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Posts posted by phuketjock

  1. 2 minutes ago, NamKangMan said:


    A snap shot of the Phuket News Forum shows 16 out of the 18 threads running on the first page are to do with a crime, or a death.


    The crimes ranged from counterfit goods and land encroachment, to assault, fake passports, ATM fraud and dangerous driving.


    Of the deaths, there is suicide, road fatalities and one unexplained death. 


    Of course, such statistics could just be a coincidence.  Right???

    Crimes range from "counterfeit goods " not new ' land encroachment " not new " assault " not new " fake passports " not new 

    " ATM fraud " not new " dangerous driving " not new, so just a normal snapshot of Phuket news, what's new???     :coffee1: 

    Of the deaths, suicide, road, unexplained, again same old same old what IS your point just another day in paradise no??

  2. 10 minutes ago, NamKangMan said:


    Oh dear.


    How any times does it have to be explained????


    I'll make it simple for you. 


    You have ten Chinese tourists spending 200 baht a day each.  (not including accommodation)  (10 X 200 = 2000 baht)


    You have one European tourist spending 4000 baht a day. (not including accommodation)


    Which tourist/s has injected more money into the Phuket economy?


    I am sure you have heard the term, "zero baht tourists."  


    Basically, they are called "zero baht tourists" because there's no money in catering for them, and you somehow think the Chinese are going to save Phuket's tourism industry. 


    Also, the Thai Military / Government has cracked down on this tourist demographic.  Here's a random article.




    "Normally, we would have 100,000 during this period," Ronnarong said, adding that 30 to 40 travel operators have gone out of business because of the crackdown."


    "Chinese travel agents are not recommending Thailand because it suddenly became more expensive. It is easier for them to sell cheap package tours to South Korea or Vietnam," Ruengdet told Reuters.


    Go figure. 





    So the doubling of numbers from 2010 to 2016 is all down to chinese visitors then yeah right...................

    I think your logic may be flawed????

  3. 20 minutes ago, NamKangMan said:


    Whilst some members on this forum might find humor in the financial distress and suicide of others, I do not.


    Thailand has one of the highest household debts in the world.  I doubt Thailand's position has changed much since this graph from 2014, and if anything, it's probably got worse.




    I predicted, what I called, "The Phuket Financial Crisis" and I stand by that prediction.  I believe the Phuket economy has, and will continue to contract.  I expect to see even more "For Sale" signs than we are currently seeing.  A lot of those vacant properties and businesses no long have people injecting money into the local economy.


    Unemployment will increase, so will drug use, and these will see a further rise in crime, particularly property theft.






    The above link appears to blow your shrinking Phuket economy right out of the water.

    Tourist numbers have doubled from 2010 to 2016 and are still rising, doesn't sound like a contraction to me??

    Despite what you "believe " these are the facts, and your predictions are nonsense.

  4. 1 hour ago, Tilacme said:

    I have a beautiful Thai wife who is not about to dump me (spare me the cynical comments), and can meet the financial requirements for a an extension of stay based upon retirement.  So from the posts, the main difference is that with a marriage extension I can work in Thailand, hmmmm its all I can do to function in this heat.. 

    Yes you are right if you don't wish to work and you have no problems with the funds side of things I would 

    suggest that retirement extension is the way to go imo a lot less hoops to jump through and no waiting 1

    or so months for approval generally.

    • Like 1
  5. 53 minutes ago, HooHaa said:

    he should tell the ministry of foreign affairs that they are doing it wrong.




    Yes this is a visa for one year which gives the holder if they so wish the ability to apply for an extension

    of stay on the grounds of retirement provided the application is made before the visa expiry date. It is 

    not automatic and this is NOT a retirement VISA and it cannot be extended.

    The applicant must meet all the necessary requirements to obtain a retirement extension on application,

    as in paragraph 5.4 of your link, which incidentally at no time mentions anything to indicate that a non "O-A"

    (Long stay) is a retirement VISA, or anything other than what says on the tin, long stay visa nothing more.

  6. 44 minutes ago, HooHaa said:

    ok, they are not visas,  they are extensions of visas. 


    "as long as you have the required amount of money in the bank for the requisite amount of time"


    im not even going to even justify this piece of pedantry.

    No they are not extensions of VISAs, you cannot extend a VISA.

