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Posts posted by kingstonkid

  1. Talking and appeasing is what got us to this stage.

    First Clinton made the mistake f giving him money

    Bush tried sanctioning and talking

    Obama just felt that if he left it alone it would go away.


    North Korea never stopped fighting the Korean War.  That unfortunately is a fact.


    The second fact that seems to have skipped the history lessons is that the reason that NK is strong is that the US and it's great leader Douglas screwed up.  The Korean conflict was initially about the 2 Koreas. and if MacArthur had not been an imperialistic <deleted> would have stayed that way.  Unfortunately he decided to go across the line into China's territory and brought them into it.


    Since talking to the Kim family/dynasty has failed and he is just getting stronger more effective action must be taken.  Will lives be lost yes,


    Russia has no dog in this fight, therefore, will stay the hell out of it.  China has a lot involved here but realizes that they are now a world leader and must act like it.  


    There are a couple of solutions 


    1. China puts together a team of Koreans to remove the Kim Dynasty (easier said than done)

    2.  Kim provokes the UN into taking the same step they did in the 50's.  China man's its borders with all its military might to keep the NK out

    The UN then takes it to NK and then cleans up.  The conversion as they call it would not be that difficult.  Think along the lines of the wall in Berlin coming down.  The worst case in this is that Kim hits the button and decides to take everyone with him.









  2. The funny thing about all this is that while DACA which was as most dem senators agree on very shaky legal grounds was cancelled Trump has asked for an immigration bill that puts up the wall sets new more rigid standards and does not reward people coming into the country.


    The idea of giving blanket coverage to a group was tried by Regan and it did not solve the issue.  


    If the Dems really want to help the Dreamers then they need to sit down with the GOP and get a bill together.  


    Saying we support the dreamers and doing nothing is like going on a diet at rotten ronnies.  In theory, it is a great idea but then, in fact, it is doomed to fail.


    Something that Brits might understand easier is taking your wife with you to get a massage and getting a happy ending.   

  3. 6 hours ago, CNXBKKMAN said:

    You can return to the USA get a job, do some hard graft(work not corruption..) take the overtime, get a better job etc . Or would you take the high risk strategy of robbing a gold shop and gaining less than one months wages worth of gold, even less when you have to sell it to gain cash? All the desperadoes i have encountered will take crazy risks for little reward if it can stave of the day they have to get a job. 


    One of the things that puzzles me is this ex US serviceman.  I am assuming he did not do the time to get a pension.  That is too bad.  I agree that there are many people that end up in drastic measures.  Unfortunately, i think a lot of these people have issues that may prevent them from leaving or their ego and having nowhere to go in the US can be an issue.  It is unfortunate.  IF TV really wanted to perform a service for expats it might develop a hotline for those that are having issues or need assistance.  I am sure there are a lot of us that would assist with it.  

    I count myself as lucky i have been suicidal twice in my life and had people that cared enough to make sure I got the help.  I almost got that low here but again people directed me where I needed to go.



  4. Hey, at least they are doing something.   The issue may be that each country has a strange set of rules about extradition.  For instance, many countries will not extradite if the death penalty is on the table.  


    The idea I think is to find him then notify the country involved that you wish him detained.  Then send the lawyers with the applicable paperwork.


    Imagine if he ended up in the valley of the living asylums.  They would never get him but could then track his movements and once he left the west coast nail his hide.

  5. 16 hours ago, Moonmoon said:

    I know he is an overstayer but his country is a warzone. And instead of getting help, he is being taken advantage of. 



    I guess my question would be why he did not go to one of the UN NGO and seek asylum or something.  I have an issue with a refugee that can pay that kind of money.  This is a close one a person on overstay that is working illegally with money(?) versus the Thai police, Thai immigration police, and others.


    Not sure who to believe this one could be somewhere in the middle.  How old is the son?  If he is over 18 then he probably got picked up for not having a visa of his own, overstay and who knows.  In that case, it would be legal to detain.  Detaining a kid I just do not see happening.


