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Posts posted by retsdon

  1. On 6/18/2020 at 1:10 PM, Dumbastheycome said:

    When it comes to domestic sales of vehicles in Thailand I find it incredible that even those on the minimum socioeconomic end of the earnings scale are willing and have been encouraged to buy on credit at a price equivalent to that in supposedly wealthier countries.

    I think it was the investor Richard Russell who said, 'There are two kinds of people in the world, those who understand how interest works and those who don't. Those who understand it earn it, and those who don't, pay it.' 


    There's a reason why the Thai education system continues to be so bad. It keeps the money moving upwards.

  2. 39 minutes ago, uhuh said:

    You cannot fly EVA because you are not allowed to transfer in Taipei.

    No foreigners are allowed to enter Taiwan,  not even as transit passengers.

    Only Taiwanese and foreigners with residence in Taiwan. 

    The Taiwanese government has stated they want to keep it this way until a vaccine is available.   


    Well, that's the other thing. Even if Thailand said we could come back, finding a plane to take us is a whole other problem. 

  3. It's an interesting anomaly that while  in cold and temperate climates the normal flu virus survives better and propogates more readily in cold, dry weather, in the tropics the opposite is true and flu infections climb during the rainy season. So if Covid-19 follows the same pattern, it's more likely that the worst is yet to come. https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2013/03/08/173816815/flu-risk-and-weather-its-not-the-heat-its-the-humidity

  4. You would have to think that Unsworth's lawyers - especially if they're working on a no win no fee basis - will have warned him in no uncertain terms that any skeleton in the closet will almost certainly be found out and he'll finish up a ruined man (and they won't get their fees either). And that's why, if old Vern really is going ahead with this, it would appear that Musk has had a Roseanne Barr moment and it's about to come back and bite him. 


    On a side note, I can't understand why anyone bothers to post on Twitter - no good ever seems to come of it.

  5. 5 minutes ago, BobBKK said:

    He picked a 'working girl',

    You're right. A lot of years ago, in exchange for the odd favour, I used to compose begging letters for bar girls to send to their overseas admirers.These girls weren't bad people - from their perspective, having multiple 'boyfriends' was like spreading the risk in an insurance policy. And to be fair, the two I knew who got married immediately became monogamous wives because they had what they wanted - which was security. I doubt that Mr. 9mm or any of the others come to that were offering much of that....

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  6. 20 minutes ago, janclaes47 said:

    I don't know if you are married or have a long time girlfriend, but if you have, I wonder how you would feel if you found out she was shagging a few others as well.

    Quite. I'd get out my 9mm and shoot her in cold blood. Of course, it would leave her kids motherless, but that would serve them right for having such a fickle mother in the first place.

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