    This is exactly the reason I continually correct the wrong use of terminology 

    I am not being pedantic, are the people on this forum really so thick that they 

    cannot grasp the difference between a VISA and an extension of permission 

    to stay???

    You made a statement about locking up cash and I merely pointed out there was

    no need to lock up your cash how can that possibly be construed as in any way 


  7. 23 minutes ago, HooHaa said:

    advantages of retirment visa, no wife needed.  Also no dependancy on your spouse come renewal.

    disadvantages of retirement visa, more money required in bank.


    best of both worlds, non o on the basis you have a thai child. no wife required, can work, less money down required, often you can just show you have cash, no need to lock it up.

    Not sure what you mean by " no need to lock it up " for either marriage or retirement extension no locking up of funds is required 

    as long as you have the required amount of money in the bank for the requisite amount of time before your extension application

    there is no need to lock any money up and post renewal/application approval you can do what you wish with your money until next

    year.   And they are not VISAs.

  8. 2 hours ago, YetAnother said:

    Might want to factor in if something should happen to the wife

    she runs off or dies or divorces

    Married or not if you are on a retirement extension you don't have to factor in any of these things

    and apart from the money there is far less paperwork and no waiting for approval with the retirement

    route. Imho if you are over 50 and have the money retirement extension is a much easier way to go 

    and you do not depend on your wife or her status to renew annually. Like uJ I have been doing

    extensions for 9+ years only I am on retirement extensions, done in one day pick up pp next day,

    most imm. offices issue the same day I believe. 


    • Like 1
  9. 1 hour ago, mamboze said:

    @ubonjoe & Anythingleft?


    Thanks for your helpful advice. The problem with the retirement visa is the financial requirements, so perhaps a marriage visa is the way to go. Are there any other alternatives?

    mamboze there is no such thing as a retirement or marriage VISA they are extensions of your permission to

    stay based on retirement or marriage to a Thai national and are normally referred to as a retirement or marriage 

    extension they are not VISAs. Please try and use the correct terminology, thanks.

  10. On 5/12/2017 at 8:48 PM, prophet01 said:

    As promised, here's an update for those who might be searching TV for similar information.

    The door unit was installed by Nathan's team some 4 months ago following his visit to survey the job, discuss, advise and provide a quotation.




    Due to work contract commitments this has been my first opportunity to come back to see the finished product first hand and I'm pleased to say that I'm wholly satisfied with both the quality and, much more importantly, the massive reduction in street noise which was really the sole purpose of using double glazing.


    In fact, the only time I now hear any traffic noise above the background of our room's air-con is when a particularly noisy, unbaffled motorbike, heavy lorry or dumb-ass tuc tuc blaring out music at high decibels drives by and even then it's heavily muted. Pure bliss.


    Would recommend this solution to anyone with the same noise problem. Would also recommend Nathan and his team at PSD.


    Looks great prophet.

  11. 2 minutes ago, Confuscious said:

    You see, phuketjock, if I was wrong, I would accept it.
    But the one who is wrong in this whole discussion (which you tried to Hijack and convert to a discussion about Visa and extension to stay) is YOU.
    You said a few alineas above that there is not such thing as a "Visa extension".
    IF you know already that there is no such thing as a "Visa extension", what is the point to discuss this meaningless error and accept that the expression "Visa extension" should read "extension of stay"?

    I end this senseless discussion about Visa and "Extension to stay here.


    Now you really are confused, I made 2 posts and in none of them did I even mention 

    anything about " visas extensions or indeed extension of stay " i think you may be

    confusing me with what ubonjoe said, which incidentally, was absolutely correct.

    If you continue to use the incorrect terminology in the future I can assure you you

    will continue to be informed of your errors so I would ask you to make some effort

    to learn the correct meanings of the terminology you wish to use, but as they say

    here in Thailand " up to you ". 

    • Like 2
  12. 1 hour ago, madmax2 said:

    Over the hill in Kathu is the only real thai market, fruit, vegies, meat, poultry, fish etc

    Turn left at the caltex lights if you are heading east

    I think they are all " real Thai markets " Max it just depends which one is handiest or more convenient

    on the day, it is hardly worth driving all the way from Patong to Kathu veg market for a few bits and pieces

    is it?

  13. 22 hours ago, LivinginKata said:


    Yes, That's the only market in Patong. Although the Makro on Nanai is very popular with locals Thai's buying fruit and vegetables.

