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Posts posted by puck2

  1. 4 hours ago, phantomfiddler said:

    No-one likes to be told that they have a large bill that has not been paid. Why should America have to foot the bills of other nations ?

    It's just the opposite. Why should Germany pay for USA-fabricated wars, i.e. in Iraq. The money consequences of this war are still working on the budgets of those warrior countries. That means, they make their so-called "defence-budgets" higher than necessary.

    And we are not sure if cheeto Trump will try another war with IRAN.

  2. Don't forget that exchange rates depend on politics too. Not only on British, but also on world politics. Especially on the politics „created“ by the new air-headed POTUS (hot air inside, but no substance).


    On May 25 there was the Nato meeting in Brussels. On the same day, the Thai Baht won against the mayor Western currencies, not only against the GBP.   SCB --->





    The world realises now that you cannot trust the POTUS any more for many reasons, among them being uniformed and stupidiness. He changes his mind faster than you have to go to the toilet.


    The money doesn't like political unsteadiness and loss of trust. as well as protectionism. Consequences, it flies to „safer“ harbours, i.e. Thailand with the prospect of better returns. At the same time it seems not so important that the Thai economy isn't in the best condition.

  3. Trump vehemently kicks his foot into the @r... of those (poor) people in the rust belt who decided the US election 2016.

    Having a pity? No. Already in the election campaign it was obvious that this characterless dummy was an extreme liar and denier of facts. You get what you deserve. Of course, I have a pity with those who didn't elect him. And that was not the majority of the US voters.

    But that is another problem in the so called US-democracy.

  4. 1 hour ago, Wandr said:

    I would say just about anyone will know more than you!


    Because "anyone" - including you- will know more then me, why couldn't you solve the exchange-rate-difference-problem by yourself? :sad:

    You remember me Trump. People with an open brain would like to deliver the requested details in order to be able to solve the problem. Again: you are to lazy to read the terms of your VISA-Card concerning the exchange rates.


  5. On 15/5/2560 at 6:52 AM, Wandr said:

    God help me from so-called internet experts!

    I did not ask anyone to analyze my transaction, though I suppose I should thank you for the effort.

    And don't keep saying that the calculation was incorrect. Here is what the expert above (PIB) said in his or her post:


    "  If included with the cash amount withdrawn be sure you backed out that 220 charge before doing the rest of your exchange rate calculations. "


    Totally illogical and incorrect. And I should believe a person like this about anything financial?


    I have done a search on the net and found other references specifically about Krungsri Bank charging more than others. The easiest course for everyone is to steer clear of this bank.

    But if anyone posting on here is a Krungsri employee or agent then post your details, and I will drop by your office with information about my transaction.


    Thanks once again for the effort made by posters.

    May I give you an advice. Call "God"  to get an answer to your problem. You can find the telephone number in every phone book, or you must google. If that all doesn't work please ask a priest for the number :smile:

  6. On 15/5/2560 at 9:01 AM, Swiss1960 said:

    WRONG! Card issuing banks CAN and DO set their own exchange rates under VISA / MasterCard regulations! One major bank in Switzerland for example sets their own rates for GBP, US$ and EUR, since those are their major trading currencies and they will make an additional gain when they have to settle their accounts against VISA / MasterCard.


    Although  "one mayor bank in Switzerland" sets its own rates, the general rule is that the banks (of the issuing VISA-Card) refer to the exchange rates of VISA, re.Visa Europe.


    Because @Wandr doesn't want to write details of the "not always given Visa rate" it's completely useless to go on with the discussion.


    He seems to be too lazy to look into the visa-card-conditions of his bank. I, i.e., can read that my bank uses the exchange rates (in advance) published by VISA.







  7. 7 hours ago, Wandr said:

    Unfortunately, none of the above applies.   <------>



    I only can confirm what @Pib has written here in  this thread. The ATM-VISA-exchange rates are identic with the VISA (EUROPE) rates booked on my account. 100%.


    If you compare both rates you have to consider the ATM fees here in Thailand and those in the country of the card issuing bank. For this reason check the details of these withdrawals.


