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Posts posted by shrimpythailand

  1. Momento Mori is correct... all misdirection for the Big Picture.... usa losing world reserve currency, GMO foods, ongoing wars to support the usa military industrial complex, big banks, stock market manipulation etc and on forever.... wait till Monsanto owns all the patents for all thai rice and everything else and not just here in Thailand... they are hoovering up every last email, skype, mobile phone call worldwide.... one article has them with 700 servers around the world with some here in bangkok... besides all the satellite communications...any yahoo, gmail, hotmail email and your old mails all storedaway... funny a few years ago when the big 3 email accounts had 1 gig, then 2,5,10 gigs+ now of storage since 2001 and it's all been sucked up by the NSA... yah they may not read or listen to it all - but it all is stored away now... foreign countries plans and inter gov mails and also big corporations from every country - just so they know which way the wind is blowing in Thailand and every other country... if they were listening to Merkel's mobile and other heads of states they are listening to all heads of states for info and other good tidbits that can be used for free trade deals and other big corp info...

    just saying... even this thaivisa post... 5 5 5 "Hi boys... whatz up today at the good ol NSA?"

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  2. been here 12 yrs meself - about 4 years ago on a nice bright sunday morning 8 am... young kid about 20-25 from rich 3 house compound across the street fired a couple of bullets off and is dancing around in circles in the middle of our small street with some 9 mm gun totally yaba'd out of his mind and yelling stuff... so I go out to the front yard to see what the heck is going on... so i give him the evil eye stare but as he is dancing around in a circle I get a slow mo picture of the center hole of the barrel in my mind's eye pointing right at me.... but he kept dancing around for a minute more until dad or uncle came out and grabbed him... but the wiff gave me heck for even going outside - I was only 30 ft away from the kid... never saw the son again as the family must have shipped him off somewhere after that...but will remember the big barrel hole ...damn... anyway - better to laugh it off here or walk away... even if he just raised his shirt to show off his gun - he might have 7 friends right there that would jump you in a new york minute if you tried and got his gun away...

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  3. well I ain't no sherlock crash invetigator either ... but... if the jeep was 200 meters away down the road from the truck he was going damn fast.... just clipped that rear end of the truck... either did some 360's or whatever to get that far away...as he sure didn't drive straight into the back and stay there like a norma "rear end" accident... hard to believe it didn't roll over a few times as well... however.. if the truck was pulled over and didn't move he is sticking out a foot into the lane... and there is one light pole that is on in the truck pic so it does look like it is a lighted part of road... I just hate the roads that have no streetlights on them here...make driving real fun...but how he smacked the right side corner of that truck and kept going is amazing with the damage to the jeep... looks like he should have came to a full stop.. or he hit it on an angle just enough to peel the left fender and hood back to kill himself and kept going... have to be 200% careful driving here... slow or fast but especially when going too fast on any roads here... anything can pop out of either side and ruin your day or your life real quick...bicycles, food carts being pushed or pedaled, motorcikes, cars, milk trucks... no lights or lights... you name it and therea re still another 1000 combinations that come at you from any direction on thai roads...been driving here 12 years and something new amazes me every day

  4. the 12 smiles of Thailand yes....there is a book about it that tourists and expats should read once but yes - any woman getting raped is bad.... hopefully they were not going with the men to get paid and then not get paid... which would not be good either... but to get beat up and raped for no money is not cool anywhere.. and then too lose I phones as well... can track them that way... hoohaa... another sad day for Thailand ... let 's see what happens if the guys get caught...

  5. One of the more interesting points about Suthep is that despite all his years as a top dog in the Dems, he would appear to be now saying that the Democrats are equally corrupt and useless and not fit to govern the Country (a sentiment that I would totally agree with!). Why else would he be calling for his "Peoples' Council" and not for all good men to roll their sleeves up and work for a Dem victory in the polls?

    I wonder what little Mark feels about that? Anyone heard a squeek from the Dems recently? Apart from their floundering about like a fish out of water deciding whether to boycot the election, or not as the case may be.

    good point - new election - get in there and get the votes going.... this "people's council" Suthep wants seems like pie in the sky if you have a country that does have "real elections"....but maybe he is right that reforms have to come before an election... that being said.... Yingluck and the reds may get voted back in with all the wishy washy Dems not doing much... and the rice scheme AND the new car scheme may actually end up bankrupting Thailand and I think they still have to borrow the 350 billion for the water/flood program? Suthep got his election call... now he seems to want to hamstring the whole country up.... oh well we will see...all in all the Dems were a little more fiscally responsible... and the rice and new car schemes are totally for the popular vote... but in the 3-4-5 billion dollar in debt range for the government... but it gets the votes...just who is going to pay for it all? I know I help - my paycheck stays here in thailand and helps out... 5 5 5 but cannot vote...