    Wife says Banzaan prices greatly inflated because of tourists, she uses Makro on Nanai.

  14. 2 hours ago, phuketjock said:

    And guess what it is in the general forum where I posted my question which

    was summarily closed for not being Thailand related, but I guess if you are on the 

    Thai visa Team you can post where you like??? but not if you are just a lowly member.

    So can anyone at support give me some idea where I should be posting my question 

    as this was Rimmers last to me, so here I am talking to support????


    " Talk to support about your problem


    Rgds "

  15. I posted a topic in the general forum ( could not find appropriate forum ) asking for information 

    on the Eiffel tower, and it was closed because not Thailand related which I understand but would 

    it not have been just a little more helpful if Rimmer had advised where it could be posted or even

    transferred it to the correct forum because I could not find one that I thought fitted my question.

    Very unhelpful don't you think?? 

  16. 1 minute ago, madmax2 said:

    I have never had food poisoning at this restaurant, but i have at the 3 star tourist resort i first stayed in and my daughter in law was also ill from eating food in a 4/5 star resort when they were last here on holidays, also at a more expensive tourist oriented restaurant on the main beach rd at Rawai. You are right of coarse,to each their own, or try before you buy, but try before you criticize a business also applies, and you have not done so 

    Sorry Max you are too OTT for me I have not criticized any business as yet and I will choose my own places to

    eat thank you very much. You certainly picked the right name for yourself, imho of course.          :clap2:

  17. 3 minutes ago, madmax2 said:

    Of coarse anyone is entitled to their opinion about which restaurant is best, and in what post did i claim the other restaurants were no good, i said the restaurant at the northern end which we use was the best,  in our opinion of coarse, why don't you try them yourself then you can have a opinion of your own


    It was not me who rubbished any restaurant but another poster, so get you facts straight


    We went there regularly before the military made the restaurants take the roofs down that shaded the tables and kept them out of the rain, at that time they had a old dog but no cats from memory

    2 days ago when we went again there was no smell of cats pee and no cats, and the food and service was excellent as i posted in my original post, its great the other restaurants have excellent value for money food, maybe people will start using again like they did when the shade was there

    You do get a bit off course don't you. Nowhere did I say that you claimed any restaurants were no good nor did 

    I say you rubbished any restaurants, just that your opinion is just that an opinion no more no less than anyone

    else's, take it easy man relax before you have a stroke mate.            :thumbsup:

  18. 2 hours ago, madmax2 said:

    Just trying to help the Thai businesses their, eat at anyone of them you want to but give them a try, 

    you will not be disappointed, much better value for money than the ones on the main beach road especially the farang owned and run ones 

    Unfortunately Max I am rarely impressed with the level of hygiene and sanitation 

    I usually observe at most of these beach shack type venues although I have from

    time to time eaten at many of them up and down the country, and yes I have from

    time to time been quite unwell as a result of doing so, but each to their own I 


  19. 6 minutes ago, madmax2 said:

    How wrong can you be, because i live permanently in Thailand, i have not been on a overseas holiday since 2003 and believe in supporting Thai people in business here before supporting foreign owned or controlled businesses that gives me a ulterior motive does it

    No involvement at all , but if you are going to accuse me of something just come out and post it and make my day, as Arnie is fond of saying, no need to be anonymous

    Since i live here permanently and the same as living in Australia i look for value for money in every business i patronize i like to let other expats know who may be interested

    If you think that is a ulterior motive please let me know 

    " Me thinks he doth protest to much "

  20. 17 minutes ago, glegolo said:

    I do fully agree with you concerning that it is your thread. But what concerns your aggresiv tone towars me, it puzzles me a bit..... I am asking myself why really??


    My logic does not at all suggest that you have an extension of your re entry permit.. I suggest that you learn what a re entry permit is and stands for, to begin with..


    And I finally accept the fact that my post did not hit you, but others may actually learn from it. Sorry to answer in YOUR thread....


    And plse be more polite and nice to people, otherwise you will be having a hard time here in Thailand socially, as you already may have noticed....



    If there is continued bickering the thread will be disrupted so please calm down.

    I believe the correct term is " An extension of your permission to stay on the grounds of ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, "

    so although they are  different they are definitively connected.

    So each renewal is in fact a NEW, up to 1 year, extension of your original, possible many years

    ago, permission to stay imho.      :wai:

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