    To end the contradictory discussion, please give us the following datas of one of these "dubious" ATM withdrawals:

    1. the exact (Thai) date of the withdrawal = hour + minutes, day, month, year - all printed on your ATM receipt.
    2. the country of the issuing card
    3. the amount of the withdrawal (Thai  Baht) from your bank account (in the  currency of your bank account)
    4. The fees of your card issuing bank. Consider: the THAI-ATM fee (220 THB i.e.) normally is contained in  the booked amount.
    5. please tell us exactly how you do the calculation? Consider: in the Visa-exchange table you have to start with the currency of the card issuing bank (= My card is in .... USD, EUR, GBP i.e.)


  8. On 30/4/2560 at 3:13 AM, humqdpf said:

    The issue was never with overbooking - overbooking is standard and it is a seldom event when there are not enough seats for everyone on the plane.

    The problem was appalling management, that the airline could not properly manage the transfer of staff and filling of a plane.


    First mistake, they decided that the staff were far more important than customers and that it was OK to get staff to take up paid-for and booked seats (staff had not booked any seats - otherwise there would not be this problem);


    Second mistake, they did not perform the bumping BEFORE seating everyone on the plane. By that stage, passengers have already notified their relatives/lovers/colleagues/taxi drivers that they are on their way and it is very difficult to reverse out of that both from a personal management point of view and psychologically. Much easier to do it at check-in.


    Third mistake, if it was so damn important or crucial that the staff be moved, then the airline did not properly auction the seats as an incentive. If it was worth $10,000 per seat to move the staff, then continue to increase the offer up to that figure. The airline did not do so. If no one takes any offer up to $10,000, then you know that the cost of moving the staff is going to be much more than the value of moving them on that plane.


    Fourth mistake: use violence against your law abiding passengers. 


    Farang Hunter  -   +1;   for 4 mistakes


    I understand that the airlines have an overbooking standard what works properly in general.

    To solve problems by violence - as in this case - that is what I condemn. Did we ever hear about the same action from Thai Airways, British Airways, SAS, Lufthansa, ANA, JAL, etc. ?


    The problem originates from the United Airlines. Therefore they are responsible for the (violent) consequences.



  9. 1 hour ago, Stargrazer9889 said:

    It is time for President Trump to quit his campaigning and for the next 100 days

    act and do the job of being the President of the United States of America.

      Time  for the American press to do their work as well  and  adopt to President Trump

    and his new ways.


    The US journalists should adopt to

    • be lazy bums (complaning about their „hard“ job)?

    • abundantly telling and reporting lies ?

    • not fulfilling promises ?

    • be extremly egomanic ?

    • be far araway from reality ?


    In nearly all civilized democracies this man would stay in a nuthouse, in the USA he is  „qualified„ for president.

  10. Nobody refers to the best post in this thread.


    We all appreciate her flawless knowledge and the quality of her inputs to health related questions. So let's read it again and think about what is in a strong contrast to the „fears of the conservatives“, kindergarden-conservatives.


    On ‎23‎.‎02‎.‎2017 at 5:01 PM, Sheryl said:

    Bear in mind that transgenders who have undergone sex reassignment surgery will in fact have the genitalia of the sex opposite to that on their birth certificate.

    So this law based on birth certificate, if enforced, would actually be mandating penises in the ladies' room and vice versa.

    Speaking as a woman I would be uncomfortable having a person who looks male, acts male and identifies as male in the rest room I used.....irrespective of what is on their birth certificate. Similarly I feel fine sharing the facilities with anyone who looks, acts and identifies female regardless of what is in their birth certificate.

    People don't carry their birth certificates around. There is no feasible way of screening people's gender at birth at rest room entrances.

    Most transgender people will naturally use the rest room where they feel more comfortable and safe, which in turn will be the one where they don't stand out or attract unwanted attention. Which that will be, will depend on where they are in their transition.

    A transgender woman who has completed transition or is well into it using a male rest room is at great risk of attack. Even a transgender who has not transitioned but is dressed as a woman, is unsafe doing this. Somehow I don't think showing a male birth certificate will pacify assailants.

    Result: More problems than before and in strong contrast to common sense. A typical Trump problem. And very urgent :shock1:




    Experts have said the Pentagon could request additional forces, beyond the less than 6,000 American troops now deployed to both Iraq and Syria, helping the U.S. military go farther and do more in the fight.


