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Posts posted by retsdon

  1. 7 minutes ago, Nismooo said:


    So now you have narrowed it down to people...


    *Already vaccinated


    *From countries with lower covid rates than Thailand. (Your specific example “Myanmar”)


    *Can afford to travel and can afford to pay for ASQ


    To have a 14 day quarantine for people that fits this highly specific criteria, wont prevent mutations to spread. 


    Well, you got me there.

    This Covid 'rate' you set such store by, how is it determined? That's why I mentioned Myanmar. Yemen also has a very low 'rate'.

    You should know that the UK has conducted 2 million tests per million of the population. Thailand, by contrast, has conducted 3,000 per million. If one country tests population x 2,  and another country tests population x 0.3, which country will find it has a higher 'rate' of Covid. I've no idea what Thailand's comparative rate of infection is, and neither do you.


    What I do know is that, and I'm quoting 'Evidence shows the vaccines work against leading variants Recent research from Pfizer looked at 44,000 people around the world — including people in South Africa who were predominantly exposed to the B.1.351 variant — and found that the vaccine remained 100 percent effective against severe disease and death.'


    So unless the research is wrong, I'll be wasting my time in quarantine. But at least I'm protected when I get to Thailand,  so it doesn't  matter.


    In the meantime, don't forget to wash your hands.....



  2. 30 minutes ago, Nismooo said:

    Does vaccine prevent infection and spread of the virus? 

    That's what vaccines usually do. You mean to say you didn't know?


    35 minutes ago, Nismooo said:

    Im pretty sure your home country have a higher covid rate than Thailand... but feel free to prove me wrong

    You are 'sure your home country'...you seem to know a  lot about me. And what's my passport to do with anything?


    And prove? All I said is that that my current residence country has a lower Covid rate than Thailand's. What's there to prove?


    But other than it's a complete waste of B20,000, an extra 10 days doesn't bother me. As I said, at least I'm vaccinated (Pfizer).


    I think you're just jealous...????




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  3. This is encouraging. A few  years ago I was at a water park with my kids and I noticed that one of the attendants had a Nikon SLR under his desk that he would pick up periodically and take telephoto shots of girls in the pool. He was quite open about it, but nobody else -other parents, staff, etc -seemed to think anything about it. I found their indifference quite shocking. 

  4. 21 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    Why would a field hospital have ICU beds? IMO they are just for containing infected people so they don't infect family members and neighbours. Actually ill people would presumably be moved to a proper hospital. There is no point in filling up hospitals with people infectious but not sick.

    I was asking why field hospitals were not used in the UK at the very start last year.

    Staffing shortages.

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  5. It's not possible to conjure ICU beds out of thin air. It's not like wheeling in a few extra cots. An ICU bed involves a lot of sophisticated equipment AND  highly-trained staff to work and monitor it.


    What's most worrying about this is that the people supposedly in charge clearly have no clue at all about what they're in charge of. Or they're liars. 


    Either way it doesn't inspire much confidence. 


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