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Everything posted by puck2

  1. For me the problem seems not to be DHL or another service, but the BKK-Airtport service. One time I received my card after 2 1/² weeks. 3x it took 6 weeks, only after reclaming. I learnt by tracking where the letter had "rested".
  2. Webfact: ...... pre-arrival RT-PCR test scrapped..... It would be more, much more reasonable to make the test before entering (flying to) Thailand. But the only reason is to make money here in Thailand by a special group near to the military.
  3. Of course, Thailand has done a better job ..... in NOT testing and manipulating the numbers . Only one hint: the people in the remote moutains, At the moment it's very dangerous to go in their villages, because of the spreading virus. And there are a lot of them in many parts of Thailand. The cases are only "reported(?)" when seeing a doctor.
  4. I don't need friends to confirm, if there is a burning or not. Here in the Mae Hong Son area it is total diferent to many years before. You can breath a fresh air, see the mountains in the background very clear after the fog has disapeared in the early morning hours. All the years before we had to flee the smoke and relaxed in Hua Hin until the burning stopped. Market people of our village reported already that Chiang Mai was clear this year, and the same happened here. The officials had given a stronger, serious warning. In addition we had rain on same days. Within the last 3 nights only 1 minute! I said to my wife, better than no rain. The tookay under our roof also tells us every late evening that he likes the clean air and the insects!
  5. There might be a "simple" excuse for the hospital; 40,000 - in English wrighting is: forty thausand (km) 40.000 - in German wrighting is: forty thausand (km) 40,000 - i.e. German wrighting is: forty (km) Only a "little" difference ???? concerning comma and point.
  6. The "best" self entertaining thread in Asiannow I have ever seen.
  7. Don't forget history, especially the Chinese one, connected to Thailand. From 1927 until 1949 there was the civil war in China. Result, Mao was the new communist leader/dictator. It was a hard time in this war for the population in China. Losing homes, life of family members, starvation etc. And even under Mao there have been disasters like starvation etc. Result, many fled to countries in SE Aisa including Thailand. If you ask your family, friends, neighbors, some or many of them have people with a Chinese origin. I.e. the grandmother of my wife fled China because of war fighting, hunger etc. and moved to Thailand. They all have been unvoluntarily influenced by the culture of their (Chinese) families. Although with a poor and awful life in their mother country, in their hearts they have been Chinese. I can confirm this feelings and behavior. Born during Hitler's dictatorship, at the end of WW II, expelled by the Russians, we didn't change our feeling for our home country. The same happened to the Chinese people here in Thailand. That's one important reason why they feel more connected to China('s dictatorship) than to the Western countries. It's not an issue of brain, but of the origin of the family. You will find this confirmed in the USA. Therefore it's not „the Western arrogance“,but family history, why here is a Chinese influence,
  8. The headline: Opinion: american-and-western-arrogance-will-lose-this-region-to-china’s-influence/ is poore nonsense. Why ? Arrogance concerning people is explained by: someone who is full of self-worth or self-importance and who tells and shows that they have a feeling of superiority over others. I believe that many, many Western people think like this. It's the same attitude that the Thai military government has against it people. Chinas communist leaders are not different. But thinking that the "arrogance" of Western countries is the reason for losing it's influence on Thailand and its SE neighbours is not logical. There are a lot of reasons why. The US invaded Vietnam not because of arrogance, but because of the fear of a (Chineses) communist expansion in SE Asia. The Vietnamese had fightings/wars against the Chinese over a long time because of the fear being one of the many provinces in China. There is no connection to Western "arrgance", but to Chinese lust of occupation. Vietnamese people now fear mor their communist "collegues" than the West! In general, fighting the communists (of China) means fighting for democracy. That*s not a fight for "superiority", but for the freedom of people. After the coup here in Thailand the military "leader" hurrried to China like a crazy servant, not for the welfare of the Thais, but for his own/military success + surviving. The (democratic) Western states didn't "like" him. Reasons for the coup: personal, not moral or politcal, not supported by the West, but no problem for the Chinese leader. That's the real danger for SE Asia. Once the geography of SE Asia was more important than nowadays. Going to or from China, Japan, Korea, E-Russia was ging through SE Asias area-. Reason: Moldern technology like aeroplanes, big ships can go around, don't need to cross chanels etc, in SE Asia., Maybe the leading technology and science in Western countries + Japan, South Korea caused some arrogance. Vice versa would be the same.
  9. @Mavideol Read the following thread and I guess you will find out why they called you (congratulation that you stopped the call): https://aseannow.com/topic/1254542-thai-cambodian-police-crack-down-on-major-call-centre-gang-in-cambodia/
  10. Not true! It depends also on where you are staying. Only 1 example for the draught after Songkran in 25 provinces in the year 2020. https://reliefweb.int/report/thailand/25-provinces-declare-drought-disaster Once you could rely on this: the dry season stopped by the end of songkran. But since a lot of years this prediction did NOT work (exception: last year, at least here in Mae Hong Son). In 2011 a strong monsoon started at the in May, flooding at lot of provinces in the North and North-East.
