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Posts posted by phuketjock

  1. 3 minutes ago, xylophone said:

    You should know by now that reading and understanding are not strong points for some folk, which is why I have chosen to press the ignore button on one particular poster.........trying to get through is very hard and a waste of time in some cases.


    Common sense to do so really.

    Of course it is.        :coffee1:

  2. 1 hour ago, xylophone said:

    Well it didn’t take you long to get down to a basic level with your insult, did it.


    Mind you I should have realised that could be the case because you do have difficulty processing things. The prime example is the assumptions you made and which I pointed out to you, and which are clear for all to see, except you, because you accused me of “bending peoples words”……..strange comment when all I did was quote your words!


    As for your comment, “you don’t half like yourself don’t you”……maybe a bit of envy there jock?


    However I am proud of my achievements, as coming from a very poor background and leaving school at 15 with no qualifications, I could never have imagined that I would end up running an investment fund worth just under $2 billion, with 40 direct staff and many thousands of clients.


    And I am rightly proud of it, as I should be.


    Really not interested in putting up with your drivel anymore, so will press the ignore button on you.


    Awa' n bile your head.

    And another one bites the dust bye xylophoney, I have always seen the ignore button as 

    surrendering. I would not give anyone the upper hand by pressing it. Your choice.

    Incidentally it is hard to understand why someone with $2,000,000,000 would choose

    Patong or Phuket to settle, I can think of better places with that kind of money, but

    everyone to there own.       :wai:

  3. 10 minutes ago, xylophone said:

    Well I did start up a business with $100k in seed capital and build into just under $2 billion in 7 years, including seeing it through the "Tech stock crash" of 1999, so at least you are right about one thing! Not so with the 10 yrs experience though.....try over 30 yrs.


    However I cannot help the foolishness of those who decided to buy bars after the GFC when it was clear to me that the knock on effect would be disastrous. Wisdom and business expertise I may have displayed in my working career, but a magician I am not.


    Once external sources drive and influence the market segment in which you operate you are somewhat limited as to what changes you can make as a business and that's a key element in Patong now.


    However I seem to recall a few posts back that you were proffering solutions to these type of dilemmas so perhaps you could help them......I am sure they will pay you well!


    Och aye the noo!


    Haha, I have " proffered " nothing I merely stated that those with the appropriate foresight

    find themselves not struggling to the same degree as your unfortunate buddies.

     You don't half like yourself don't you??

    Poch ma hon sunshine.

  4. 54 minutes ago, xylophone said:

    Just as you have done to suit your purpose with my examples of your assumptions (which you won't admit they were)......touche old jock.


    Same same with yours but of course you cannot see it........touche again!


    That I do know, but have never seen this many empty and for lease before.....and it's the same with guesthouses, however you right about one thing and that is there are usually enough fools around to take them, but even that has eased off.


    You touch on this point but fail to see the irony when you mention "Thai owners"......because they continue to build and open establishments in the hope of easy income and you think that these businesses are making money?? Many are not and won't even do so when the next fool comes along. Thais will build no matter what the state of the economy.


    The place is oversupplied with shops, pharmacies, guesthouses, restaurants and bars making nothing or just about existing and as for empty and unsold condos, well that's another story.


    There are many posts on various subjects regarding Patong.........real estate glut, inability to sell, oversupply of guesthouses, poor infrastructure, empty shops and buildings and shophouses, stalled developments and so on, but according to you everything is fine and dandy. 


    As another poster has said, "I can explain it to you, but I can't help you understand it". 

    Baaaaa,  Baaaaaa,  Baaaaaaa,               :sleep:    :coffee1:

    If you are such a "very good business man of 10 years experience" why can't you help your mates out with your wisdom??


  5. Jim please be aware that there is no such thing as a retirement VISA but if you

    are 50 years old or over you can, after jumping through some fairly easy hoops, 

    obtain an extension of your permission to stay on the grounds of retirement.

    You do not actually have to be retired other than in Thailand.

    With this you can come and go as you please, indefinitely, no problems.

  6. 3 hours ago, xylophone said:

    Assumption: "I am sorry xylo if you have so many friends that got it wrong"  

    You make the assumption that they got it wrong. Perhaps it was right when they entered the business but world events change things which cannot always be redeemed locally.