    They also said the Pentagon may focus on smaller-scale options like increasing the number of attack helicopters and air strikes as well as bringing in more artillery. The military may also seek more authority to make battlefield decisions.




    When will these military bletherers ever learn that you cannot stop even idiotic ideas or religion by weapons. Maybe they believe they are able to shoot them out of their brains. Did they already forget the war against the Taliban?


    Why doesn't he start in the oval office of the White House?

  12. Quote

    Trump has branded some news outlets as "the enemy of the people" butBush said: "I consider the media to be indispensable to democracy, that we need an independent media to hold people like me to account," he said.

    "It's important for the media to call to account people who abuse their power."



    Compared with Trump the former POTUS and war initiator  GW Bush now seems to me as likeable as an angel.

  13. 2 hours ago, sweatalot said:

    Probably a terrorist act.


    The "authorities"  have lost all their credibility.

    The first thing they claim after a terrorist act is always "it was no terrorist act" and they keep quite of the Arab origin of the terrorist and his muslim religion.

    In this case

    The suspect had a knife. They do not mention his ethnic origin nor his religion.

    Logic conclusion: He is of Arab origin and his religion is muslim


    1 hour ago, hottrader77 said:

    angela mercel wont want to admit her policy of letting immigrants come to germany is lunacy , people with half a brain including cameron wanted them to set up safe zones inside syria but as usual they do nothing and this is the result 

    Here you see  a modern habit promoted by the new USA government: open your mouth before knowing some facts and close your brain, if existing at all.


    It seems this new and „modern“ style has already imitators in TVF.

  14. Trump later said he was talking about

    a Fox News programme highlighting allegedly surging crime statistics in Sweden and linking them to rising immigrant numbers, after a record 163,000 asylum seekers arrived in 2015. ...


    Regardless whether the content of Trump's comment is true, half-true(5555) or wrong, for me it's unbelievable and at the same time terrifying that the president of the USA refers to an unofficial, extreme and very biased source of information, the Fox news. That's the same as if Boeing would rely on the technical skills of some right-wing TV-members.


    Horrible and unbelivable at the same time. Assuming this „information“as a reality is already astonishing. But twittering - this means officially acknowleding that he, Trump, is the most unfit president, a symbol of a complete stupidity. Everybody with a little bit of intelligence would be ashamed giving such an excuse. Imagine these chanel would show a (fabricated) story about a Chinese plan to attack the US. Then this psychopath wouldn't hesitate to press the „A-“bottom.


    One day later the POTUS would argue “I saw it on FOX.“

  15. 30 minutes ago, mike324 said:

    Trump would be better of not opening his mouth or just read from a prepared script so he doesn't make silly mistakes and citing wrong facts and the constant need to clarify himself after every speech.

    If I were a cartoonist I would paint him sitting in a lunatic asylum watching Fox News and shouting "terrific, great," and some of his never changing always repeated favorite words, when watching war scenes on the TV screen, his left thumb and forefinger building an O, his mouth open like a rectangle.

  16. 59 minutes ago, xylophone said:

    Trump is the Clown in Chief in an administration full of them............

    By naming Trump a clown you insult the professional honour of a real clown.


    Judging his character and his uncontrolled behavior - he should be passed on to a psychologist, far away of his current job as POTUS. My deep respect to Mr. McCain for not going with the (sheepish Rep) flow.

  17. Let's have a sense of humor.

    If, yes if ...., Trump should dare to visit Germany let's play :  "US, US über alles ...". Just Trumps own words (=America first). I would like to see his face and the reaction of right-wingers.


    BTW, why do we need national anthems in sport events? In some sports - after singing the hymn - the so-called sportsmen don't mind to grab some parts of your body. Or even kick their feet or hands at your body. And this all in the name of their country? :post-4641-1156694572:

  18. 27 minutes ago, Grouse said:

    Tosh! Hitler was elected democratically

    And Trump, too.

    It seems they have something in common. Trump has very "nice words" for all who don't agree with him, a typical Hitler reaction. The USA now on the same way?  The future will tell us. Der Spiegel gave only a warning, and so many rightists are embarrassed!


    Somebody told me the people of the USA - except Trump and his cronies - like and defend the free speech.

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