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Everything posted by kingstonkid

  1. Why dco they not have any extra planes is my question.
  2. So 45% are satisfied with Thaksin's plans
  3. So the GF and I go to Pats for a weekend and decide to pop into the casino to watch. we get to the door and she has to provide copies of her tqax return and I am out 5k just to get in the door. Guess they really do not want us or any male touirst to go to the casino.
  4. Why are you awaiting a reply simply take it to the embassy and give it to them or drop it in the mail. You are right if you await a reply it could be awhile. The opther option that most people miss these days is to so\imply cal the embassy consular affairs.
  5. Then drop anchor with a 2-3 month plan. Just to make sure it is what you want. I notice that BKK is not on your itinerary it might be a place to settle whileyou look. What are your hobbies what are you looking for here in your new life?
  6. Considering that the average Thai student or Thai period doesn't even know the significance of Kanchanburi or hell fire pass. You can not expect them to know anything about Germany or that part of the world. The education department skirts over things like WW2 as they are not shining moments in Thai history. Most don't even have a clue about Patpong or the U.S in Vietnam war and the effect it had on their economy. It is the same with a lot of the rap music they listen to and the lyrics that they do not understand.
  7. A couple of questions then a solution. 1. Can the land mandate be further pushed to the higher courts if either side loses. 2. Because this as been sitting there in a sea side (salt air) area so long would it still be sturcturally sound? Solution Why not bring in one of those companies that blow up high buildings? Surely if companies can do a controlled knockdown on the Vegas strip, there are companies that could do the same here. It is not as if there is a lot of buildings or such that would be harmed.
  8. Contact the Cdn Embassy he definitely wil have to go there to get new passport
  9. Bank records will be interesting to see. She should have told police but with higher power having power would have been screwed either way. Why did school take so long to file
  10. Can they not continue the process with her in absentia asking the deputy anutin to explain for her LoL
  11. There is no system just as there really is no education system. It is tough. The Thai schools do not want to offend students or parents, so they let things go. Heaven help a teacher who takes a phone away from a student. However, I would rather a boy or girl who does not want to learn sit in the back quietly and play on their phone tha, disrupts my class.
  12. LOL I have a Mat 1 student that is having trouble with Mat 1. I ask him to write what he does each day. Most of his time at school is spent playing games LOL. Bought him an old phone that you can test and phone but that is it told his Aunt tht he could have it and she said no. The problem is that some of the teachers use smartphones and different internet programs to help teach, and peer pressure now states that unless you have a smartphone, you are not real. I actually like the idea of kids have to put their phones away when they come to class.
  13. The problem is that games, tv and the internet have created more weak minded people than ever before
  14. It would but they need to keep the media out of it. The smart thing to do here would have been not so much tgo charge her but to follow her and get her to lead themto the guy tht gave it to her. then follow him lOL But once the media shows her face the guy tht gave it to her is gone or protected.
  15. I think there are 3 things at play here. 1. News media and the internet. These kids see this happening in other countries and think it is part of thier life 2. video games with the amount of death i think kids have started to get numb to death and being part of the real world talking about things. 3. Society and upbringing. Kids are not getting taught what is important in life socially. The schools teach them how to be good robots but do not teach them about feelings and how to treat others. This is not just a Thai thing but is happening more in the world as kids are babysat by video games.
  16. Try southeast in nana next to Thermae I use them the prices are good and they have everything you could need 207 209 Sukhumvit Rd, Khlong Toei Nuea, Watthana, Bangkok 10110
  17. Why does this come up all the time. Everyone here and in most countries pays for sex. The price may be different but we all pay. Take a girl on a date and then plan to back to the apartment (diner movie, drinks etc) . You paid and may get sex buy a bargirl a drink and pay the fine YOu paid, and you will get sex Get married ( pay the bills and give her spending money) you paid but will get less than the guy dating LOL
  18. The problem is that status woman are looking for a man that is either going to improve their status or is equal to them. They are also career driven more than looking for a Mr Right
  19. I have a feeling, seeing her past record, that there are probably not many people going to come to her aid. I also think that this is a case of her getting out of prison and not finding work so she took this to make some quick cash. She is a mule, not the brains. While she got caught, I would bet that there was someone else that got through.
  20. The challenge is not that they are renting out units which is a probelm BUT that if I don't miss my guess none of that money for rental comes to Thailand. All deals are probably paid for in avance in Chinese funds and never make it to thailand. Developers like Sansiri and Supalai don't care they just need to sell units and thais can not afford them.
  21. This is Thaksin fighting back against the charges that he, his puppet and party are facing coutesy of the BJT and elites. Itis his way of trying to ensure that his puppet lasts longer in parlaiament. The interesting thing, though, is that BVJT can shut this down quite easily by joining the People's Party in a no-confidence and a quick election. A quick election would mean that Thaksin's boy toy, who is leading the investigation, gets neutered. Son dealing with the Poples party could ensure things stay the way they are or that the investigation dies. Will this cause any issues with the country not really it is already screwed up and the PTP is yet to send anything to the parliament, let alone any bills to the Senate/
  22. The politicians and the older people and elites know. The school system and businesses have known for awhile that there is a lack of qualified people. The good thing or bad thing is tht we are not going to get the cream of the Chinese crop as they will still be taught in China. This article should be shown to all Matayom students also it would be nice to know the universities that they are buying so we know how good they are or are not.
  23. Just like anywhere you can get over-touristed, Florida comes to mind with Sporing break. eventually, the people become too rowdy and break too many rules. Eventually, the herd needs to be culled. Pai may be at that point now as far as locals are concerned. As far as Businesses it may be a different story.
  24. the people care unfortunaltey the PTP is supported by him and he is and always has been the leader of the party. People are loyal to him just as Dems were loyal to Kamala and Joe. If there is o Thaksin there is o PTP. If there was not Thaksin there really would not have been a red shirt movement
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