, that the'd lost contact with the vast white working class, whose votes they relied on. They took those votes for granted. 


    His views weren't well received by the Corbyn and Corbynistas. 


    Part of that is immigration, and especially illegal immigration. Conservatives ain't doing much better now either. 

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  3. 21 minutes ago, candide said:

    I quite agree with the scientists who asked to see the data. That's a good way to check the scientific value of the study.

    As stated in the OP, before this study, no one knew whether this drug was working or not, so this study needs to be carefully reviewed. It would also make sense to go on with other trials for the time being.

    That's a sound scientific debate. Nothing to do with the ridiculous touting of this drug by Trump and Trumpers.


    Totally agree. And for balance, nothing to do with the ridiculous exaggerations of the dangers of this drug by those who are more interested in attacking Trump.

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  4. 38 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

    Fascinating. I would have said well planned, co-ordinated and carefully executed right wing led operation to cause maximum destruction, and lead to a militarization of major American cities, a discrediting of the protest movement, and give Trump the war he tried so hard to avoid as a young man, with his five draft deferments from the war in Vietnam.


    Only this time the war is against Americans who oppose his spectacular level of incompetence, division and vitriol, and people of color, whom it has clearly been demonstrated he despises. The very same group currently working on insuring that this guy does not get reelected. If Trump had any dignity he would resign, over his massive Covid failure alone. 


    Do you have any evidence, from reputable sources, that state it was right wing groups rather than the anarchist groups specified by the senior anti terrorist and chief of intelligence officer.


    If so, cite them.


    Otherwise your post is simply fake and politically motivated.

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  5. 8 hours ago, ezzra said:

    Meaning that the Thai tourism industry will continue to be in the crapper and millions who depends on it for their survival will continue to suffer and lose their life's works and investments witch will take years to recover from, way to go PM...


    Or they could open the borders. allow in any tourists, and have the same sort of figures the UK enjoy.


    Way to go ezzra!

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  6. 20 hours ago, bkk6060 said:

    Johnny Patterson, the chief executive of Hong Kong Watch, described the UK’s response so far to the planned crackdown as “limp, inane and could have been copied and pasted directly from their previous statements”.

    “It was utterly inappropriate given the gravity of the situation,” he said. “Beijing’s decision to impose the worst kind of draconian legislation without consulting the [Hong Kong] legislative council is a direct breach of the handover agreement. Given Britain’s moral and legal duties as co-signatories of that settlement, the prime minister should be leading the way in calling it out and drawing together like-minded countries to coordinate a joint response.”



    The UKś response to the communists eventual takeover of Hong Kong is an embarrassment to democracy.

    Why don´t they work with allies and plan a much harder stance rather then basically giving up and telling people ¨come to our country.¨  Hasn´t the UK had enough migrants over the past several years now they will take in 3 million more?  Very weak and ¨limp¨ as the above article states.  Just a shame.



    You do realize that Hong Kong is Chinese, and it's citizens mainly Chinese?


    Do you understand how Britain acquired the lease?

    • Like 1

    Mr. Floyd was undoubtedly unlawfully killed. What degree of murder is debatable. The ex-cop under arrest clearly, IMO, new what he was doing, intentionally did it, and his reaction to the result shows he intended it to happen.


    The other 3 cops were all guilty of negligence in the extreme. 


    There are several investigations on-going. Maybe they are, or should, be checking the personal connection between the victim and killer. I read both worked as bouncers at the same club. 


    There does seem something lacking in a % of American law enforcement officers. US typifies the adage - lot of law but little order! What % that is, I don't know.


    All the good officers, the peaceful protesters rightfully lamenting a murdered person is acceptable and understandable.


    Rioting, looting, thieving, assaulting and destroying isn't.  And idiots like Clooney with their patronizing attitude and political agenda are just as unacceptable.

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  8. On 6/2/2020 at 12:38 PM, Neeranam said:

    Probably just an excuse. 

    My daughters' friends don't want to learn with a 50 year old father. 

    Fine with me, I hate teaching teenage kids. 


    Indeed. My daughter says they 'find me scary" 555! Not sure what she tells them! 


    Apparently it's because I don't like being messed about. 


    I was fine lecturing adults, but really have no skill or desire to teach teenage children, Respect for those that do well.

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  9. On 6/2/2020 at 12:18 PM, KhunFred said:

    How can your accent be "too British"?  I am American and a British accent would seem to be the standard for spoken English, in my view. Who makes these stupid rules?? You are spot-on about the ageism here. At seventy, some form of teaching is probably ALL I could do, but Thai culture considers me a vegetable. ????????????


    It's a convenient excuse! But I also think they're used to the pidgin English spoken by so many teachers.


    Has for accents, mine is a tad distinctive! BBC British English used to be the Queen's English with perfect pronunciation, a la private schools. Now it's quite regional too. 


    I find a really wide variety in American accents too. Some great ones.



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