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Posts posted by MrMuddle

  1. 6 hours ago, Nickelbeer said:

    Good news on the abortion front. Now, if they would legalize casinos, Thailand could benefit from the tax revenue. It would be interesting to see the statistics on how decriminalization of marijuana is affecting tax revenue.

    The last thing Thailand needs is for gambling to be legalised. There are quite enough poor people that owe vast amounts of money to illegal bookies already.
    Nice try, with the dig at marijuana and it's users, especially as it way too early to tell.

  2. 11 hours ago, josephbloggs said:

    Why?  It was a partly tongue in cheek post, but is a pointless law that serves no purpose other than to inconvenience people.  I have a proper job, I am not hanging out for a 7-Eleven beer at 2pm, it's just a silly inconvenient rule that should be abolished.

    90 day reporting too.  Is that better?

    Alcohol causes more misery than almost anything else that is legally available. it is responsible for thousands of deaths on the road, both here and abroad, every year. A minor restriction is a small inconvenience. People can't buy alcohol for a period when the schools are finishing, which is also the time of the most traffic on roads here, as people pick up their children.. It is noticeable how the drinkers on this forum think they have the right to tell others how to live, (eg the criticisms of Marijuana being legalised), but hate it when others criticise them, especially when the drinkers are wrong! One only has to see the posts decrying banning alcohol sales on special Buddhist days, to see that.

    Did my 90 day report yesterday, it was nice to see the Immigration Officers again, and have a chat, and a joke (my next report date is Xmas day!).  Perhaps you need to have a look at yourself, and how you live your life, maybe the problems you have are self inflicted.

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  3. 8 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

    Nah, bought this box from Lazada for 180bht, too lazy to cut my own holes


    If you make your own, the polystyrene needs to be lined with a bin bag for extra strength.


    These cutting are from veg plants grown with female seeds, obviously you can take cuttings from any 'green stem' plant. If it's a MJ plant in flower it will take longer to root and look a bit odd for a few weeks, crowns also take longer to root. Usually the cuttings from a MJ plant in veg will take 5-10 days to root.


    I bought 2 bigger airstones for this box, same pump, 120bht each.


    Thanks for the reply and the informative help, much appreciated!

  4. On 9/20/2022 at 5:00 AM, AsianAtHeart said:

    Regarding the years, was going off of memory and didn't look it up: correction accepted.


    Regarding the effects of marijuana, I had earlier addressed its effects on the mind, and later was addressing its effects on crime.  Surely you can still see the distinction between these two, can't you?  or have you already smoked too much marijuana?

    Correction accepted? Be careful you don't fall off that high horse.
    Poor attempt at a retort. I don't smoke, anything.

  5. 4 hours ago, proton said:

    No that is just the excuse for three weeks of violence between Hindus and muslims, if you had grown up in Leicester you might understand

    Cricket was the original excuse, but the fact is Muslims can't get along with anyone. When they're not sexually abusing vulnerable children and giving them drink and drugs, they are causing mayhem in once peaceful British towns.

    The latest trouble was caused by protesters who wanted to march against the violence, then they tried to break through a Police barrier, when the Police tried to stop them marching. it would be laughable if it wasn't so serious.

    Sixteen officers and a Police dog have been injured in the latest report.


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  6. 2 hours ago, AsianAtHeart said:

    There's a difference between alcohol and marijuana.  Alcohol is much easier to produce illegally.  When America disallowed the production and sale of alcohol for 18 years (called "Prohibition"), it flourished on the black market, and became a magnet for crime.  This led America to rescind the amendment and legalize the poison again.


    Marijuana, for various reasons, is much less likely to foster these same problems.


    But there certainly should be more education on the alcohol issue, and stricter controls to prevent drunken driving, etc.  Banning sales of alcohol during certain times of the day is ineffective because people know what the hours are and simply buy ahead.


    All of these narcotics, to include alcohol, tobacco, and caffeine, should not be permitted to be sold or advertised to minors.  Because people are addicted to these, however, and because the producers have a good lobby with legislators, and/or the legislators stand to profit by their sale, restrictions are never quite what they should be.  Until the people demand changes of their leaders, no change can be expected.


    So I am happy to see people bold enough to voice their concerns.  In Thailand, this is precious.

    Hang on a minute earlier in the day you were spouting how bad Marijuana was, now it doesn't cause problems?
    This is what you wrote:

    "Cannabis affects the mind, reducing memory capacity and impairing judgment and logic.  Some of these effects are permanent.


    Do as you will with giving people the option to choose for themselves, but let's hope no one tries to misrepresent as healthful the smoking of marijuana.


    The drug's "bad image" is well deserved."

    Your Maths isn't the best either. Prohibition in the USA lasted from 1920 to 1933, that was thirteen years, not 18 as you stated.


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  7. 8 hours ago, Bday Prang said:

    says a lot about teachers if you ask me  The above post about the one that bought a benz just about sums it up.  

    100% correct. A local teacher of English (who struggled to put a sentence together in that language) was keen to befriend me, until he found out I didn't drink. I later found out he owed money all over the place, most of it borrowed from folks he'd been drinking partners with!
    Boy did he have a lucky escape, I wouldn't like to owe me money!  lol

    BTW The Mercedes Benz thing is from a Janis Joplin song on her "Pearl" album, probably before your time!

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