    Assumption: "Things change and if you are not prepared to meet these changes...

    When things change dramatically it is not always possible to meet them as many huge corporations have discovered. Perhaps they planned to meet change, but not always possible when one is limited by type or location of business.


    Assumption: "they shouldn't have gone into their venture so unprepared

    That speaks for itself.......in business you can only prepare for so much. Perhaps they did their homework, but like the GFC, who could prepare for that?


    Assumption: "Constantly bleating on about it......."

    You assume that I am "bleating" but I am stating the facts as I know them. I am stating what I know and see, after all this thread is entitled "Patong is dead", is it not?


    So taking a lead from you I will go and tell the largest supermarket here that they have got it wrong and didn't do any planning, and whilst I am at it do the same for the large food and beverage chain cos I am sure they'd love to hear your words of wisdom.


    As for your comment in a later post about bars, well there was a time when bars were very profitable, now not so of course, but then again following your train of thought re bars, if there were no bars here then Patong really would be struggling and the whole economy here would be in dire straits.........after all, thousands flock to this place for the bars and nightlife and the spin off in business is HUGE; without them........???


    PS. This is my point of view and a post, not a "bleat", please try to understand the difference.

    Same old same old you and NKM are great at bending peoples words just enough to suit your purpose

    For the many people you see failing, big or small, there are just as many, if not more, who are not failing 

    or there would be no supermarkets, hotels ,guesthouses or bars at all would there?

    If you have been here for all those years then you will know that EVERY year, not just this year, there are

    a slew of bars go up for sale and change hands going to the next sucker in line. Every year the Thai

    owners are gifted key money and rent for the next season and invariably there is another one lining up

    the following season. It has been going on for years it is not a recent thing.

    PS. It may well be your opinion but when you post the same " opinion " over and over again it starts to

    sound like a bleat. cheers.

  7. 1 hour ago, NamKangMan said:


    "who in their right mind would invest their money in a bar" - who in their right mind would invest anything here, in the current economic climate????  Serious question. 

    People with the business acumen to see an opportunity when it


  8. 1 hour ago, NamKangMan said:


    You work in real estate here, don't you?


    I'd like to here what you think would be a sound investment here at the moment.

    You don't work in anything here do you, oh and you own nothing here do


    We would all like to see less posts from people who know little or nothing

    about the subject/s being discussed.

  9. 2 hours ago, NamKangMan said:



    The total of 1576 properties for sale were from only one website, not a total from many websites.


    You are welcome to challenge the accuracy of the website, but it clearly shows 1576 properties for sale.  How far out do you think those numbers are?  


    I posted the link. 

    Sorry no LINK that I can see??

    And consider the accuracy of the website challenged.

  10. 31 minutes ago, prophet01 said:

    Just thought I'd step in with my, what I like to believe, objective views:


    PJ said:

    "I don't know why they would Simon but I know they do, I can't read their minds mate.

    I can only suggest that they come back for more of what they came for in the first place."


    The words nail and head spring to mind.

    They come back for the same reasons non-Asians come back, of course... and I don't have to rely on reading minds either as I make a point, for my own reasons, of asking our customers from where they come. Generally the response from those [Asians] who speak perfect English is that they are Malaysian or Singaporean and they've been to Phuket many times previously as it's a great short break destination because of proximity and price.


    With respect to businesses finding the current climate somewhat challenging, what I'm feeling from this thread is some perception of entitlement.

    There are very few guarantees in life and even fewer with respect to future business success, no matter how successful any business has been in the past. This the reality. Those now finding themselves in this situation have to look at matters objectively with possibly having to make difficult decisions.


    Speaking for our business, following 14 years of year on year increase in annual turnover and profit made on the back of implementing changes to the business to adapt to changing markets, this has been the first year of flat-lining. I'm unconcerned as we have worked to build up a sufficiently high, sustained profit margin which, even if we were to suffer a huge fall in profits, wouldn't mean the death of our business or even close to struggling.

    With your permission may I add you to my list of local businesses that are not struggling and thank you for your insight into how to get it right.       :wai:

    I don't think anyone is having or going to have a highly profitable low season but the high season is

    not that far away is it?

