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Posts posted by kingstonkid

  1. the thing I like about people here is that they do not seem to think that the Thai police cannot walk and chew bubble gum.


    I imagine a tourist having a leak on Buckingham Palace champ d;elise. statue of liberty or the front of the Sydney opera house.  


    These things are not allowed and would not be accepted.  People would be charged and punished.  The same thing goes here.


    To be honest the fact that the BIG JOIKE" is taking crime in all it's forms seriously and I AM SURE HIS STAFF is IS A GREAT RELIEF TO this tourist.  I just hope that more officers will take his lead.

  2. 1 hour ago, jak2002003 said:

    What is this rubbish now?


    So the sexy drunk girls flirting with the drunk horny guys get upset when they are touched or spoken to in a sexual way?  Really? 


    If they do not like it they should not be drunk, out wearing sexy clothes and mixing with drunk guys.  Why don't they dress up in nice traditional dress and go to a temple?  Reason.. because they want to get wasted and probably pull a guy if they are single.  


    What about the men getting sexually 'assaulted'?  Every year at this festival I can guarantee many women (and even gay guys) will grope me, grab my arm or my crotch.... even without this festival, walking past any hooker bar they women will shout out the usual.. 'sexy man' and grab at men going past to try to drag them into the bar.  We don't all go about crying and making out we are victims of serious sexual abuse!


    If the women / man does not like what someone else is doing or saying to them then they just need to tell them to stop.. and stay away from them.  If they are super sensitive to any form of sexual contact then clearly they are stupid to go to a bar at songkhran festival full of drunk people.  




    Sexy drunk girls and guys will always be around.  That does not give them the right to grope or molest a girl.  CHECK the laws in your native country, unless you are from a Muslim country it is still rape or molestation even if they are drunk as they do not have the ability to give consent.  As to staying away from bars, the issue is not the bars it is the streets be it Patpong, walking street or Asoke.

  3. I was at patpong in 97 and ity was fun.  It lasted until the afternoon but there were no alcohol sales and no one was drinking.  Everyone had a good time.


    Now we have large crowds with people that bring their own booze or buy out the 7/11.  Crowd sizes are huge and people get the feeling that they can get away with anything.


    This is not however restricted to Bangkok and Songkran.


    The US is presently cleaning up from the annual spring break festivities.  Again these used to be fun, and were a great way to break the winter blahs for students.


    Now it is at the point thaat people are getting raped on the beach while others look, the police have outlawed booze on the beach.


    Why is this happening would be a great paper for a Psych mjor.


    The issue is that most young people and a few older think that they can do what they want when they are not near home.

    That if it is large crowd then they have to be more obnoxious than their friends.

    Some women both Thai and foreign feel that they can be a sexy as possible.


    It comes down to the downfall of society morals  Less about what is right but what I think is right for me.




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  4. Before everyone tells me I don't have to file let me tell you 


    YOU ARE WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!


    the Canadian Government sent me NR 4 tax slip which has a withheld tax which I can only get back I believe with my Thai tax return for overpayment.  


    So  questions


    I assume I call it income but???


    Where do I and how do I show the withheld money?


    Where do I get a tax id?  I live in PT


    Should I take it in by hand to submit?


    How do I claim the money I have input into the business to start it?



  5. Considering that the legal minimum wage is 300 baht a day I think that it should be raised.  Hell, the minimum I can pay a leaner for my school is 9k.  


    Lets face it if you are not paying a living wage and these guys are not getting it it is hard to stop the corruption.  Let me see.


    If I do not get caught I can eat and pay my rent.  


    If I don't take a bribe i can eat but have nowhere to live.


    If I lose my job I can always get one as a security guard and make the same pay plus the tips that the homeowners give me.


    I think that if they are making a good salary and have a good benefits package it would be more of a deterrent to taking bribes as \\after the first 10 -100 people caught get canned and lose everything.





  6. Op


    Sounds like right now you have a good thing going.  Do not overthink it.  Just enjoy the ride.


    The only thing I would not do is get financially involved.  ie buying a house or a car or such.  Spend what you are willing to spend.  Do not overdo it.


    You said something about going back to your country if that is the case enjoy it and if it turns into more than fine.  Remember you have just met her.  You are still in the dating and enjoying each other stage.  Take your time and treat her like you would a girl that you were interested in your own country.  

    If there is an other guy then so be it.  I would imagine that there are good and bad memories that she has of him.  Just as I am sure you have fond and not so fond memories of your past loves.  

  7. OP


    The question is more does she make you happy?  The fact that she is looking for security does not surprise me.  Most women in any culture are looking for the same.  She is more looking at the fact that eventually, you may leave for that nicer place before she does and what will happen to her.


    I would just roll with it.  Do you have a will.  If so show here what she can expect to get when you pass on so that she knows.  remember she is a GF and not covered under marital laws.

    • Like 2
  8. It is not the teacher's job to instill morals and responsibility in youth it is the parent's job role.  Parents are supposed to be role models for their children.


    Saying that father has to be financially responsible does nothing. Just look at the success and single parent numbers in the US.


    The issue to a certain extent is the lifestyle that kids are brought up in.  If you look at the music movies that kids watch.  If you take into account the lack of education of some of the parents and in fact a great deal of the teachers.  


    You have to remember that the teachers that are teaching the kids were brought up and educated in the same system that they are now in.  


    The youth have to be taught to respect and listen to their elders.  Those that are older and wiser. Thai society has to learn that what no means.


    I worked in a school where one of my students showed up in class with bruises when I asked her how she told me and only me that her BF had done it.  When I reported it they said that I was wrong and I was not rehired.






    • Like 1
  9. 14 hours ago, Russell17au said:

    Don't brand all masseuses as being the same because what it shows is your lack of knowledge of people and that you are willing to brand all people as being the same without any proof of your assumptions.

    For your information I am happily married to a masseuse (she is not a s**t like you want to make them all out to be) and I know many others that are in the massage industry that are not what you claim them to be, so I would suggest that you and the rest that are like you that want to pass judgement and brand people by your filthy standards to get what little brain you have out of the gutter and show some decency to people that you know nothing about.

    I also know a lot of Masseuse that re not sluts nor did I say she was.  All I am saying is that to be safe he can have a relationship with her but to protect himself do not send her money.  If she asks then he has to decide what he wants to do.  My wife is also a masseuse and all her friends are great although very few of them do 3000 baht outcall.  That is the big part that made me wonder.




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  10. In what country or culture does a guy meet a hooker fall in love with her and then think that she is not going to go back on the stroll after he leaves town.  


    Your friend can have a great relationship with a 44-year-old masseuse.




    a. he does not give her money.

    b. Does not expect that he is the only boyfriend.


    A friend had a GF that was a motorcycle taxi driver.  It was a match made in heaven.  He let her now 2 weeks in advance when he was coming to town.  She told him what she needed for the family and at the end of the holiday, he left.

  11. In my case, I live with my gf and she owns the house, therefore, they want the landlord papers done and also have aske3d for copies of her paperwork.  Is it needed NO but the last time I did it without her they wanted her confirmation about residency so we have just made a day of it.  Go to immigration then lunch, see a movie or do something else.  


    Too me not a huge thing just makes it easier.

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