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Everything posted by kingstonkid

  1. As I have said before, the bottom line to all this is to wait and see. There are still so many hoops to jump through that it is ridiculous. This may pass in the next 3 years, but I can see it still being a topic for the next election.
  2. That's what I keep telling all the girls LOL
  3. So much for all that outrage about the Apple Ad LOL How soon they forget the morals that they profess?
  4. NANA should become interesting a few shops that are definitely not Thai Also, I have a feeling that some of these shops are owned by one group and have people selling their products.
  5. What I find interesting in all this CRAP is that people that were not there and have never lived under the dear of the NAzis of Extremist rule are 80 years later trying to frame what happened and make a moral judgement of what is right and wrong. It is like the white people in the UK and US decrying that Washington and most of the great leaders in history should be vilified because they hired slaves. In both cases the people then did what was necessary to survive. Was slavery wrong yes in some instances but was having a black butler and house staff wrong. Did lend lease do what was needed or did the country have enough WHO THE F CARES. Both the production of equipment and the borrowing of equipment was ecessary in order to win the war. While Lend Lease may not have been an overall winner or loser, it sure made a difference unti the Russian and British factories could start producing equipment.
  6. What everyone is missing is this report or draft—the same report or draft that has seen no light since this whole joke started. Again, it will go to the cabinet. Anutin and those looking to make money off the product will rant and rave that it is too restrictive. Those who feel it is too lenient will do the same. Some watered-down piece of crap will hit the floor for MP votes, and then committees, and again the Elites will rent and \rave, and those against will try to do it louder. Will anything get done? LOL Not likely We will be back here again with the media reporting another bill being drafted and sent for approval. What gets me is that they have allowed Pot stores to be set up across the street from at least one popular school of the rich St Joesph on convent. If that is the case, what is to stop them from doing it at every school?
  7. You maybe wrong. I am sure part of the deal was PTP did what the coalition parties and elite said. Thaksin could comeback be a figurehead but had to keep his mouth shut. The military know all about his hospital stay Anutin would be watching closely. Everything thaksin says or does is put into a file to be open when time for PM Anutin. The Pphave no listed pm so cannot form government
  8. Sure she does probably owns a bunch of the bucket booths. Increased police means more drug busts of foreigner and hopefully better protection for silly girls that drink too much or drink the medicated drinks
  9. The price and fact they weren't for sale tells you all you need to know. The developer knew they were sick bird so he couldn't sell them as lawyers and banks would have thrown red flag. 20k a month is anyone renting going to complain.
  10. No thaksin has done much more to feather his nesy and keep control. As to Prawit leading the military that is why he and chano both went into politics they had aged out of the military Latest rumiout of PTP is thaksin is teaching his grand children about politics and how grandpa is always right so that he will have a replacement for daughter
  11. They noticed got their envelopes and retired or got elected to government so they can't be charged
  12. I think this is the same friend that so many writers here have. First this is someone that is a nobody. When the government starts releasing slick Willy name it will makeore sense. Also remember trump barred him from mar lago
  13. The challenge that Thais face is the same in most countries where credit cards are the main means of payment. The problem will not be solved with lower interest rates. The problem can only be solved if Thais try to live a sustainable living as outlined by the past king. Most second hand cars are because people could not afford them. Look also at the housing market. If not for foreign buyers the condo market would be dead.
  14. Judicial branch violation is easy to charge and make stick until court charges and tried him for sex crimes. Will be interesting to see if the I was drunk defence works but he is finished as a judge and lawyer
  15. Guess they parked in the middie of the road or she was on the phone Could have also been checking to make sure she was beautiful 🤩
  16. I think you missed the restaurant part. She washes dishes clothes uses water to clean yeah it can add up quick. But I do agree putting money aside would have been the best thing but that requires financial literacy and not counting on the government to bail her out. We are going to see the same thing with personal debt. I hope that whatever deL they come up with helps everyone and not just those that got into trouble due to lack of knowledge.
  17. They forget to take into account that most of her fans are under the voting age and most of the parents are so tired of listening their daughters trying to sing her songs 😂
  18. Either way the addition of funds definitely helps. As to underground gambling that like prostitution will live on for ever
  19. Yeah casinos do nothing for the people of the country state or province. ontario canada As for where Ontarians were spending their money, the report revealed that Ontario's gambling scene was predominately driven by casino wagers, which accounted for $14.6 billion in Q4, contributing to an overall $51.7 billion for the 2023-2024 year, an 88-per cent increase over the previous year.Apr 17, 2567 BE even if you change that to Baht instead of dollars that is a huge aMOUNT
  20. YOu don't say where you are, so I'm not sure, but most of the computer big box stores should help. Personally I go to zeer rangsit and get one of the repair techs I use to build me one. Do you need a computer or could you operate from a notebook would be my question>
  21. You have to remember that KFC here is owned and operated by a Thai company, and they own the rights to the logo and name. I have lived in numerous countries, including Pakistan and here, and yes, there is very little in the taste department of the NA original. I find the quality sucks but then again I found the same thing the first time I tried a Rotten Ronnies and AW
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