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Posts posted by phuketjock

  1. 7 minutes ago, topt said:

    Well a friends Thai aunt has just sent a phone including the battery (old style small non smart phone) signed and tracked from the UK to Thailand - took 3 weeks to get to Pattaya. I don't think it was declared as being a phone however because I was surprised it turned up.

    The op is asking about sending from Thailand to UK, not the other way.

    Sorry you were writing your reply at the same time I was writing this apologies.

  2. 2 minutes ago, topt said:

    Well a friends Thai aunt has just sent a phone including the battery (old style small non smart phone) signed and tracked from the UK to Thailand - took 3 weeks to get to Pattaya. I don't think it was declared as being a phone however because I was surprised it turned up.

    What part of " sending a phone FROM Thailand to UK " don't you understand?

  3. 18 hours ago, RichCor said:


    ...said the guy whose phone just exploded on their nightstand    :shock1:


    Suggest the OP check the website of the prospective shipper, or contact them directly to see if they have restrictions or mandatory requirements before accepting shipments that contain Lithium-metal, Lithium-ion or Lithium-ion polymer power cells.


    Some delivery companies allow maximum of two Lithium-ion batteries per parcel, providing the special packaging requirements detailed overleaf are met and carrier documentation be completed and included with your consignment note.

    Thai post will not send a phone to anywhere unless you remove the battery,

    recently sent a phone to Malaysia that someone had left behind and no problem

    without battery, no go with battery. Just send it and buy a new battery in UK 

    problem solved.         :thumbsup:

  4. 3 hours ago, Mattd said:

    More informed posters than myself can confirm, but 99% certain that a letter from your Thai bank showing a regular income of 60,000 THB is not sufficient for immigration, they will need to see an income certificate from your embassy if this is the route you want to take, it is also 65,000 per month.

    Your info is correct for the monthly income route. 65,000 baht or equivalent certified by your embassy.

    Or 800,000 baht or equivalent in Thai bank for 2 months for initial application and 3 months for each

    subsequent application, or a combination of both.


  5. 42 minutes ago, The manic said:

    Its not so much repetition as reiteration of my situation which seems to have been misconstrued.  This line is the salient point: 

    1. How do I renew me extension based on retirement?  What documents do I need?

    Sorry Manic the post you are referring to was about your original post coming up over and over again,

    not about you repeating. I took it as a glitch on the TV forum website not your fault.

    The procedure and requirements for initial and renewal of application for retirement are more or less the


    Sorry for any unintended confusion caused.        :jap::thumbsup:

  6. 3 hours ago, Phuket Man said:

    Wrong information from them. 

    You just change the reason for application next time round.


    You have also posted in the wrong forum which is why you have had no replies.

    Maybe but when I, some time ago, decided to try and change from retirement to marriage

    extension the lady in charge, at the time, in Phuket imm. Office told me exactly the same

    thing i.e. that I would have to obtain a new non O from outside the country to change from

    retirement to marriage extension so unless things have changed, which of course is possible, 

    it may not be wrong information from them?? 

  7. 21 minutes ago, mommysboy said:


    Thank you for replies.


    I am living in Surat Thani City.


    When I first arrived I was asked to provide most of what was on the list attached, but on a subsequent renewal just the basics, ie, not the proof of address as I was already registered on their system.


    The medical certificate is a new one on me.


    I have to renew on Jun 3rd, so I have time and will get my wife to phone them up if possible.  I will also see if there is a local immigration website.









    Unfortunately as pointed out every imm. office has it's own quirky requirements but

    the basics are to all intents and purposes the same, I tend to take everything and some

    and usually don't need it all and if your office is not close that is the way I would advise

    you to go.

    • Like 1
  8. 2 minutes ago, Doiger said:

    this question is more of interest than a query.

    OP has stated he moved 60000 baht on average to his Thai account.

    does it not need to be a pension or income to be eligible for a retirement extension?

    The whole OP is a bit off, if he is doing a renewal as he states then surely he must have some idea 

    what is required from his previous application? or not who knows???

    • Like 1
  9. Just now, dentonian said:

    You can do your 90 day report 14 days before the due date.

    You can do your retirement extension up to 30 days before due date.

    You can do both together from 15th May.

    TM47 for 90 day report. TM7 for extension.

    Download forms: http://immigration.go.th/nov2004/en/base.php?page=download


    Attached pdf of documents required at my Immigration office.