    Personally, I think someone got caught on overstay and is trying to get out of it.  Hell, he could have paid the fine left the country and come back in before the new rules took effect.


    am going through a divorce with my Canadian wife and am using a very famous legal firm in Bangkok that also has an office in Huahin I believe That advertises here that I use it is siam.  I have found them to be very good and reasonable


  7. Illegal migration is the biggest problem not because of the people but more of what the people in a lot of cases bring, Drugs, terrorism, Sharia law.  It is as one poster said a lot of the Me me generation.


    I can remember when immigration was a good thing because the immigrants wanted to come to Canada and the US and were willing to become Canadian citizens and agreed to the laws of the land and did not try to change them.   


    It is also this PC BS culture where you can not tell someone what you think.

  8. 8 hours ago, Khun Robert said:

    As long as I read daily:

    You can rent motorbike in Thailand without License, but drive slowly and carefully,

    Stupid Police, they fined me 500 Thb because I had no helmet,

    Corrupt Police, they fined me 10.000 Thb for driving under influance,


    I disagree.

    And your problem is???????


    You are lucky in most countries they would have hauled you into jail.

  9. The US has many agreements from WW2 and the Vietnam and Korean conflicts that it must abide to.


    The first is that it has agreed to assist in the defence of many of the countries that KJU is threatening.


    In the event that the North moved or started any equipment near the DMZ the South Koreans and Americans have enough power to match shot for shot.  


    China during the Korean conflict or police action ( My dad did not see many cops there)  China was not interested in playing in the game.  They just did not want the US on their border.


    If a land was was started by KJN then it would be met with force from the south.  There would be no support from China.  China can live with South Korea on his door and once North Korean is wiped out there is no longer a need for the US military to be there.  What China will do is line the border with infantry and artillery.  The purpose is not to fight but to keep all the  refugees out of China.


    If KJN decides that he wants to push the button then I think the Chinese may have a plan (person) in place for that.


    Trump will not provoke the war it would be a loss all the way around for the US.  I would suggest that his actions will be to shoot down the missiles or to eliminate Korean ship somewhere.   

    I am ex military and SSF Canadian military. 


    The best thing that could come of this is for the US/Russia and China to form a TRIAD force that would remove or persuade countries to remove or safeguard their missiles.


    Can to countries that are batsh!t crazy co=exist with nukes.  Yeah just look at Pakistan and India.  They can !itch at each other threaten each other but every night in Lahore you can go to the WAGA border crossing and see a pageant on the basis of a changing of the guard involving both countries.

  10. There are simple solutions to the issue..  Hire teaches to act as monitors.


    If a child acts out or is not following the rules kick him or her out of class.


    A Senior teacher (preferably male) is assigned to walk the halls every period.


    His duty is to find out what the issue is then provide an effective punishment based on the student.  


    For those that are a consistent challenge then the student is taken to a disciplinary Director who contacts the parents.  The student stays at the school in a room until the parents arrive to collect him and an agreement is formed as to the child's behaviour.  If no parent comes then the child is turned over to the police as an abandoned child for their action.  If an agreement is not made then the child is removed from access to the school until one is completed

  11. 1 hour ago, mikecha said:

    maybe the US should back down soften up a little  beleave me this guy in north Korea is no lunatic went to one of the best schools in switzerland and has taken over the work his father and grand father created they have survived 50+ years they are tough people 

    now we have this rich boy trying to run america but realy only filling his own pockets and actualy trying to disrupt what other presidents made good .

    not much difference realy just Korea has this dictatorship decades and america has this coming up 

    in korea if u sick u get help straight away 

    in america they ask you for your amex card first even if u half dead no card no help 

    korea just get on with it 

    of course it is concerning what they do but isnt all the other terrorist things in the world just as bad   who knows they might have a big plan to

    making sanctions just agrivates people causes headeachs in the trade the same as Russia and the EU there are sanctions causing Putin to be angry again 

    but it does hurt the econemy of the eu we do not export any Kind of vegatable or cheese there havent seen any in 2 years in the shops 


    but they survive like north korea will 

    maybe back off and shake hands glue the situation talk normal not this twitter rubbish  and threats 

    Mike  You obviously do not follow politics.