  11. I don't know what they are doing aginst the yearly smoke, starting between ~ the end of February or in the first weeks of March. Every year the same, officials are not ashamed to announce: next year we will clear this problem. The following year no difference. On every big road leading the the center of CM, you are stopped and controlled by the police. It's easy for them to collect the money for every tiny <deleted>. But hunting the fire makers would mean they have to move their but out of the car and hurry..... OMG, that's to hard, leaving the car and searching the culprits. It would be so easy to make the owner of the land responsible for the burning.
  12. Bad news. This smog in CM means we will have it here in the Mae Hong Province very soon. The mountains in the background already look a little bit misty. Must prepare now booking a flight to BKK re. Hua Hin. In the weather forecast i have read, next Tuesday there will be some rain here in our Amphoe. We will wait and see. re. fly.
  13. You seem not to understand the world "imperialism". To help you understanding: Imperialism is a policy or ideology of extending rule over peoples and other countries, for extending political and economic access, power and control, often through employing hard power, especially military force, but also soft power. According to this definition I can explain it by the German history after WW II: The US, GB and the Soviet Union tried to stop the German Nazis and occupied this country. The US and GB influenced people in their occupied area to get used to DEMOCRACY. That was welcomed by the Germans and learnt to use this system very well and successfully. On the other (EASTERN) side there have been the Soviets. They forced their their own communist Sytsem on the Eastern German population. And this was 100% imperialistic, as described above. The majority of the people there didn't like it, but have been forced to use it to upheld the Sovietic system (against the will of the people). I think, this was "a little bit" different of the democratic system in Western Germany, introduced thankfully by the USA. Concerning the Ukraine, Putin behaves like an ugly IMPERIALIST, not the USA. You are deflecting!
  14. You guess, if Putin has conquered Europe after destroying Ukraine? You behave already int he Putin-style. Congratulation!
  15. If that would be right, what you are pretending, then please tell and explain to me/us, why Germany had to pay a lot for all the crimes Hitler had done before and during WW II. The same should happen to Russia. I'm sure, a lot of Russians dislike their dictator Purtin, the same what happened in Germany with Hitler. But both dictators, Hitler and Putin, both have been the official represantives of their country. Therefore it's correct to pay for "the damage" they have caused. This result is very sad for the normal Russian people with a good heart and a healthy brain. It's an unwanted result of belonging to this country, but you have to tolerate the consequences of an ugly and bad leadership.
  16. Please show us your numbers to improve the nonsense you are writing. In 2021 Russia had a population of only ~145 (!) million people. The world has a population of a little bit below 8 BILLION. And including "sympathisers" it should be more than "half + 1" ???
  17. Why shouldn't there be a wall against Russian imperialism ? Remember the history of communist Eastern Germany, Poland losing land in its eastern area, Russian war in Afghanistan, Russians meddling the Cuascasuus area- etc. Following your crazy/stupid logic, all countries which have boders with Russia, should say and do the same: We are against the "expansion" of Russian/Putin imperialism to justify a war ???!!!
  18. Ask the people in the Northern area. Here in the Mae Hon Son Province, near to the Myanmar boderline, since nearly 3 months: every early morning between 11° - 16°. Unusual long and cold time.
  19. ".....The debt-ridden airline reported that it gained around 62 billion baht in 2021 from its debt restructuring process, which was approved by the Central Bankruptcy Court in July 2020. ...." Now I understand why so many people, who payed their tickets in advance (as normal), didn't receive their money back, because of cancelled TG-flights. You could read this in the news and here in this forum. What a pity, once I liked to fly on Thai Airways. But I stopped it already many years ago.
  20. I can trust our dogs by 100%, but the Thai military regime not yet by 1 Cent. The numbers are (down) manipulated, forced by the military government. Only one reason among a lot of others: OPENESS ! Why is the military leader so shy to show us the covid-numbers of each region? Answer: afraid of being detected as liars.
  21. What a brilliant idea. Nowbody ever thought about this bla..bla...bla . Mr. Dr. S, can you deliver some details how to solve the war problem? I'm afraid, NOT.
  22. May I correct you: "The NON-administration just goes from bad to worse.
  23. DHL for me just the opoosite, an absolute horror. My son had send me bank cards 3-times within the last 5 years by registered mail. 2 times the letter has been stopped in BKK-Airport-DHL and arrived here in the North after ~6 weeks, after using the tracking system. One time it has been "controlled" here in the Post office - until I went there. The woman (cannot say lady) at the desk took it out of the drawer in front of her belly. It has been there already some weeks! On February 4 (Friday) I have sent my 90-days report to the IMO in Pai - by registered mail. Just until yesterday no returning of the 90-day-confirmation. A call in Pai: no, we didn't receive your mail, although the post-tracking showed me it was dlivered on Monday, February 7. Our dogs would be 100-times more reliable!
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