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Everything posted by puck2

  1. ... and money seems to be more important for you than your health?
  2. Problems for cash money: counterfeit money. If you lose cash, you must be very lucky to get it back. Problems for paying by card or mobile: safety; card datas have been stolen on ATMs by criminals. just a short time before, card paying has been stopped in Germany for cards of some issuers because of a data mistake/s;
  3. No, it's all about location! Come here to the North in a remote area and try to pay by card or mobile. You will leave the shop with empty hands. Only one exception: 7/11. But there it takes longer than cash.
  4. A soldier/general will remain a soldier/general alll day, even in politics. That's his and Thailands problem. Completely blind and deaf against criticism.
  5. It seems you are not able to differ between criticism and ANTI-THAI-xxxxx.
  6. Typical Thai military style: what is outside of childrens head is more important than what should be inside .... in the brain ! (measurement in cm not possible 555)
  7. The craziest = most idiotic thing is: 90-days-reportimg was created against crimiinals! That means, watching where they stay (by reporting)? That was the intention of IMO!!! What a laughing stock. Just those criminals would like to report their location ???
  8. Jo has been on a holiday what I didn't know ( and of course, I believe he deserves it). Then after calling him I've got my bread again and enjoying it as ever.
  9. OneMoreFarang; " And I mean it. If there is evidence then show it and prosecute him." .... yes, with the guarantee, next day you will stay in prison ! That's the Thai military style of freedom of opinion. You must have a big hole in your memory/brain if you don't recognize or remember how a lot of opponents habe been "eliminated". Only 2 examples of many, many: the leader of the "Future Forward" etc. and his party. Did you ever learn that the jurustic power should be the independent and the reliable THIRD POWER in a state? Today here in Thailand it doesn't work. That's the main reason, why there is "nobody to prosecute him [P.]". What a pity that you don't do it.
  10. Some people look only at the price ticket. Reducing the volume/wight is often the same as a price increase.
  11. Why? Because of the military junta! They don't want to lose their power and .... hm.... money!
  12. ,,,, yes, the Thai people and the farangs will remember corruption, his hesitation fighting the Covid, his militäray governing style with no respect for different oppinons, his hastily flight to China for "good miliitary" advices, thanked by ordering the Chiese submarines. And all his actions acommpanied by CORRUPTION !!! This is very obvious when you look back at the crazy test & Go scheme, the Thai pass etc. People with some brain recognise that all these overpriced schemes have been full of corruption, accompanied by higher than normal prizes. Guess where the money went to? To people now billionares with a "low" monthly salary of +200.000 THB or less. And most important, you forget every time that he has got his job by a coup, a criminal action. He should stay in prison in a normal democracy.
  13. Can anyone give me an information about Jo's bakery- I'm his longtime customer. Living in the remote area of Pang Mapha - 4 hours by car to CM - I ordered all time a 10kg package of good German bread and stored it in our icebox. Yesterday I failed to contact him, per I-Net ---> not working; by mobile and netline ----> no answer, not working. Thank you for your support in advance.
  14. @Banana7 Your name here in the AN says already a lot about you. Thinking only with a small brain and not further than to your tiptoe. It's not hard to guess you are an US-boy, because there they didn't learn how to avoid plastic waste. (Not your problem ....?). In Germany, the kids in kindergarten learn already about this environment problem. Namely, that those plastic bags are waste which desolves only within maybe 200-300 years and is not very healthy. Burning them is very unhealthy, too.
  15. The IO-order, as shown in the small letters, has a good intention. But because TiT, it is the open (legal ) door to make money for the agents and the IO. That's one of the reasons the IOs in many areas press the falangs to use an agent. The same legal ( ) situation: if you use ore don't use an agent. But YOU are refused, whereas if the agent uses exactly the same documents .... big wonder - it is working, suddenly i.e. no time limits for the deposited money etc. ....That only because of immigration order 327/2557. A welcome § for curruption. That's all.
  16. Í don't have any experience for these flights. But one idea: check the (daily?) flights (departures and arrivals) of Dubai to Glasgow and vice versa. Then you will have results of real time!
  17. I have had this idea alread many times. When "the enemy" would cross the Mekong the military junta would still think about what to do or how to react. 1) they would form a comittee coming together next week. 2) then they would order that all the +1.000 generals should come back from the USA, China or anywhere else to make a plan for the future of the war. 3) then they would go to the Wat to be blessed for making the right decisions. and being lucky. 4) All "falang" news reporters would get the order going back to their home country, because this war is a Thai problem they should not report about 5) ... the list goes on. That's the system how they work with the covid problem.
  18. Thai Tourism Industry Hopes for More Chinese Travelers in October A dream of the Thai tourism industry with no background of reality. The Cinese have still problems to fight the Covid by their own Chinese medication Sinovac. That has a low quality, about 10% of the Pfizer/Biontech. Now they recognize this mistake relying on their own vaccine. But changing this habit is a little bit too late and more expensive. Xi, the new emperor, does his best that the people of his homecountry stay isolated. Meeting people from other countries i.e, during their holiday in Thailand or elsewhere, will open their minds and eyes. A danger for him and the party. They fear the influence of freedom. I'm not sure, but think I've read that even Chineses have to quarantane after returning. Much, much longer than in other countries. 3 weeks? Another giant hurdle for the Chinese tourists without earning any Yuan during this 3-week time. The economy will not return to the old days of 2019 and before. That's a reason not to spend some hard earned money on holidays in Thailand or other countries.
  19. I'm afraid some money didn't "go" for or in the wall/s, but in brown envelops. Surprised?
  20. This is a tall tale, at least here in the forest behind our house. After every yearly (17) fire in the moutain behind us we didn't find any mushrooms, except a few you would die of. If you believe all these fire-mushroom stories, you can trust all mirtacles written in the bible.
  21. Maybe the Thai generations are not divided watching this short video: video_2022-03-25_12-32-41-Putin.mp4
  22. You will have good news, if Prayut is condemning the Russian war in Ukraine. But When?
  23. „$US12 billion, not a huge sum for Thailand, compare annual GDP of $US500“ Very abstrus, it's easy to explain why. this money – let us think of only 400 billion Baht = ~$US 12 billion - had to be payed out of the Thai budget. To compare this large summe with the GDP is nonsense, because it's not payed by the GDP, it has to be taken out of the budged. Like all payments by the state. And the Thai budget is „a little bit“ smaller than your mentioned GDP of $US500 billion. The Thai budget for 2022 is ~3,1 trillion Thai Baht, Let me say the actual exchange rate is 1US = ~33,1 THB. Then the 3,1 trillion THB (=3.100 billion THB) has a vallue of 3.100 billion / 33,1 = 93,7 billion US$ If I compare now 12 billion US$ (payout to the Thai people) with the Thai budget of 3.100 billion then it would be 7,8% of the Thai budget. And you do think this is „not a huge sum for Thailand“ ??? Paying out this large amount of 400 billion Baht would cause another problem for the budget of the year 2022. This before explained 7,8 % would have to be cut (= taken off ) from other parts of the budged, already confirmed by the parliaent before October 2021 (=the start of the Thai budget-year)
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