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Everything posted by puck2

  1. They say: quarantine-free, but it's not - 1 day in reality! A typical misinformation of the military government. Another example: They say our orders are only for your health/protection against the covid virus. The reality: many, many of their orders are made to MAKE MONEY (for the riches). More examples: look at the headline of this thread: 1 day "quarantine" for the foreigners = falangs are forced to pay for the covid losses of the Thai hotel owners. BEFORE, quarantine-free moving was allowed only for "special" (hotels in) cities/provinces; Bangkok, Chiang Mai, Phuket, Ko Samui, Hua Hin, Pattaya without considering the reality (danger) of the covid situation. Poor provinces have been missed (sorted out). The falangs, including returning expats, had and have to show double covid vaccination .... ehm because of a danger for the Thai population. In reality: the danger of a covid infection doesn't and didn't come from the falangs, but from the Thais themselves. The vaccination rate in the foreign countries has been by far much, much higher than in Thailand, where the military dictator needed so much time to order the vaccines in foreign countries. the military leader made big mistakes in handling the covid problem. The most serious one was in April 2020 allowing the Thai people to return to their families for celebrating their songkran at home. Result: transporting the disease to the provinces and therafter back to Bangkok and the surrounding areas.
  2. Some people died already here in the Northern mountains. Of smoke? ....- No, because of laughing about this app.
  3. Thai problem: is Unlimited Coverage more or less than $100K ??? . They didn't learn it at school or university.
  4. ..... although you had done this in your home country before leaving by plane (otherwise you cannot leave by plane)? I repeat it again and again: the ugly ThAI military government wants to make money of the covid disaster, as much as possible. This is only one example of many. I'm sure, those hotels have to "deliver" sonme bahts in their pockets.
  5. When you are reading all this contradicting government "orders", then you unvoluntarily think about the future of Thailand. I - i..e. - cannot refuse the idea: what would happen, if Thailand is forced into a war? My ideas: although ruled by a military "leader", he wouldn't know how to react. Because no plan about it. the leader would announce an order, shut up all you minions. This is a military problem which can only resolved by us. But it will take some time. the leader will order all available submarines into the Mekong to defend the capital and the channels near to his house. the leader will call ASEAN to suppoert him, because some important generals are just not at home, but shopping with their family in Peking, Mumbay , Ney York or Paris. It will take some time to return at home. But he urgently needs them. He has already ordered a military first class plane for their returning. the leader will ask the parliament to take over the responsability (until the end of the war). the leader will promise another election - after the war. .............
  6. My favourite beer is here not available - the Czech Pilsener.
  7. Don't you know the old adage concerning polls? Give me the result of your wishes and you'll get what you want (payed for)!
  8. The Thai military must make money, even by a pandemy. No problem, no moral! Completely unnecessary sandbox system, if people have had 2 doses of Pfizer, Moderna or Astra Z. . Because the corrupt military elite wants this sandbox - even if 2x vaccinated already - it's proof by 100%, that some money of the overpriced ASQ hote bills of the quarantine goes in their pockets. In Thailand it's completely impossible to follow the money, particularly when it goes in military pockets. Or did you hear or read that somebody has been allowed "to follow the money" on miliitary bank accounts? Controls impossible!
  9. Not everywhere in Thailand ! Especially Pfizer not available, even if you would pay for it.
  10. I can confirm exactly the same service (confirmation of income) by the Germnan Honorary Consulate in Chiang Mai, this year (because of Covid). Excellent and with common sense!
  11. It seems you have read RJRS' comment a little bit to fast. Look at the last part of his paragraph.
  12. Yes, the military regime doesn't won't to slash the money-milking pandemie cow. As long as possible!
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