    Documents for Extension - Retirement.docx

    Thanks dentonian but his post just keeps repeating over and over, I have reported

    it as a possible problem with TV. the repetition that is??


  10. If you are referring to your 90 day report due date you can do it 14 days early or up to 7 days after the due date.

    bearing in mind that all imm. offices and indeed all IOs have their own interpretation of the rules.

    in Accordance with the above you should be OK to do your 90 day at the same time as your extension, I have

    done my 90 day up to 6 days after the due date with no more than a furtive glance from the IO.

    You will require the following and as your doing a renewal you can forget about the prerequisites.

    And please bear in mind this copy is particular to the Phuket office







    What paper you ned whit Retierment extension in Phuket.jpeg

    You can of course do your extension renewal early without losing any time.

  11. 1 minute ago, canerandagio said:

    Thanks for the clarification, although just to ensure this is truly crystal clear: call it visa or call it 'permission to stay' there is no material difference, right?

    As for  your second point, yes, I see the logic of securing a reentry permit, but last time I got one it was dead simple after passport control at Don Muaeng, at it took 10 minutes should I be worried that this may not be possible?



    There is a difference canerandagio a visa allows entry and cannot be extended, and in this case gives you the ability to apply

    for an extension of your permission to stay, not a Visa extension, there is no such thing. If you allow your extension of your

    permission to stay to expire by not renewing on time you will have to start the whole process from non O through extension

    all over again. Your 90 day non O allows entry and stay for 90 days your extension of permission to stay allows indefinite 

    permission to stay in Thailand provided you can meet the necessary criteria each year when you renew. So quite a substantial

    material difference no?

    You can, as you have already done once, do your re-entry permit on exiting the country, I always have one in my passport but

    that's me I wouldn't think of taking the risk that I might hit some unforseen problem on my way out and end up having to go 

    through the visa and extension route all over when I get back and just for the sake of a re-entry permit that is so easy to get

    when I do my annual extension renewal. Your choice.

    • Like 1
  12. 4 hours ago, canerandagio said:

    I have a single entry non-O visa, for which I applied at the immigration office in Bangkok, where I arrived on a tourist visa. I did not have to leave the country (Thailand) to get it.

    I put 800,000 baht in a thai bank account when I arrived here (Bangkok Bank let's you open an account as a tourist) and I am over 50. I filled a form, got a couple of letters from the bank, paid 2000 baht. No police check, no medical check.

    Within 2 weeks I had my non-O visa valid 90 days for the purpose of retirement (see pic). Soon I'll extend it by 1 year and then I can renew year on year for life until the law changes. I will need a re-entry permit (I think 1000 baht single entry or 3800 baht multiple entry) if I want to leave the country.

    Full instructions on how to go about that are above in this thread.

    Just do everything in BKK, it'd dead simple, no need to get bogged down into the differences between O and OA. The fact of the matter is that if you want to stay here for retirement and meet the financial and age criteria then come as a tourist and sort yourself out here with a Non-Immigrant O visa. It's cheaper, no hassle and simple.








    Just to be sure and ,make things crystal clear for you, you cannot extend a visa but you can extend you permission to stay

    which you obtained on the strength of the 90 day non O and when that 90 day visa expires you can, as you say, year on year

    renew you extension of permission to stay, you no longer have, or need, a visa. Re-entry permits are 1000 Baht for single entry

    and 3800 Baht for multi entry and last as long as your extension is valid. I would urge you to obtain at least a single re-entry

    permit as soon as you have your extension, as it saves any panic should you find you need to leave the country for some or

    other emergency, not absolutely necessary for anything other than peace of mind. 

    If for some reason you leave without a re-entry permit your extension is no longer valid if/when you return and you will have 

    to start the whole non O/extension process all over again.

    • Like 1
  13. 19 hours ago, troyhaa said:

    Thanks everyone for your responses. We have heard good things about Welta. We are thinking we will spend some time looking around ourselves and spend a  day or two with an agent just to compare what is on offer. 


     @phuketrichard Are you posting on TA forum too?


    Im sure we will find something we like. Just didnt want to be ripped off. We only want to pay whats fair (If that's even possible)


    Any other thoughts would be appreciated 

    You need to read the recent thread in this forum " Loud Neighbours What to do? "

    before you rent. 