  11. 4 minutes ago, simon43 said:

    Phuketjock said:





    With respect, you didn't answer my questions:


    "So why would an Asian tourist want to return to Phuket for a second holiday?  What is there on offer that would tempt a second visit?"

    I don't know why they would Simon but I know they do, I can't read their minds mate.

    I can only suggest that they come back for more of what they came for in the first place.

  12. 47 minutes ago, xylophone said:

    Well when the biggest supermarket and food and beverage chain here are feeling the pinch, then add in four restaurateurs I know (plus those that have closed) and guest houses/small hotels NOT to mention 10 bar owners, then the spectrum is pretty well covered.


    Easy to smugly suggest that they didn't do their homework or they should be prepared to meet the changes, but that is not the case. Some changes just cannot be catered for easily and when you own a restaurant or a small hotel perhaps you would advise them how they can turn a profit by selling trinkets or the like?


    Anyway you make too many assumptions in your post which renders it just about useless.

    Please tell me where I have " made too many assumptions "

    3 hours ago, phuketjock said:

    I am sorry xylo if you have so many friends that got it wrong and are struggling because of it.

    There are many in Patong who did there homework and have got it right albiet they are not

    making a fortune but they are far from struggling.

    Things change and if you are not prepared to meet these changes then maybe they shouldn't

    have gone into their venture so unprepared. Constantly bleating on about it is not going to make

    it any better is it?


    I said I was sorry that so many of your friends are struggling,

    and unlike you I know many people who are not struggling.

    I said things change.

    And lets face it you and BD and NKM are never done bleating about it are you?

    Where are the assumptions.

    The people who are not struggling were able to meet the changes easily or

    otherwise so please don't say it can't be done.

    There is nothing smug about what I am saying get off your high horse some

    people can get it right and some cannot just a fact of life, live with it or make

    a change up to you/them.

    I must say I had to double take when I saw BAR owners are you serious who in

    their right mind would invest their money in a bar seriously and you sympathise 

    and 10 of them no surprise there then.


  13. 6 minutes ago, simon43 said:

    Of course, Chinese and many other nations in Asia are hardly the sort to relax on a Phuket beach and sunbathe, (LoL, brown skin allergy etc).


    So why would an Asian tourist want to return to Phuket for a second holiday?  What is there on offer that would tempt a second visit?

    Many Malaysians and Singaporeans do Simon and Indians and Bangladeshis too, Asia is a big place.

  14. 27 minutes ago, xylophone said:

    Nothing fearful or paranoid in knowing what is going on in the town in which one has lived in for over 10 yrs and stating it..........in fact it won't bother many of the expats who live here one iota, apart from having to put up with rude and ignorant Chinese.


    I just feel sorry for many friends who have businesses here and who are now struggling to survive. 

    I am sorry xylo if you have so many friends that got it wrong and are struggling because of it.

    There are many in Patong who did there homework and have got it right albiet they are not

    making a fortune but they are far from struggling.

    Things change and if you are not prepared to meet these changes then maybe they shouldn't

    have gone into their venture so unprepared. Constantly bleating on about it is not going to make

    it any better is it?


  15. 1 hour ago, Bulldozer Dawn said:

    Of course, if you had any real experience in Thailand you would now that just because a Government office is looking busy, does not mean that any work is getting done.  Efficiency is always displaced in favor creating conditions that help to elicit tea money.


    Of course if you had any experience at all of the Phuket land office you would know better.

  16. 4 minutes ago, Peterw42 said:

    Yes, you are 100% right, lots of properties are listed on multiple sites and they sold years ago.

    A lot of it comes from the ridiculous multi layer commission sharing. An agent has a listing and if you can bring a buyer to the agent then you get a cut of the commission, this leads to people creating websites and listing properties that belong to other agents, then people start listing your properties on their website etc etc. The chain can be 3-4 agents and sub-agents between the buyer and the actual seller.

    Additionally, each agent often adds to the price, leading to some of the overpricing. So you can end up with multiple listings for the same property at several different prices.

    Could this possibly be where some of the doom and gloomers on this thread are finding their

    grossly exaggerated figures from??? 

