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Posts posted by MrMuddle

  1. 28 minutes ago, NanLaew said:

    The forum ignore list. The last redoubt of the feeble.


    Oh look! Here's Johnny come Lately.


    You're skipping classes. We wrapped up the "intelligence debate" around page 12 already but we're happy to doggy paddle for a spell so that some other members can keep up.


    Another pathetic keyboard warrior who tries his best to wind others up. You must have a very small deleted....

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  2. 2 hours ago, pedro01 said:

    You havent provided evidence for your claims either.


    Perhaps some credentials... See pics. Im not some anti weed campaigner. It has damaged my health slightly. I am phasing it out of my life because of this.


    I partake but....


    Know smoking/vaping it has damaged my lungs, hence the corticosteroid inhaler i now use (never smoked cigarettes).


    Eating it id healthier but im dragging my feet the next day.


    As for psychological vs  physical addiction, its well documented, is nothing to do with reefer madness.


    Im just a realist who has spent time with addicts of all varieties, including people that retreated into weed from morning to night.


    If you think this ultra high thc weed going around is harmlesss, good for you. 


    My experience has been different and I've posted as much research as you - zero.


    Enjoy my pics20220509_223832.thumb.jpg.7830ef5b7c77f13df38cb28d9b0a6728.jpgFB_IMG_1662195329583.jpg.d651357e4e45fff1afcc3dad7d0fd20e.jpg20220507_010209.thumb.jpg.820ed2cc5322213e7cf612e0f5012da9.jpg20220217_224414.thumb.jpg.c3c010f337c39880bf31dd2280bcdda1.jpg



    So you can't prove your wild claims and now resort to deflection? I don't think so. Can't be bothered with trolls, life's too short. 

  3. 1 hour ago, pedro01 said:

    That its addictive for some people?


    Try NA, plenty if people there that got into trouble with weed.


    Im currently on a corticosteroid inhaler through vaping weed.


    It isnt benign if you smoke it or if you use daily.

    When you're asked for evidence to support a frankly ridiculous claim, it is normal to provide links to qualified people or organisations who can give your claim providence. Your self-diagnosis does NOT count as evidence.

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