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Posts posted by MrMuddle

  1. 1 hour ago, daveAustin said:

    ???? Britain is a global hub and has an ageing populace which was why it got hit hard. Being an island makes no difference; we have these things called aeroplanes. It also reported accurately. Don't know what you've been reading, but everyone and their cat knows that the Thai tally figures were woefully underreported and the levels of testing was just comical. The initial vaccine rollout was also a joke and relied on donations, whereas the UK was timely and impressive... though what any of this has to do with cannabis I don't know. 

    The difference in death rates between other island nations, Australia and New Zealand, for example, are miniscule compared to Britain. But of course those two countries shut down immediately, while Boris Johnson avoided meetings, and hoped the whole thing would just go away, which is his usual modus operandi, when anything a little difficult comes along. These two countries also have an aging populace, in fact which country doesn't?
    If "everyone and their cat" knows about Thailand's supposedly underreported figures I suppose it is too much to ask for a reference to your wild accusations? Other than the opinions of people you hang out with in bars, obviously.
    This side topic came up as part of the general conversation, but perhaps you don't follow things too well.
    If you're so dissatisfied with the way Thailand does things, perhaps this country isn't for you?

  2. 17 hours ago, gearbox said:

    This subject was thoroughly researched from both sides during the Cold War. Go search the Internet or buy a book to educate yourself, instead of seeking the opinions of people which probably dropped from high school. There were many models loaded with possible inputs and generating outcomes, most predicting the end of the world as we know it.



    "instead of seeking the opinions of people which probably dropped from high school"

    Did they fail English grammar, too?

    • Like 1
  3. 12 hours ago, KannikaP said:

    THC is NoT water soluble, which is why cannabutter is made. Infuse in water will NOT extract any good stuff.

    So I keep reading, but it DOES work for me. Certainly worked again last night!

    I should point out, I'm almost 70, started smoking Cannabis at aged 14, in the UK, used to smoke an ounce a week, and definiitely know if I'm stoned or not!

    • Love It 1
  4. 53 minutes ago, Pla Simon said:

    I wouldn't know how to convey this "evidence" electronically. 


    Welcome round for a cup - or give it a whirl. 


    Proof's in the pudding.


    I waked and baked today - boiled a pot this morning - some male head and leaves - 4 cups - been wrecked all day - in the gym right now and still blazing - that's 12 and a half hours now.


    My plants - outdoor organic since legislation.


    Been blazing for a few weeks now - it never fails or ceases to amaze.


    Plant or get some fresh leaves and give it a go - money back guarantee.

    I add a few bits of flower to my coffee, ginger tea, or sometimes sprinkle it on my cheese on toast, or pizza, and get off my face no problem, yet I've seen several people on here say it's not possible.

  5. 2 hours ago, vinny41 said:

    Depends on the Brand and model most Brands in Thailand during the warranty period ( which doesn't apply to you) require servicing every 6 months or xxx number of km.

    If the vehicle isn't service according to the Brand servicing schedule normally you will find your warranty is cancelled next time you try to claim

    Your wife should ask the company will they still provided warranty cover(free) on your 12 year old car

    By warranty do you mean insurance cover? Obviously the car is well past its vehicle warranty guarantee, which was three years, if I remember correctly. I just don't understand why they have suddenly changed the servicing from 12 months to six. It's always been done at 10,000 kms intervals, except for the first service at 1,000 kms. The car's only done just over 40,000 kms in over 12 years, yet has been serviced every 12 months.

  6. My wife got  phone call from the local agency that sold her the car, advising that her six monthly service is due. The car is 12 years old, (bought new),has been serviced annually up until now and has only done just over 40,000 kms from new. It was last serviced around April, and has had the Thai MOT test since then, with no problems found. I've always been particular about maintenance with my vehicles, I'd never skimp on safety, but I feel that this six monthly service is unnecessary. Is the company trying a fast one, as I can understand car companies are feeling the pinch, in the current economic climate, and are looking to make some easy money. Has anyone else ever had six monthly services on their cars?

    • Haha 1
  7. 30 minutes ago, Pla Simon said:

    Vegetarian myself.


    Rarely drink.


    Train 5 days per week.


    Do get stoned off tea / coffee - male aswell as female plants work just the same - leaves / stems / roots - just boil the leaves and male heads first.


    I would only pull the tree when completely exhausted.


    A creeper, but a nice clean stone - warm and encompassing - smiley - for hours - for free.


    15 hand sized squirrel tail or garung krawier leaves boiled and simmered in milky water will give you 3 cups that will lay you down for hours.


    Enjoy !

    I'll give it a go! Thanks again.

  8. 6 hours ago, Pla Simon said:

    No need to get rid.


    You can just cut the heads off - the plant will keep vegging.


    All parts of the plant are useful.


    Boil heads / leaves in milky / oily water to drink or with fatty meats to eat.


    Clean and dry stems / root balls - infuse in alcohol - making a great tipple / perfect gift for loved ones and relatives.


    Enjoy !



    Thanks for the advice, it may be useful to someone else. I don't eat meat or drink!  ????

  9. 44 minutes ago, pomchop said:

    agree...but there is just something sort of fun about growing outdoors as well....not to mention it is a lot cheaper than all the lights fans electric etc...though of course growing outdoors also has some issues to deal with like bugs pollen nosey neighbors etc....i used to surround my outdoor plants with marigolds which seemed to do decent job in keeping bugs away plus they are pretty to look at and last a long time

    I'll try the Marigold idea with the next batch we grow. Usually works pretty good for vegetables too.

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