  14. 3 hours ago, villa82 said:


     I "invested much time" gathering information that I needed to live here in Thailand, and it didn't cost me a penny, Google search is free, as are the websites you would use to find the information you need, so I'm really not sure how or where you would spend any money doing this?


    Does using the correct terminology really matter so much when we all know what the poster really means, it's always the usual suspects on here that can't wait to point out "it's not a visa, it's not a visa!!!", who gives a ****!


    Oh, and I'm just about to do my fifth marriage visa, yeah that's right, I called it a visa, even though it isn't, but you still know what I'm talking about.


    Sorry if I've caused any chaos...

    I see. You didn't spend any money or much time but think about someone who has to make 2 or 3 or even 500 km

    round trip to get to his required immigration office only to find the info he gleaned from you and people like you 

    wasn't quite correct and had to return home that day and re-do all his paperwork and make the same long and

    expensive trip to his nearest immigration office . How would you feel about that villa?

    When you use the incorrect term marriage VISA it is not a problem for me and others who understand that the

    selfish thickos on TV could not give a toss about anyone but themselves and their massive egos, but it can, and

    often is, quite a problem for people who DON'T know and NEED to find out. Unfortunately some people are not as

    clever as you ( think you are ) or perhaps as well educated.

    So please don't try to be a smart a$$ because you are not and some people do give a ****!              :wai:


  15. 2 minutes ago, wpcoe said:


    I know that discussion of use of the terms "extension" and "visa" can lead to holy wars, so I'll try to traead carefully.


    Most Immigrations Officers are not native English speakers.  I think they probably began calling extensions visas from hearing mis-use of the terms by us foreigners.


    A Thai employee in a store will universally use the term "finished" to indicate an item is out of stock.  You understand what the employee means, but do you then alter your use of the terms with other native English speakers?  It's the same thing.  I don't think we should necessarily change our proper use of English with each other based on an IO's use of terms in his/her non-native language.


    When I first became active on this forum I thought a visa-exempt entry stamp was a "visa on arrival," but then learned that the latter term was a class of visa for residents of certain countries.  I also thought that when I went to apply for a retirement extension that I was getting a Non-Immigrant O-A visa, but I learned the difference.  If *I* can be taught the correct terms, then most (all?) forum users can, too.  Try it , you'll like it!  :biggrin:

    Thank you, Thank You, Thank You. Just when you think all is lost a little bit of sanity/common sense shines through,

    you Sir/Madam have made my day.           :thumbsup:        :jap:

  16. It is hard to be certain as your info is sparse but it looks like

    No 1. Is what is called a long stay or 1 year O-A Visa based on marriage, and to 

    be eligible for this I believe, but am not 100% certain, that you will require, a. A 

    medical certificate, and ,b. A police report. If this application is successful it can

    give you up to 2 years stay in Thailand, after which or anytime during you can

    apply for an extension of stay on the grounds of being married to a Thai national.

    I may be wrong but I am not aware of any requirement to border hop on this visa.

    No. 2. Is exactly as glegolo says above I believe.

  17. 2 hours ago, DaleBkk said:


    I know the rules and requirements for obtaining a retirement visa... you totally miss the point of my question

    I am asking can you use a bank account that operates without a passbook and use a statement for documentation to replace the bank book.

    I suggest if you don't know the answer be quiet and don't respond with unhelpful irrelevant posts.

    I'm sorry Dale but if you knew " the rules " you would most certainly know there is no 

    such thing as a retirement VISA, so the answer to your op is no you cannot renew a

    retirement VISA with or without a passbook because there is no such thing.............

    • Like 1
  18. 2 hours ago, louse1953 said:

    Fair enough,but when Immigration officers call the 2 extentions of stay Married and Retirement visa,where does that leave us.Common usage has taken over from the correct terms.Immigration has found it easier to refer to the extentions as Married and Retirement,easier for us and them.

    I cannot dispute your claim but I can tell you I have been doing retirement extensions and 

    90 day reports for the last 10 years at 2 different immigration offices and I have yet to come

    across or every hear any I.O. refer to a retirement or marriage extension as a VISA so I would

    have to say based on my personal experience your claim is at best flawed.

    Is it not better to use the correct terminology when you can or is it better to use the wrong one

    because someone else is even if they are wrong??  I suggest the I.O.'s you have come across are

    just being lazy, but that does not make them right does it? By following the lazy I.O.s you are also

    being lazy and perpetuating the problem for people coming on here to get correct information.

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