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Posts posted by cassde

  1. Once you have satisfied yourself about any limits your bank may have, I would suggest you open an account at Bangkok Bank in Thailand, but make sure it is in your name only. Then you can take advantage of the Bangkok Bank's London Office to transfer your cash for condo purchase, in sterling, as previously advised. Doing this keeps the fees at a minimum.

    I did this recently for the purchase of my condo and continue to use the BBL facility to transfer all my cash.

  2. I have travelled from BKK to Philippines many times but very rarely can you get Pesos here in BKK. You can get US$ out of ATM's at the airport. I found it best to get pesos from ATM's in Manila - at a good rate too.

  3. I recently purchased an HP Pavilion netbook with a Windows 8.1 operating system, which comes with Google Drive already loaded. I had not used it previously so decided to move important files to Google Drive. For the first few days all was ok, then yesterday when I went to access the files I found they were missing. I had not deleted them or done anything with them.

    I then opened my old laptop and found the most important folder present in Google Drive. I copied it back into My Documents and subsequently into Drop Box.

    Has any member had the same problem with Google Drive and what can you do to try and recover your folders / files?

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