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Posts posted by retsdon

  1. It was almost inevitable that the breakup of the Soviet Union would be the catalyst for conflict because that's what always happens when empires die. WW1 was sparked by the breakdown of the Hapsburg Austro-Hungarian Empire, the Vietnam war by the decline of French power in Indochina, the Biafran war, the Rhodesian war, multiple Indo-Pakistan wars, etc, etc, following British withdrawal, not to mention all the Middle Eastern conflicts stemming from the Sykes-Picot agreement and its arbitrarily drawn borders. Why would the breakup of the Soviet Union be any different, especially in regions and countries that had gone centuries as part of the Romanov empire before the Soviets.

    Knowing all this, political issues and divisions among post Soviet states should have been handled with kid gloves diplomatically. Instead, the opposite happened. And now there's war.

  2. The keys to effective fencing are 1) a good earth - 3 connected copper earth rods should be fine, and b) good insulation. If your fence is permanent or you leave it in situ for a long time  keep an eye on vegetation growing up and shorting it out. Get 1 and 2 right, and any fencer will do the job. Get them wrong...

  3. No planning laws and unimaginative concrete architecture mean that -  generally speaking -Thailand is a pretty grubby place. It sometimes has a kind of unique charm about it at times, but a high-end holiday destination it most definitely isn't, and never will be.


    As for families, forget it. Kids on holiday want to DO things, and Thailand isn't a venue that caters well for kids -as any parent here will tell you.


    Better to stick to the formula that works.



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  4. The whole Thai education system isn't fit for purpose. It's run by clueless ignoramuses in brown uniforms whose ignorance is only surpassed by their petty nationalistic arrogance. The really saddening part is that in today's inter-connected world there is absolutely no excuse for the antiquated methodology, universally third-rate materials, and pathetic lack of proper teacher training. Money has nothing to do with it. The poor performance of Thai education is wilful.

    B2,000? Take it and shove it. 

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