  6. This is so funny ,, I think the captain will have some explaining and some expensive back handers to pay next week when top cops meet up with his admiral ,, bringing shame on the Navy will get him and his cronies in serious poo ,,,, looks like the shop owner will also get a nice face saver in his pocket too.

    Exactly... brings to mind a few NEW RULES for Thailand

    Rule # 264 Never slap a mobile phone seller around the face with a calculator and then throw it on the floor

    Rule # 265 Pay for broken calculator right then and ask seller to delete any video from her phone before she shows her husband

    Rule # 266 NEVER ask a Navy Captain for 200,000 bt or even 50,000 for a broken 100 bt calculator when said Navy captain has already made amends with wife and paid for said broken calculator and whatever else

    and last but not least

    Rule # 267 NEVER try to fight off 10 military MP's at a police station in Chonburi after asking for 50,000 bt compensation from said Navy captain and hope the cops at the station will help you out with 10 MP's bashing you with their billyclubs.....

    5 5 5

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  7. Thailand.

    Almost #1 for murder percapita

    Come one Thailand, you can do it!

    Oft repeated on TV but just not tyre. Thailand ranks 100 something on the list according to UNODC.

    http://www.nationmaster.com/graph/cri_gun_vio_hom_fir_hom_rat_per_100_pop-rate-per-100-000-pop.... Thailand 3rd at 33 per 100thou people

    here you go with TL at 33 per100thou people that puts it right in at about # 6 with honduras, jamaica, el salvador, swaziland, guatemala, (thailand) then Columbia..

    very nice company...


  8. "nearby cliffs which were too steep to climb."

    So they were hardly "in the middle of the ocean" then!

    What stupid comments!

    Have you ever tried to climb even a modestly rocky area with a full set of diving gear on? I don't think so, otherwise you wouldn't have made this stupid comment. Steep cliffs and sea swell don't go together too well I can tell you from past experience.

    If you read the story, they say that they were abandoned in about a five foot swell and as an ex diver I can tell you that it can be extremely difficult to spot divers in the water in those kind of conditions from small boats. You don't have to be "in the middle of the ocean" to have some turd ruin your life. One of the biggest problems in this kind of scenario, is that divers can get seperated by currents and then you've really got a problem and add to this that the sun was setting; it all adds up to a very nasty scenario where people could easily have lost their lives. It was extremely lucky that one of the divers had some form of inflatable device (it didn't say what in the article) that was most fortunately seen by the passing snorkeling boat that came to their rescue. The so called 'Captain' should be prosecuted for risking the lives of the divers. Even If he had engine problems - he should have stayed on station on an anchor line. This dive company should be 'named and shamed', before the morons do it again and loose somebody.

    good point - I am not a diver but leaving 6 people in the water - even near cliffs but in 5 ft swells and claiming "engine trouble"? yes the company needs to be named as it looks like nobody (captain or company) will be prosecuted here... tourists AND 2 thai dive company employees? good gawd...not to mention all the other boat accidents and deaths like the Indian newlywed in the parasail death - when the captain didn't shut the motor off and the lines were pulled in by the engine and killed the woman... and Thailand wants millions of beach going tourists and divers? I guess nobody remembered to explicitly tell the captain to wait here for us? like the scene in the Monty Python Holy Grail when the guy is talking to the 2 guards and they can't get the instructions right 5 5 5 whoa... you have to flip a coin here every time you "intrust" your life to someone...

  9. was at a bar on suk 33 last year when one of the coyote girl's boyfriend showed up on his motorcike at about 1 am looking to get her money she had earned that night.... no violence but 10 minutes of heated talk and his grabbing her arm and trying to force her to leave the bar.. ugly sh**.. 10 falungs there watching it all and the falung owner came out and got her out the back door... but this is thailand... the deadbeat thai boyfriend hitting his "girlfriend" waitress/dancer up for money right in front of the customers and it was starting to get iffy....is he really going to drag her down the street we were all saying....

    anyway.. as I was told a few years ago by a "good" thai woman... No Free Sex....maybe this is what happened here?

  10. Loong - yes you have the right to know where your stepdaughter is.... first time ok... have your wife set the rules down...taking the neice to the corner store is one thing - taking her out for the day and not telling family what is going on is something else... first time ok... set the rules down via your wife and you should be ok... even your wife should wan to know where the girl got to...mai pen rai only goes so far here anyway... many thai's would not put up with their daughter or son going off for a few hours with the uncle without knowing what the heck is going on...let you wife sort it out and add any other rules you need laid down as well with the in laws and rellies over who takes who where and for what and how long.... not acceptable even for most thais to not know where the young one is.... i have been here 12 years - no kinds but have grandson etc... even if he is off with his dad's family everyone knows... but then maybe I am the last one to find out if I want to do something with him...5 5 5

  11. The dam is 110 % full? Why on earth doesn't some one occasionally think mmmm.. looks a bit full to me a bit earlier in the rainy season and think .. well if we let some out now there will be enough space for more water next time it rains. If they monitored flow in flow out coupled with the weather forecast it could be a continus flow and level.

