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Posts posted by retsdon

  1. I was on an internal flight earlier this week and it was absurd. At Don Muang in the toilets, every other urinal was closed to maintain social distancing and yet on the plane itself we were packed in like battery hens. There wasn't a single spare seat.


    I've had my two Pfizer shots, so wasn't that concerned,  but if I hadn't, I would have been genuinely worried. There's no way that if anyone on that plane had Covid that they wouldn't have infected a slew of people around them. We were all shoulder to shoulder for almost two hours.


    And yet they lock poor sods into workers camps for a month, supposedly to stop the spread. It's a joke, but it's a joke that will end in tears.

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  2. On 6/25/2021 at 6:05 PM, wensiensheng said:

    Indeed. I haven’t been able to cut my grass for the last three days. The ground is too soggy.


    but hopefully the intrepid 300 arriving on day one won’t mind a beach holiday in the rain. It is warm after all.

    At this time of year the onshore wind and rain runoff dirties the sea all the way up the west coast of the peninsula from Singapore to Yangon. It's not the best time to visit,  covid or no covid 

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  3. I remember reading a novel once -the name of it escapes me now - in which the main propagandist spent his time making detailed plans that he knew would never come to fruition, even while he was making them. But given his circumstances it was the only means he had to justify his existence to himself.


    The TAT is like that now. It can't admit to itself and others that foreign tourism is dead in the water, and that until the pandemic is over, it (the TAT) is without a purpose for its existence. Consequently it draws up these schemes that everyone knows are fantasy because to face reality would be too painful.

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  4. 46 minutes ago, ChipButty said:

    ....and next month July quite a few friends wanted to come do some trips have BBQ few drinks, thats all cancelled

    People going back into the UK need to quarantine too now. And unlike last year when it was a bit of a joke, this year there are follow up calls, checks, etc, and fines for not complying.  So that's 2 weeks to a month of restrictions surrounding the holiday at either end. And then there are the mandatory covid tests for both flights and on entry. More cost, and people jamming rods into your sinuses.


     I can tell you as someone currently doing a 15 day quarantine stretch -I wouldn't go through this expensive <deleted> again even if you reversed the cost and paid it to me, never mind having to pay for the ordeal myself. Just not worth the hassle.


    IMHO the insane or ignorant are the ones NOT  cancelling their holidays.

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  5. I flew in tonight on a 787-9 Dreamliner operated by one of the Middle East carriers and besides myself there was a grand total of 5, yes 5, other passengers. We were outnumbered 2 to 1 by cabin crew. It was like being Jeff Bezos or somebody, having your own private $300 million aircraft. 


    And the arrivals hall at Swampy was the same story. Fully staffed for us 6 passengers and another flight with not many more on it. It was like there's been some kind of apocalypse.


    The tourist industry in Thailand is going to have a long hard climb back....

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  6. 2 hours ago, wensiensheng said:

    I’ve added two red lines to the rolling 7 day average for Covid cases. Please excuse my amateurish effort.


    I believe any sharp upward movement out of the two red lines followed by a sharp downward movement back within them, represents a spike. Any similar movement downward out of the lines and then back within them, represents a dip. Movements within the red lines represents a a trend.


    because the two red lines rise when going from left to right, cases in Thailand are in an upward trend.


    is there an explanation I have missed?





    If it were a stock you'd be buying right about now just as it bounces off the bottom of the upward channel ????

  7. 2 hours ago, wensiensheng said:

    The precious vaccine resources being used to try and achieve some kind of herd immunity in Phuket, so that the island can gain some financial benefit from imaginary tourists,

    Imaginary is the right word. Even if people wanted to come, no outside government is going to allow its citizens to vacation into a pandemic and then waltz home again.

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