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Posts posted by retsdon

  1. The World Health Organisation estimates that there's something like 5 million plus people in Thailand living on less than $5 a day and some cretin (how stupid do you have to be not to have something better to do with your money) spends 10 million baht on a number plate.


    This is the stuff that revolutions are made of. 

  2. Lots of posters are condemning this fellow, but I'd be curious to know what evidence there is against him. He left Nana or wherever with her, and she supposedly had his DNA under her fingernails. But surely there should be more, because it's a massive jump from that to cutting someone up and dumping them in a suitcase.


    In my younger days, there were periods when at any time of the day or night you could probably have lined up half a dozen bar girls with my DNA about their person somewhere or other. Can't say it ever once crossed my mind to murder any of them through..

    • Like 1
  3. In today's Guardian there's a frightening report from Indonesia. And it's a sobering warning of what awaits Thailand if things are allowed to drift. The velocity that this thing has accelerated at in a short time is mind blowing. Edited to say that I tried to link to the graph in the article but couldn't.




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  4. 46 minutes ago, Dogmatix said:

    How reliable are the numbers from Burma?

    Not at all. Until recently they were in the 10s - an obviously absurd figure given the country's geopolitical location and the Covid situation amongst its neighbours. Which makes the recent upsurge all the more concerning. If they are now reporting thousands, it suggests that the true numbers of new cases must be absolutely hellish.

  5. 1 hour ago, jerrymahoney said:

    It will depend on  if any others on the flight become positive and an analysis of how the infected person got on the flight if these provisions have or have not been followed:


    Public Announcement

    CAAT News 22/2021 : Airline passengers to Phuket without COVID-19 document to be rejected for boarding

      31 May 2021


     Phuket governor with the approval of the Communicable Diseases Committee of Phuket has issued a new announcement since May 28th, 2021. The new announcement emphasizes the screening measures for domestic passengers entering Phuket from June 1st. The new measures will complement the existing processes and ensure more streamlined entry into Phuket. The airline passenger must proceed as follows:


     1. Must be vaccinated with 2 or full doses of COVID-19 vaccine or a dose of AstraZeneca vaccine, recovered from COVID-19 infection not more than 90 days, tested negative for COVID-19 by RT-PCR or Antigen Rapid Test not more than 7 days since the test date.  Those who fail to present the evidence will be rejected for boarding by the airlines. However, children up to 5 years of age are exempted.




    They're dreaming. There are always a few lunatics but no normal person is going to subject themselves to this kind of stuff for a 2week beach holiday halfway around the world. Especially when at a moment's notice the goalposts can be moved. 

  6. The government doesn't give tuppence. Look at the road planning. Just up from us theyve run a new 4 lane highway along what used to be a sleepy  two lane inter-village B road. People now literally step out of their houses straight onto a dual-carriageway carrying intercity traffic doing 120+kph. Going to the local shop or taking the kids to school has suddenly become a life threatening exercise for hundreds, if not thousands. Of course, the lazy, ill-planned juxtaposition of intercity traffic with village life will inevitably lead to hundreds of deaths over time. A child of 5 could predict it. But does anyone in government care? Do they ----!

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