    5 5 5 I am wondering how a dam gets to be "110%" full???.... i live in the infamous "white house moobahn" in Rangsit so I am going to have a look on google map as well and see where this river runs down.... of course if they release too much water we would maybe see a bit of 2011 again here in 2013 - but maybe not as bad... altho it is flooding in a lot of different areas this year.... hmmm...

    yikes.... 110% full.... <deleted>...

  12. Hopefully compensation will be paid alot quicker than last time. Some of my wifes friends in Rangsit are still waiting for the promised payout after the 2011 flood.

    Sent from my GT-I9003 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    5 5 5 i have been in Rangsit 12 years and got flooded in 2011.... never saw a baht of the "supposed" 5000 bt help.... then heard maybe 20,000 - never saw that either and we signed up in time and all that... seems like maybe money was handed out to whoever but then it ran out... whatever... am glad of cement walls tho... glad we don't have drywall and wood construction....was not that terrible to clean, re wire and paint...was not fun but a life experience...seems like this year the flooding is all from the other direction...



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  13. thai marriage pretty cheap and easy... I paid 2500 bt to the usa embassy for the affidavit saying i was legally divorced or not married.... I had my divorce paper but the us emb person signs the paper....real easy... 2 pages that has to be signed at the embassy... then get it translated to thai...and stamped athte Chang Wattana immigration building...that cost something - I forget 500 bt I think... then off to the Amphur for the 40 bt thai marriage cert. nice colored paper - 2 copies for 40 bt and one hour... you just need to find the right thai woman tho first....

    to the ozzie guy with wife that lived in oz.... I think you have to get your wife an Oz passport and also register your kid with the oz embassy... whatever all that costs...would be hard for your wife to get back to oz later and with the child without all the oz passport and official docs....my friend just moved his thai wife back to Oz - they lived there 18 months and it wasn't long enough for her to get landed status as he took a job in Singapore and she needed24 months I think.... anyway - took him 3 months to get all the paperwork done now and she got down under no problem... he did have trouble getting the Singapore police report that he didn't do anything wrong in Sing for 10 years as the sing police doesn't give those out anymore ... anyway... best to call the oz embassy and find out what you need to do....

  14. I thought it was 3000 - and people were going to the small town cop shops to registar as drug free and getting shot on their way back home....

    previous comment - suk 3-5 looks pretty bad just from a casual glance I get now and then ...I heard it's free delivery down around suk 1-11 for whatever... but it's all over - the burbs - the thai company I work for has a 50 man machine shop and it turned out the foreman had 90% of the guys on yaba to help then stay awake at work.... he just got fired and all the stories came out....he was selling and also taking cuts on all their paychecks for payment.... gawd...

    The last time this was said . 2003, over 2500 people were killed, according to police reports. The majority of these killings were done by the BIB. Only 4 police officers have been convicted, in the case of 1 death, and they were released on bail after being convicted of murder, and sentenced to life in prison. coffee1.gif

  15. my 26 yrs in Vancouver... way back the VST had tons of penny stocks... literally pennies per share... some real - lots were fake.... gold mines, all sorts of stuff... and some guys made large ... imagine say 5-10 thou invested or less and the stock goes from 5 cents to 20 cents or higher....easy money.... if it was a fake stock - well take the .20c or a $1 high from .05 cents and say "thank you"...thought they were watching it more but maybe not... but scamming 140 million is tough when you take someone's life savings.... and from a "real" stock exchange.... 5 5 5 sad stuff... but Wall st has been doing it for over 100 years and not many are getting caught... legal gambling .. except now in the 100's of trillions of derivatives.... with NO checking.... watch out for the next big Wall st. BS...

    I know that I can google this, of course, but just for conversation purposes, why is it called "Penny Stocks"?

    Because that is the cost of them.

    Check the TSX venture exchange in Vancouver Canada.

    They even have smaller ones like the one in Alberta.