    It was the promise by his Father to Willie Clinton that he would remove all nuclear weapons and cease  that got him all the money.  Obama let him build to his content with the promise that he would stop.


    For those that do not study history or American/Russian history this is the new version of the Cuban missile crisis.  It was bound to happen.


    There is a peaceful solution and I think it is going to happen soon although we may not notice it.  


    If you look at the map of East Asia of the  mega cities that are in the area 8 of them are Chinese.  Also as has been said the fallout of a nuclear strike on North Korea would wipe out parts of China, Russia and in all likelihood South Korea and affect japan.


    It is because of these facts that Russia and China signed the pact.


    If MacArthur had not been an idiot and stopped at the river there would be no North Korea.  I personally think that if Kim is stupid enough to try to bloody someone's nose that China is going to set the same restriction.  We will stay out of it just do not touch our border.  You can also be guaranteed that they would set up a strong military presence to keep the North Korean Refugees in North Korea. 



  12. I would like to know how many of the people that think the boy is an angel  are teachers or parents of Thai kids.


    Cyclone stated that it was humiliating to the boy.  If I remember my time or my kids time humiliation was the best form of punishment.  Having to stand in the corner, stand out side the classroom,  do extra homework, and making the class do extra work because of student x were all ways that worked along of course with the strap but it was a last resort.


    The Thai system is designed right now for the teacher to fail.  They are paid low wages given no training except what they went through as students and no guidelines or support when it comes to disciplining students.


    On the kids side, they have parents that will believe them and let them off no matter what, do not have to listen to teacher as they will pass no matter what, been told that they are protected and of course heaven forbid a teacher punishing them as they will be defamed by the students and his friends on YouTube or face book so that the teacher gets punished not the kid.


    I teach privately and the kids know that if there is an issue they will stand in the corner or the class will bear the brunt of the punishment that I give including times tables and extra work.


    It is funny but the parents for the most part applaud my efforts to get their children to be better students

  13. The uniform code is nothing new it was even around when we all grew up.


    The idea of the uniform is a good one.


    The reasoning if you want to open your minds is simple.


    Do you want to get into the clique style of the western communities where is suzie is not wearing name brand clothes then she is an outcast that the students spend more time worrying about what they or their peer is wearing than what the should be.


    Uniforms make all the kids semi equal,  there are still the little ways that they can get some personality.


    The scout uniforms is to get them used to the military style of tings in schools at a later age.  Remember most Thai teens wear military uniforms once a week.


    I agree that it subverts the true meaning of the scout uniform but that is life.


    I would rather have to worry about whether susie has her socks on right than is her skirt the length from the knees or is she wearing an appropriate top and tshirt underneath.

  14. On 7/30/2017 at 3:22 PM, robblok said:

     Sadly I think you are right.. because I would have expected a lot to be done after 2011.. I asked a few people if they knew what has been done.. nobody could answer. So it seems YL and junta both did not do much. If they don't do much after such a massive event they won't do much after the same event on a smaller scale. 


    Not sure about where you live but in Rangsit they have and are doing a lot.  Walls have been built levees are in place. they are continually dredging


  15. There is a very easy solution.  Take a big bomb and blow up the city and rebuild it.:stoner:


    Since that is not a possibility then the next best thing is to have a REAL NGO do a study and then set up the proper filtration plants to get the sh!t out of the water.

    Set up garbage cans on the beaches that are emptied nightly.


    Set up a beach force that fines anyone they see littering.  a thousand a pop is not a bad price to start.


    Clean up walking street.  It can still be walking street if you get the big neon signs down. 

    It will save the businesses money and look better.


    Hell you can even do like Vegas and set up a place that tourists can go to see the old signs


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