  17. 7 minutes ago, xylophone said:

    Wouldn't be too smug about your challenge, although I think there was a certain amount of hyperbole in the ops numbers.........but look at the number of apts/condos thrown up here in the last few years: The Art, The Lofts, The Deck, The Charm, Phuket Villas, The Emerald, Bayshore Ocean view, The Scene, Unity and others whose names escape me.


    Then add in the houses which have been for sale for an age and you have  a huge resale market and a glut of sellers. Not taking sides but resale property prices here are very depressed........as was my friend when he only got 1.55m baht for his 62 sq m 1 bed apt, which he'd been trying to sell for 2 yrs!!!


    And the house I sold for 5.25 m 6 yrs ago I could have bought back at 60% of that recently............the sad fact is that there is a property glut, glut of sellers and few buyers and real estate agents will tell you that on the quiet (I know a few).


    So with bars, restaurants and small businesses closing like never before and spend down (and this direct from the owners and managers) and businesses suffering, all of which is plain to see, what is there left to debate........accept the obvious, it's on your doorstep, unless you don't go out much!

    That will explain why the land office is so busy then nothing changing hands???

  18. 1 hour ago, NamKangMan said:


    Interesting post MM2.


    "we would not lose money on it if we ever decided to sell it" - but could you sell it, should you want to or need to? 


    They are just no buyers around, and thousands, yes, thousands of properties, that have been on the market for years, would be competing against your property for a buyer, and they are still building more.  Why would yours be sold in a timely fashion, regardless of whether you made some money on the sale or not?


    "and in my opinion the balloon is about to bust but this will not effect the majority of people who knew what they were doing" - I agree the property bubble here will soon bust.  I disagree that the bust will not effect the majority of people, even the ones that did not pay an over inflated price. 


    Once again, when a housing market collapses, it's very difficult to sell, and the price an individual asks for the property must reduce considerably to attract a buyer.  A bust effects the price of all properties for sale, not just select properties.


    I know a lot of expats are happy living in their own home here, with no intention of selling.  This is fine, but I did touch on what, exactly, do they think they will be leaving their spouses upon their demise, particularly those expats that believe their house will be their spouse's "pension." 


    Once the expat has passed on, someone, at some stage, will look to sell the property, and I suggest not only will it take a long time to sell, attracting fees and taxes along the way, but the sale price will be significantly reduced than what many expats currently believe their property is worth, and this is something that is relevant to those who paid a fair market price and for those who paid an over inflated price.

    Please post a list of at least three thousand properties that have been on sale for years and

    the number of years that they have been on sale for. Or of course a link to same. In PATONG 

    of course, as that's what the thread is all about.

    What the heck I will make it easy for you just two thousand will be enough.    :cheesy:

  19. 1 hour ago, NamKangMan said:


    "How my business is or is not doing is just that, my business," - fair play.


    Can you post anything to show the sectors of property, retail, or hospitality are doing well on Phuket?

    You really do need to try and take in what you are reading.

    From my previous post which I assume you did read, but not very well it seems.

     "and it's highly unlikely that I would conform to any request by the likes of yourself."

    Go lick your wounds some more and hopefully it will sink in.      :coffee1:

  20. 4 minutes ago, NamKangMan said:


    For someone in business here, you are on TV a lot, yet, business is booming.  :cheesy:


    You said I have no right to comment because I do not own a property or a business here, so I drew your attention to comments made by someone who does, and because you don't like the reality, you resort to more person attacks.


    Post something to show property and business are doing well here. 



    On the contrary I said anyone and everyone has every right to post their opinion on

    TV . There is nothing personal about my posts, if you wish to identify with them in 

    such a way that is you prerogative.

    How my business is or is not doing is just that, my business, and it's highly unlikely 

    that I would conform to any request by the likes of yourself.

  21. 17 minutes ago, NamKangMan said:


    Play the post, not the poster.


    Do you have anything to contribute, other than personal attacks????


    Why don't you "attack" me by posting content that shows property is moving and business is booming????


    Geez, even LIK, who has property and a business here, said he believes the place is "failing."   Now, is his comment "hearsay" or first hand information????

    Haha Now you are using someone else's post to bolster your factless posts.

    You cannot conjur up something that does not exist like your knowledge of 

    business and property in PATONG.


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