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Posts posted by MrMuddle

  1. 3 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

    If the Thai people act rationally, sensibly and if the election is fair, I doubt anyone associated with the current party would get more than 5% of the votes. Anutin is toxic and should be the last person in the world, chosen to lead Thailand. 

    That's what they said about Nixon, Trump, George Dubya Bush, Boris Johnson, Liz Truss...in their countries!
    Need I go on?  lol

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  2. 12 hours ago, AsianAtHeart said:

    Cannabis affects the mind, reducing memory capacity and impairing judgment and logic.  Some of these effects are permanent.


    Do as you will with giving people the option to choose for themselves, but let's hope no one tries to misrepresent as healthful the smoking of marijuana.


    The drug's "bad image" is well deserved.

    You might be asian at heart, but your brain is from a planet somewhere  in the 1930s!
    Absolute unqualified rubbish from start to finish. Did you write this while propped up on a barstool?

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  3. It's STILL going on in Leicester. Now they're "protesting against the disorder". They do this by trying to break through the Police barrier! These public disturbances have been going on for three weeks, supposedly over a cricket match that happened in a foreign country. These people have no respect for the country they live in, or the rights of the majority who live there. 


  4. 36 minutes ago, lujanit said:

    I read.  The upshot seems to be that the science is conflicting regarding brain damage in adolescents.  From the article:  https://nida.nih.gov/publications/research-reports/marijuana/what-are-marijuanas-long-term-effects-brain


    Imaging studies of marijuana’s impact on brain structure in humans have shown conflicting results. Some studies suggest regular marijuana use in adolescence is associated with altered connectivity and reduced volume of specific brain regions involved in a broad range of executive functions such as memory, learning, and impulse control compared to people who do not use.38,39 Other studies have not found significant structural differences between the brains of people who do and do not use the drug.40


    There seems to be an emphasis on the developing brain in adolescents not adults.


    Which is why it's sensible to prohibit sales to under 20s and pregnant / breast feeding women. It's always better to be cautious over these matters, however I have yet to see any real hard evidence of the majority of claims made against Cannabis, apart from scaremongering by people who should know better. It would be interesting to see a study of alcohol use in adolescents, to see the effect on their brains. 
    I first used Cannabis at age 14, qnd have found no impairment in any of the functions mentioned, indeed I often remember things from both many years ago, and recently, much better than people I know who have never used Cannabis. I also had no problem learning many new activities, both mental and physical, over the years.

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  5. 18 hours ago, Bday Prang said:


    And how much of this liquified cannabis did you ingest ?  Do you think you are ready for a possibly life changing drug experience?  If you are considering "upping the dosage" it might be worth considering  having a responsible and possibly more experienced adult present.  Also I would resist any urges to wash your hair or clean your teeth with any cannabis related products, that's a one way journey into hell

    Totally agree! I left my teeth in a glass of the stuff overnight, and now I'm smiling like a Bee Gee all of the time!


    • Haha 1
  6. 13 minutes ago, gjoo888 said:

    Same in the gated community I live in, here in Bangkok. It's almost laughable that people who have never smoked weed before are now growing it. My wife who has never smoked weed before, has a nice little crop right next to her roses. She has no plans to smoke it, just wanted to grow some. Next to the Family Mart nearby, there's a beauty salon that has a couple of plants growing right in front of their shop.

    There are plenty of recipes available, if your good lady fancies trying a few Cannabis cakes, or the like!  

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  7. 16 hours ago, Bday Prang said:

    Slightly off topic , but has anybody noticed that "green Labs! are selling cannabis  Stalks and Roots and Leaves at unbelievable prices !!  Who on earth is paying 15,000 bt per kilo for leaves and 12000bt per kilo for stalks not to mention 7000 bt per kilo for Roots.  What do they do with it when they have bought it ??


    On the other hand they now have 9 strains under 350 / g    

    I wondered that too! Anyone got the answer?

  8. 23 hours ago, topt said:

    That's just confusing to the OP! ????


    It used to be the first licence was only 1 year but that was changed 6/7 years ago or possibly longer than that, to 2 years for everybody.

    Not sure on the 10 year but guess quite a long time ago.


    On renewal, as others have said, with the right visa/extension, and for Thai's, you officially get 5 years. However for subsequent renewals if you go just after the renewal date (which is normally your birthday), you can get nearly 6 years.

    I actually went just before my Birthday, so that's even more confusing!  lol

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