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Posts posted by retsdon

  1. On 5/28/2021 at 1:27 PM, kynikoi said:


    Right. Because chronic pot smokers are known to be highly industrious and absolutely brilliant. Just ask all the hippies sitting up in the hills in Himachal Pradesh. Bloody geniuses each one.



    Chronic users of any drug are generally low performers. How many high achieving alcoholics ir junkies do you know of? 

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  2. 5 hours ago, kynikoi said:


    Thai salaries haven't moved up.


    Quality of teachers haven't moved up.


    Starting salary of 35k is triple the national wage. Probably 2.5 times the standard bog teaching salary of around half that.


    What are these teacher's bringing to the position? Prestigious uni, ability to teach, write well, public speaking talent, clear pronunciation and understanding of phonics, great vocabulary, solid grammar skills, celta?


    No, just another bog standard, low motivation, no prep farang. If you live in the hills expect to make hillbilly wages. Pretty simple.

    It's not triple the national wage unless you're talking about the national wage for working in a hotel making beds. Any qualified Thai (other than a public servant) working in any kind of responsible position is north of 25,000 baht these days. A receptionist working for a multi-national on the eastern seaboard gets nearly 20,000. 


    But your other point is absolutely correct. Teachers in Thailand are grossly underpaid and it impacts on the quality of the profession overall. It's a job of last resort.

  3. AUA out in the sticks were paying me almost 30,000 baht and that was 18 years ago. And with a few extra classes I was actually making more than that. It's just pathetic that teaching pay hasn't moved over the intervening years because for sure the cost of living has. And so have teaching salaries elsewhere. Go and look at rates in Vietnam or Cambodia, or China. 


    The pay rate in Thailand is a joke and not a basis for any long or even medium term life choice.  Almost 20 years ago, after 5 years in Thailand on 24 -30,000 a month I had a hard look at reality and admitted the inescapable conclusion that if I didn't get out and make some proper money I'd finish up destitute. And to be honest,  that's exactly how a few of the guys I worked with did finish up. Broke, unable to meet financial visa of health insurance requirements, the end result of a decade or two living the TEFLing life was them having to crawl back to the UK to live on social security in some DSS accommodation with the plonkies. Yes, there are good times to be had teaching in Thailand but you need to keep an eye on the post teaching door because sooner or later you will have to have to go through it. And don't forget to keep up your pension/ national insurance contributions....


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  4. The 'acceptance' would appear to be based on text recognition software. My first CoE was rejected with only the certificate and terms uploaded as support, but when I resubmitted again (twice by mistake but with different supporting docs) I got two acceptances in quick succession! 

    I wouldn't sweat it. If it gets rejected you can just resubmit....


  5. 1 hour ago, anchadian said:
    Do we have any yet?
    Guidance for Fully Vaccinated People
    For the purposes of this guidance, people are considered fully vaccinated for COVID-19 ≥2 weeks after they have received the second dose in a 2-dose series, or ≥2 weeks after they have received a single-dose vaccine.
    Source: CDC

    I've got another activity to add to that list.


    To demonstrate that the results of original and ongoing clinical trials of licensed vaccines aren't bogus, fully vaccinated people arriving in Thailand can spend north of B50,000 and  15 days in quarantine. Give 'em something to do while the bars are closed...

  6. When I first visited Thailand in the 80s, it was beautiful. Quiet, clean, and uniquely different. And to experience it, you had to come here.


    These days though Thailand is noisy, dirty, and no different to any other low to mid ranking industrial country.


    You don't have to travel half way around the world to sit in traffic fumes across from a McDonalds while the people around you play with their phones. If they are so minded, pretty much anyone can do that at home.

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  7. 13 hours ago, BenDeCosta said:

    are going to have a hard time adjusting to living on 300 baht a day from a 12 hour shift at a factory in Chon Buri.

    It's not 300 baht and hasn't been for a long time. And that's the problem. Thai cheap labour has priced itself out of the market and new production lines are being automated and made 'smart'. Nobody wants lines of girls putting bits into products anymore. My SiL, who worked shifts for 20 years for various Japanese technology companies, is now back on the family farm. There's no work and she's given up looking. In every new factory her old job is being done by a robot.

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