  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nsdlg3cbUgw#at=2500

    Alan Grayson interview over this stuff....the 4th amendment clearly states that us citizens are protected from all this crap.... the NSA has been hoovering every phone call...not just telephone numbers but the whole call.. every last website google search (BTW I just changed to start page search as supposedly they don't give out searches - just because) every email, every facebook and social network post.... I mean come on man... it is NSA gone "wild" as Grayson puts it... yes he waffles a bit on 9/11 on this interview but...they are recording every phone call, every skype call, every email and websearch from everyone... and the 700 servers worldwide


    like I am not a terrorist... but to realize that every last thing I do on my computer on the internet is scooped and saved? as Grayson points out ... only some 40 or so "terrorist" things have been really stopped.. but does that give the government the right to hoover up every last internet data traffic... in the name of protecting yanks against "terrorits" ... nah come on and grow up... they are running roughshod over the whole constitution... funny also - I have felt that everything I do on the net is being watched for like 1-2 years now...now I know... every gmail email, every website these jerks are collecting everything.... will be interesting to see how hard it is to get a new passport in 2017 when mine is up...

    yah let's have "security" ... if you whine or complain about the us gov... well guess what... the file for how many people? 1 billion files are now accesed by a simple search program like xkeyscore...Snowdon isn't lying about it.. but John Cole? of the NSA sure as hell did in front of Congree last month "we are not recording a single thing" or whatever.. what a crock of BS that was...today on www.rense.com some family in new york or wherever was searching back packs for dad and pressure cookers for mom and they got visited by the cops for a full blown search... standard usa family with no "terror" plot.... well that is what they are going to use the full spectrum hoovering of information for...not just phone numbers and times of call... jeez.. it is everything you do and all stored on the new 2 billion dollar+ Utah storage facility...and what is worse is they have been doing it for years now...

    anyway - I am going to stop now before I blow a gasket.... 5 5 5 I am in the Gasket and Seal business here...Grayson says in the video that NSA guys were handing around tapes of phone sex form us army people calls to their wives back home.... Snowdon is correct... they can access any little phone call woth this Xkyescore program and the huge data base storage... like 1 billion items per day? and I don't call that freedom - especially when it goes against the Constitution.. say Hi to Da Boys... as this post is now on record somewhere in the belly of the beast....



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  17. As someone who is regular there and was there ,this article says only a small part of story. I'm not blaming nobody,i am just being objective.

    Article says only about not wanting to get off the stage and flipping the tip box. It didn't mention 2 drunk americans disrespecting/swearing/insulting people/bend,putting a microphone in pants and at last just before leaving bar -spitting in a face of a thai girl which was girlfriend of bend musician that was singing.

    A story has always two sides. Of course they didn't deserve to die but their really bad behaviour was reason someone did die. When someone come to holiday and then behave like that i don't even want to think how then they behave in their home country.

    Wow - well I just read this after I posted a comment....whoa... ok

  18. Mr Ratikorn told police that he was knocked to the ground and could not breathe because one of the Americans was grappling with him. He spotted a metal object nearby and used it as a weapon.

    ok so the band gets upset and goes outside... tip box knocked over.... jeez they could have asked the yanks for a big tip...maybe got more in a tip than they get playing 3 sets in the bar? or did the band sit outside stewing over the lack of respect from the bar patrons... the yanks leave the bar and who started the fight? doesn't say.... but yes self defense if you are getting beat up is OK...(killing in the name of?) but did he just happen to grab any metal object and stab the yank in the stomach or maybe he had his own metal object (knife) on him... anyway - it could still be self defense...big falung guy beating up a small thai guy...anyway - face was lost in the bar... fight started OUTSIDE the bar by who? ya'll heard of the 12 smiles of Thailand right?

    taxi driver samuri swords to death a yank on sukumvit over a 51 bt cab fare... stabbed to death outside a bar for singing to long on stage with the band and getting into a knock down fight outside the bar ? yah self defense comes into play but this is thailand... could have happened in the usa as well I guess

    come on.. you absolutely cannot get into a fight here... drunk or sober... taxi, tuk tuk drivers, common criminals and now thai muscian...lose of face was enough to boil the pot and then someone was too drunk to not diffuse the sitchiation down...you have to be AWARE living and holidaying here... yes big problems... tourists getting whacked every day over any little thing... this is not la la kids if you can't keep your wits.. i have been here 12 years and nothing real bad has happened... but I hope I know when to smile and make things right if I do go over the line... like singing too long on stage.... gawd...sad story and even sadder to read it



  19. I think since the 100K bt payback for the new cars has rolled out I have seen a lot more timid drivers making weird lane changes and things...all with shiny new small cars...but certainly less contrived money making police driving around than in the usa with - I have had my few stops here - one day i got 300 bt back from a 500 bt bill for a 200 bt fine - and the officer had to go get the change...and one day coming back from the beach with family in the back of the pick up and the wife sitting in the front seat - pulled over on the outer ring road for having people in the back of the truck the officer says to me and the wife in the front " anyone here speak thai ?" which got a rise out of the wife... she wanted the ticket at first then we paid the 200 bt... 5 5 5 nice cop with a sense of humor... but yes no honking of the horn.. have to watch out for giving the bird to anyone as well...but yes - no probs with the cops - but you have to be looking 360 degrees when driving here... I live out in the northern burbs and you just have to watch every car and motorcike and pedestrian...

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