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Everything posted by Ctkong

  1. Class action lawsuit by the parents upon the teacher who meted the punishment? Time teachers made known about consequences of their actions . Thailand is not a barbaric nation.
  2. This is a different issue. Truth is Tom has been uploading their private sexual videos to outside parties without their consents regardless the narrative.
  3. Maybe it is the thrill of stealing, maybe it is poor social upbringing but at his age, old habits die hard. Anyway it is giving the Thai impression of expats or tourists a black eye.
  4. I am a wine drinker and had been to neighboring countries like vietnam Cambodia and myanmar . All those countries have cheaper booze especially beer and wine. Even a Muslim country like malaysia has cheaper prices too. I guess any Thai who wander overseas do see the difference and the ridiculous prices charged in their home country.
  5. Obviously rural thailand has a low entry bar for ‘abbotship ‘ given the huge number of temples having few monks.
  6. Lack of logic and greed main driver.
  7. Mooban security guard is not paid enough for him to do police job. It is better he must do the job assigned to him which is gate keeping and route policing. What goes inside the houses is not in his job description and maybe even detrimental to his health if he gets nosey.
  8. Maybe the Thais were disgusted by the type of quality tourists that they had to content with. ? Thai tourists will never behave overseas like the white trash you encountered regularly in pattaya as such antisocial behavior from thailand will never have the opportunity to travel overseas to western countries. The entry bar is much lower in thailand for tourist.
  9. I have seen alcohols being drunk after lunch hour (12-2pm). Upon enquiring, was told those alcohols were bought and paid for during the allowed period only to be consumed after 2 pm. Thai logic. So long as the cash register can operate within the time, anything is possible.
  10. When in third world countries, always beware of having drinks with ice. Drink from the bottle if unsure of ice quality. The appearance of the ice cubes can give a clue on the quality of the water. Crystal clear round ice pieces with a hole in the middle indicates the source is from an acceptable factory as the water was filtered and cooled at a certain temperature to give the crystal clear look. Opaque and irregular shaped ( chipped) ice pieces denote a fly by night operation . These ice are usually used for preserving seafood during transportation and not fit for consumption .
  11. Most probably staying at BnB outlet judging that whole family staying in one spot. Upstairs and downstairs. Always use portable door alarm and jammers if staying in BnB outlets as their security is questionable with past renters who may have duplicated the key. Most rentals do not use electronic door security that can be changed after each rental.
  12. Sanctity of every human soul should be taught to every teens …. At Mor 1 & 2 raging hormones may be one of the culprits. Everyday playing ‘war games’ environment on their phones can create a false reality of their world believing the dead can come back alive. Don’t they know death is a one way street and you are culpable for your actions? Throwing away the future over a trivial dispute.
  13. Sticker on trucks racket had been around for ages . I had a friend from chonburi 2 decades ago who had a fleet of trucks with special stickers sourced from Thai mafia . The stickers denoted that ‘fines’ were already paid to relevant authorities in advance so all they had to do is brazenly overload to make up for their investments.
  14. After getting false passport in Hanoi, he came back to Bangkok to fly home tempting fate instead of flying from another country where he is not notorious ?
  15. I see the problem of thailand being a ‘paradise’ in the eyes of tourists … lacking enforcement and Thai laissez-faire attitude towards road safety sort of influence their throwing caution to the wind attitude. Monkey see monkey do. Moreover no travel insurance cover incidents of travelers having no valid driving licenses, no helmet or drink driving. These days of internet is no excuse for any traveler to be ignorant of the scams and accidents in their foreign destinations.
  16. Classic method is to put one person in front of the mark and another just behind along the escalator. upon reaching the top of the escalator, the person in front of the mark took a step backwards with the mark ‘crashing’ slightly into the person in front. once the mark is distracted by the accident,the light fingered accomplice execute his operation from behind. The mark may not feel the physical intrusion due to too many touches. Both in front and back. They may use two persons in front and back of the mark to block the view of the crime from other passengers. This method is widely used in Singapore .
  17. Sad to see Buddhism being depicted here in Thailand. What happens to sincere seeking of nirvana ? Adhering to the precepts and way of life ? Many are uneducated and ignorant of the theological part of Buddhism.
  18. Exposing naked selfie foray ,for social media likes ,next to a monk is not respectful and not part of thai culture. This is a no no. Tells you much about this lady’s social values.
  19. Maybe the rental car tourist just having some spare time to do some driving for spare change on a special understanding with some foreign owned resort. It happens in other countries too but with own car not rental. I used them to go to airport because they offer a competitive service and safe too as the hotel use them regularly.
  20. Tourists areas everywhere worldwide have scammers ripping off tourists .. it is what it is. People should research the places they are going to familiarize about the charges. We brought a couple of overseas friends last sept to the market . Booked a motorized boat negotiated down to tb800 for 4 people. Business was quiet then too and more than half the stores were closed.
  21. Thailand has her own unique culture. It is what it is. You as a guest ,try to live the best you can, with her warts and all. Select optimum location for your lodging, your community and triple window glazing for best noise insulation. Walls can be double gypsum walled for insulation too. Not effective if low bass frequencies like discos though. Grousing with your entitled value system in your host country will not elevate your grievances.
  22. Mum Aroi at Nakluea is a reputable restaurant offering great food at affordable prices .service staff also experienced and efficient. Been eating there for years with no adverse complaint at all. Owner just teaching others in future not to simply post accusations on social media without first resolving it amiably with the restaurant.
  23. Thai logic says of course it is the driver’s fault! If he had not been driving that day , he would not have been in the accident.
  24. Ninja would be a more appropriate word....
  25. I personally believe many investors are aware of the huge risk involved in such scheme but because of pure greed, they thought they are able to get out fast enough after reaping the high payout before the scheme collapse. Early birds would profit handsomely if the scheme run a couple of years.
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